Tue.May 30, 2023

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JAVMArt Jubilee celebrates 50 years of JAVMA cover art


The artistic creations that have graced the covers of JAVMA since 1973 will be celebrated during a special event at the 2023 AVMA Convention this summer in Denver.

Denver 287
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I just saw a video of one of my neighbors burning a turtle alive. What should I do

Reddit Animals

I guess video was taken a few days ago but I just saw it. It’s one of my neighbors and someone I go to school with. It was a video of him throwing a already bleeding turtle into a massive bonfire and letting the poor thing burn. I’m thinking about reporting this but I don’t know how or who to go to. Please help. This is really disturbing.

Turtles 40
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Elephant who lost foot to cruel snare trap walks again thanks to prosthetics

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/cityof_stars [link] [comments]