October, 2017

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Should Puerto Rico be Part of the ABA Area?

10,000 Birds

Hurricanes Irma and Maria recently caused devastating damage to the U.S. territories in the Caribbean: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Most residents are still without electricity and there was extensive damage to homes, buildings, and public infrastructure. Recovery and rebuilding will be long, difficult, and expensive. The human toll has been and continues to be staggering.

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Animal Ethics

This blog had 925 visits during September, which is an average of 30.8 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 30.9.


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An Absolute Beginner in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

I have just returned from Costa Rica, the country about which I knew very little, despite it coming under my radar all the way back in 1999 when the “Africa – Birds & Birding” magazine published some of John Graham’s experiences from his visit in 1993. But, living in the Western Balkans, Costa Rica – and the entire New World – seemed not 14 hours of flight, but more like 14 light years away.

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eBird Economics: How Much Would You Pay to See Birds?

10,000 Birds

Birders derive “value” from birding. But does the value of a particular trip come from the number of birds seen, viewing a particular species, seeing an endangered species, catching a glimpse of a rarity, adding a lifer, or something else? How much do birders value a birding experience? Some aspects of birding can be calculated and studied economists.

Oregon 185
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Bird Migration and Conservation Meet at Selva Bananito, Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

In Costa Rica, October is our May. Birds begin to filter down through this southern part of Central America by August but the biggest avian movement happens during the third and final weeks of October. While birders up north are pishing up sparrows, digging the Autumn weekend at Cape May, or twitching vagrants, we are busy with kingbird flocks during our height of migration.

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They’ve Got an Awful Lot of Birds in Brazil.

10,000 Birds

Way down among the Brazillians, Coffee beans grow by the billions, So they’ve got to find those extra cups to fill, They’ve got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.… The Coffee Song lyrics ran like an earworm through my head as I prepared for my September trip to Brazil. Only, once I got there, I discovered that the coffee, while good, can’t compare to the birds.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of September 2017)

10,000 Birds

Weatherwise around the world, this last weekend of September delivered a sneak preview of what each of us will likely enjoy or endure over the six months. We’re not fully into winter or summer yet, but the scent is in the air. Most of the birds you see these days, however, won’t be sticking around long, so take advantage while you can! On my nature rambles this weekend, I ran into a couple of White-crowned Sparrows.

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2017 Bird Images

10,000 Birds

For the last several years, I have produced a small run of calendars for my fiends and family. The best 12 images of the previous year. As simple as that might sound, over the course of a full year, I will shoot more than 20,000 photos, While that seems like a lot, it works out to about 400 per weekend, if I were to be in the field 50 of 52 weekends of the year.

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Pink-headed Duck: The Search is On!

10,000 Birds

About four years ago I first wrote about the Pink-headed Duck , a charming species related to the pochards (although how, exactly, is up for grabs, like so much duck taxonomy.) Maybe they’re extinct. Maybe they’re not. Presumably, only the swamps and reedy rivers of Myanmar hold the answer. Now Global Wildlife Conservation is out to get some fresh evidence and hopefully re-discover the species, which was officially last seen in the 1949.

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Bosque El Centinela

10,000 Birds

Several weeks of travel have wrapped up with our visit to Guadalajara, Mexico. This town, with its adjacent municipalities has a population of over 4 million people, and is steeped in Mexican history and lore. Despite the huge population, many large parcels of land have been set aside for parks and green areas. In our visits to Guadalajara, we have always stayed in the community of Zapopan.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of October 2017?

10,000 Birds

We’re entering the most frightful weekend of the calendar year, and I’m not referring to the debut of the new season of Stranger Things. Halloween draws near, which casts a ghastly pallor over the next several days. Whether you’re looking for ominous owls, macabre night-herons, or sexy Halloween bird costumes , be safe out there. I’m working through the weekend but hope to do a little more lakewatching.

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The calm after the storm

10,000 Birds

Hurricane Nate looked set to disrupt my first visit to Louisiana. Reports predicted that we would make landfall in New Orleans at around the same time. Hopes for a brand new list from a whole new state were dampened by the outlook, but the dodgy digit of Disruption (from fickle Fate’s other hand) decreed that the trip would have to be extended.

Louisiana 101
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Searching for the Puerto Rican Parrot

10,000 Birds

Way back in January Mike and I made a quick trip to Puerto Rico with the hope of cleaning up on all of the endemic species on the island. I’ve been lazy about blogging about our birding adventures there but the recent hurricanes and Jason’s excellent post on the idea of including Puerto Rico in the ABA Area have spurred me into action once again.

Parrots 101
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of October 2017)

10,000 Birds

If you’re feeling some measure of terror right now, you may not be thinking of the season’s cavalcade of horrors. No, what scares me is the idea that migration will be ending soon… Nonetheless, this time of year introduces a suite of seasonal birds. Some lakewatching at the Irondequot Bay Outlet was rewarded by my FOY Purple Sandpiper , a rather brown bird feeding on the rocks of the jetty.

2017 100
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Birding Lake Junaluska

10,000 Birds

Lake Junaluska is surrounded by mountains, beautifully situated in scenic Western North Carolina, near the famous Blue Ridge Parkway and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. My friend Elisa and I hit the walking trail in early October, taking in the beginning of the autumn foliage and fall flowers (her) and any available avian species (me). We walked just over two miles, first along the road, then on the edge of a few quiet neighborhoods before looping back on a picturesque footbridge over the w

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of October 2017)

10,000 Birds

Fall migration in many parts of the world has reached or passed its peak. We as birders know well that there is always more to see, but we still don’t want to miss the most exciting moments. What kind of excitement did you encounter this weekend? I was fortunate to not only run into some tasty year birds like Pectoral Sandpiper but also some local birders I knew only by name.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of October 2017?

10,000 Birds

In parts of the world north of the Equator, May and June stand out as banner months for birdwatching. Indeed, many consider the gaudy display of spring migration the dizzying peak of a full year of birding. But while fall migration may pass in more muted tones, the excitement in the air, sustained by southerly winds, feels no less magical. So much is on the move right now… what are you going to find?

2017 100
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A little Mexican Woodpecker

10,000 Birds

Inhabiting the southwest portion of the US, and nearly all of Mexico, the diminutive Ladder-backed Woodpecker can be found is a relatively wide variety of climates. From the arid desert of the Baja, to the almost jungle like areas of the Mexican mainland. This small woodpecker, 6-7 inches over all has a very strongly barred back, hence its name sake, and a white cheek patch surrounded by black.

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of October 2017)

10,000 Birds

As always, I’m eager to hear everyone’s weekend birding adventures. Be warned, though, that I just finished this terrific book , so your stories better be good! I did make it to Montezuma NWR as promised for a veritable wealth of waterfowl, but my BBOTW turned up in the form of a Winter Wren in my local park. Corey decided on a mission this weekend: he would get his Nelson’s Sparrow for the year.

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of October 2017?

10,000 Birds

Once autumn starts creeping in, I can’t help but think about what exotic birding location to visit when I invariably need to escape the local winter wonderland/hellscape. Maybe this year will be someplace birdy in Africa , or perhaps I’ll get back to the Caribbean (even though that won’t help my ABA list !) The entire world beckons.

2017 100
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Dawn in South Carolina

10,000 Birds

Near the turn of the 20th century, wealthy influencer Bernard Baruch bought coastal property in South Carolina. In just a few years he had consolidated over a dozen plantations, accumulating nearly 16,000 acres of coastal forest, saltmarsh, and beach. His daughter Belle fell in love with the property, known as Hobcaw Barony, eventually making it her permanent home.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of October 2017)

10,000 Birds

Weekends are fun. Long weekends are more fun. No need to complicate something so simple. I’n thrilled to finally have made it to the High Line in NYC, a triumph of design in the public space that was well worth the wait. Plus, I saw a Common Yellowthroat there. Corey spent all day Saturday in one spot watching birds during the Queens County Bird Club’s Fourth Annual Big Sit and any one of the 74 species they spotted could be his Best Bird of the Weekend.

2017 100
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Where Are You Birding This First Weekend of October 2017?

10,000 Birds

October may be the month of terror–particularly for those of us horrified by the pervasive spread of pumpkin spice flavoring–but the first weekend of the month can be idyllic. When people say they love fall, they usually envision early October. A slightly smaller subset of those autumnal advocates also envision all the migrants still streaming across the skies.

2017 100
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Ten Years Gone

Animal Ethics

Here are the posts from October 2007.

2007 40
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White-necked Heron

10,000 Birds

The White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica is a very large heron that inhabits wetlands around Australia and is aptly named with its distinctive white neck. The only similarly looking heron is the Pied Heron , but that species stands at only 43-48cm instead of 75-100cm. The White-necked Heron eats crustaceans and during our stay at Corella Dam in Queensland the White-necked Herons were actively eating the red claw- freshwater crayfish in the lake.

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The Fourth Annual Queens County Bird Club Big Sit

10,000 Birds

This past Saturday, 07 October, was the day for the Queens County Bird Club Big Sit, our fourth year of counting every species we could see from the hawk watch platform at Fort Tilden, in southwestern Queens. Previous years had given us some idea of what to expect: in 2014, our inaugural year, we netted 72 species ; in 2015, we topped that with 76 species ; but in 2016 we had horrific weather and were washed out before the day was halfway done and only had 35 species.

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Birding Without Borders: A Review

10,000 Birds

BIRDING WITHOUT BORDERS: An Obsession, a Quest, and the Biggest Year in the World. By Noah Strycker. Houghton Mifflin, 352 pp., $27. ISBN 978-0-544-55814-4. The most impressive photograph in Noah Strycker’s new book is not one of a bird, but of the author. He’s standing next to a pile of several dozen birding guidebooks — the stack is fully as tall as the 5’9” Strycker himself.

Sri Lanka 141
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“The Birder’s Guide to Africa” by Michael Mills

10,000 Birds

Starting in the mid-1990s, there was a “where to watch birds in…” series of five site guides written by Nigel Wheatley and covering South America (1994), Africa (1995), Asia (1996), Europe & Russia (2000) and Central America & the Caribbean (2001). I was always curious, but never had a chance to study any of them. Anyway, they are heavily outdated by now.

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Butte Valley Wildlife Area and Meiss Lake

10,000 Birds

A few weeks ago I led a field trip to Butte Valley Wildlife Area. It was a destination I had never experienced so I made a few phone calls and got some information from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife agent who actually runs both the Butte Valley and the Shasta Valley Wildlife Areas, which are about 25 miles apart. Butte Valley Wildlife Area is approximately 13,200 acres including the 4,000-acre Meiss Lake, 4,400 acres of intensively managed wetlands, and 4,800 acres of various ty

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The Australian Bird Guide: A Review

10,000 Birds

Are there birders out there who do not dream of birding Australia? Possibly birders who have already birded Australia (but, wouldn’t you want to go back?) or birders who live there (but, how can you bird it all?). It’s a place made for birding fantasies—a huge land mass that is also an island and also a continent far from any other land mass except for neighboring New Zealand, a geography that has given rise to an amazing range of endemic, resident, and migrant birds, from dainty, confid

Australia 109
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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