October, 2018

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The Cherokee National Forest just got bigger!

10,000 Birds

616 acres added in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s still possible (amidst the scurry to take from public lands) to protect our pristine wilderness areas. Through multi-partnerships, cooperation, federal funding, and the private conservation efforts of one family, 616 acres were officially added to the Cherokee National Forest in September 2018.

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7 State Parks for Fall Colors and Birding

10,000 Birds

Leaves and birds in the Appalachian Mountains. From now through the first week of November (2018) autumn leaves are peaking along the ridges and valleys of the Appalachians. This time of year is doubly good if you’re also a birder! Here is a list of my favorite mountain state parks to visit during the first brisk days of fall (and into the winter). North Bend State Park, West Virginia.


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Costa Rica’s Best Birds of Halloween

10,000 Birds

The final days of October are naturally spooky, at least in the north. It gets darker earlier day by day. The Maples and Oaks are in a rush to drop their remaining leaves and “shut down” for several months. Increasingly cold winds play with the crumpled dead foliage and if we stop and listen carefully, the lurking, unfriendly breeze whispers, warns, “winter…” It’s a valid warning, much colder and darker days are coming and Halloween sits on the threshold of th

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Warblers on a Fence

10,000 Birds

I took advantage of Indigenous Peoples Day today to get some birding across Queens done. On my voyage of discovery I hit quite a few parks and by early afternoon I had had enough. But I still pulled into the parking lot at Meadow Lake in Flushing Meadows Corona Park where I figured I would do a quick scan of the lake before getting home for a nap before the rest of the family got home.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Birds on Posts or Birding North Dakota

10,000 Birds

If you like birds on posts, if seeing “little brown jobs” posing nicely in the distance as you drive or walk along a dirt road only to have it fly away as you approach makes you deliriously happy, then North Dakota is the place for you. I love sparrows, so seeing a feather-worn Vesper Sparrow this past July filled my heart with joy. I was on New Jersey Audubon’s Grand North Dakota birding tour this past July, driving along dirt roads through the prairies of western North Dakota

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Fall Birding is the Best Birding

10,000 Birds

Nothing much tops birding in autumn. The days are crisp and cool. There are more birds in autumn than at any other time of year. Sparrows predominate but there are a host of other species to find and identify. If it’s a good finch year like this year is there is the ever present knowledge that something awesome, like a crossbill or a grosbeak, might cross your field of view.

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St. Michael’s summer birding along the Danube in Serbia

10,000 Birds

It was only a few days ago, yet it already seems like days long gone. Unlike today’s cold and gloom, it was a warm St. Michael’s summer day and one that beckons to be spent outdoors (Indian summer is locally named after St. Michael whose saint day is celebrated on October 12th). We were heading to the Djerdap (Iron Gates) Gorge National Park, stretching along the south bank of the Danube in eastern Serbia, to do the 400 km / 250 mi bird tour interconnecting possibly the very best sites around Be

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Can’t go birding? Knit them yourself!

10,000 Birds

I haven’t had much time to bird. After looking for different species every day for the first six months of the year, lately I can’t manage to actively search for any kind of bird unless I’m traveling. The usual excuses apply: I’ve been sick, tired, busy with work, etc., but it still sucks. Since my hour or so of free time every night is usually relegated to my living room with night falling outside, any birding I do has to be compatible with the couch.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of October 2018)

10,000 Birds

A lot of thrill seekers immerse themselves in mock terror the weekend before Halloween. If you want to hear something really scary, consider this: we only have two more months of 2018! Between work and rain, I saw nothing but mundane birds this weekend, and not even in good light. Mourning Dove was about as good as it got, so make of that what you will.

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of October 2018?

10,000 Birds

Did you participate in last weekend’s Global Big Day ? According to eBird , more than 17,000 birders from 146 countries tallied 6,136 species of birds. Wow! Whether you were part of that international birding brigade or not, you can make this weekend big too. There are still a lot of birds that need to be seen out there! I’ll be kicking around Rochester trying to clean up my year list.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of October 2018)

10,000 Birds

Can anyone deny that a perfect autumn weekend ranks as high as any span of days any other time of year? When summer’s rampant growth tips over into gaudy rot and all your old avian friends pass through on the way to points south, when nothing tastes better than a ripe apples after a fall hike, those are fine days. Anyone who didn’t spend this past weekend somewhere in the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere missed out!

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Little Big Year-Week 37: Settling down in Tucson AZ

10,000 Birds

Now that we have “settled” in Tucson, Arizona, or at least this is where the 5th Wheel is for the time being, it has been nice to be able to spread out a bit. When you live on the road, you don’t get stuff out much, since you will need to put it away by morning so you can be on the road again. I have my bird books, field guides and reference material out where they can be gotten to in a moment’s notice.

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of October 2018?

10,000 Birds

As October winds down, dark minds turn to bats and other creatures of the night. But don’t spend all weekend in the shadows. Birds are flying fast and far these days, and you don’t want to miss them. Somehow, I booked myself for another weekend of work, but I’m hopeful I can catch one of the last straggling shorebirds in these parts.

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Sand Point Family Vineyards: Cabernet Sauvignon (2015 Lodi Appellation)

10,000 Birds

At last count, there are 25 species of birds named for U.S. states, with varying degrees of geographical relevance (sorry, Tennessee Warbler ). But only two states have more than one bird named for them: Hawaii and California, with nine and seven extant and eponymous species, respectively. Considering all the birds named for the Aloha State are Hawaiian endemics, while none of those named for California are restricted in range to the Golden State, California made out pretty well in the bird-nami

2015 113
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Little Big Year – Week 36: Southern New Mexico hotspots.

10,000 Birds

Rarely am I caught too off guard, when it comes to visiting a National Refuge. Most of the time, I know enough about an area, or have done some research into what is found there, that I am pleasantly surprised at best. Not so with our visit to Bosque de Apache NWR in southern New Mexico. The refuge turned out to be 100 times more than I had ever possibly thought it might be, and a place I have vowed to return to, for a much longer visit than I scheduled this time.

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Return of the Aramides.

10,000 Birds

These rails were featured in a 10,000 Birds post a few weeks ago. The Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail , Aramides saracura , was seen as the light was fading over the Botanical Gardens (Jardim do Botanico) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. On that occasion, I was only able to photograph one of them. But this time, I was able to enjoy an intimate moment between the pair and would like to share it with you.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of October 2018?

10,000 Birds

We’re at that point where the season to come seems more present than the one just passing. Case in point, many of us in Upstate New York just experienced our first frost, mild yet chilling in its implications. Days on the northern half of the globe are becoming visibly shorter, while the southern half is getting more light and warmth. This far from both summer and winter, we should expect flashes of both.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of October 2018)

10,000 Birds

Migratory months are made for Big Days, Big Sits, and generally Big birding hauls. How Big was your weekend? Corey had an amazing day on Saturday at Fort Tilden doing his Big Sit. (He’ll be posting all about it later today.) During the sit there were lots of good birds as is only to be expected but the one he nominates for his Best Bird of the Weekend was any of the three unexpected Turkey Vultures that came soaring through near the end of the day, mostly because they were so unlikely and

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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A Relaxing Big Day in Florida

10,000 Birds

Originally, I had big plans for the October Big Day. I would wake up in darkness, gather my camera and binoculars and drive to Alabama for a birding tour along a river. I would tick off migrating songbirds, from tanagers to vireos and everything in between. I would add new sightings to my current year list, which has stood at 250 since the Bell’s Vireo I spotted in Kansas on September 7th.

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Blue-winged Kookaburras at Ellendale Dam

10,000 Birds

When we have camped at Ellendale Dam in the past we have invariable been woken by Blue-winged Kookaburras and they are often the last bird to call out as the sun drops below the horizon. The call of the Blue-winged Kookaburra is not the laugh of the Laughing Kookaburra , but a more manic sound. In fact they may not even call at all and despite their size they may well be overlooked if they are sitting quietly in a tree.

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Where Are You Birding This First Weekend of October 2018?

10,000 Birds

We in the United States are looking at another long weekend at a terrific time of year to get an extra day of leisure. Argue all you wish about the Great Age of Exploration and exploitation of indigenous peoples. I’ll refrain from getting political for once and just go look at birds! I’m heading down to rural Pennsylvania this weekend to see what migrants might be turning up on the old farm.

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Satin Bowerbirds and their bowers

10,000 Birds

Over the years that I have been writing here you may well have noticed that we often come across Great Bowerbirds ‘ bowers. The contents of Great Bowerbirds ‘ bowers are mostly green and white and depending on the location the items may be natural or man-made. Bones feature heavily in the bowers in Keep River National Park. There’s a good mixture of both man-made and natural items on display in the bowers at Big Horse Creek and Katherine Gorge National Park.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Queens County Bird Club 2018 Big Sit Results

10,000 Birds

I had high hopes for the 5th Annual Queens County Bird Club Big Sit this past Saturday at Fort Tilden. We had persevered through four years at the top of Battery Harris Platform and could bring our experience to bear on the task of trying to record as many species as possible on a single day from that single spot. Not only that but the weather forecast, which called for winds out of the west-northwest and northwest all day long after days of south winds, was as perfect as we could have hoped for

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Little Big Year – Week 35: Route 66, Tucumcari and The Albuquerque area

10,000 Birds

After our brief trip thru the great state of Texas, we were headed back into New Mexico, a state I was quite excited to explore. I have been all around the western states, here and there, but never spent any time in New Mexico. Our first stop was a mutually agreed upon stop, in Tucumcari. This historic little town, is well known for it’s relationship with the old Route 66.

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Little Big Year – Week 34: We visit Colorado and Texas

10,000 Birds

With Wyoming and South Dakota in our rear view mirror, we look toward Colorado, and a hot spot I have been anxious to visit. Trinidad Colorado is located just a few miles north of the Colorado – New Mexico border, and home to the Trinidad Reservoir. This area also is where I hope to fill in a few target birds, like the newly spilt Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay, Pinyon Jays and Prairie Falcons.

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Little Big Year Week 33: Yellowstone

10,000 Birds

Last week we were in the Teton Valley, getting ready to head over to Wyoming, and Yellowstone National Park. Things were getting much colder, and the threat of snowfall was looming. Snow is not something I want to deal with when pulling a 30 foot 5th wheel, so we were planning to make like our many feathered friends, and migrate south to much warmer climes!

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Collaborative list – September 2018

10,000 Birds

The nights are drawing in and the mornings are cooler and noticeably damper. It’s September and time for birds to start their southerly journeys. The beats have been out to line their route and cheer them along, wishing them bon voyage and a safe return next spring. At the far ends of the world, our southern beats are poised to welcome them back.

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The Top-5 Birding Hotspots of Serbia

10,000 Birds

“I would certainly recommend Serbia to visiting birders. My own trip was not an intensive birding experience, and August is clearly not the most productive month. I chalked up 132 species in a pretty relaxed eight days, during which birds shared the agenda with culture. Nonetheless, I visited some excellent habitats, especially the flooded wetlands, and saw some good birds,” wrote the UK Birdwatch Magazine journalist Mike Unwin of his bird tour of northern Serbia 15 years ago.

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Ravenswood Winery: Besieged (2014)

10,000 Birds

It’s no secret that beer and wine share a common heritage that dates back to the earliest days of human civilization. Both drinks are produced through the fermentation of grape and grain, respectively – two of the world’s oldest crops – but it’s the winemaker who has more often maintained a more intimate relationship with the agricultural landscape over the centuries.

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Hiding in beach debris at high tide

10,000 Birds

We are often walking the northern area of Cable Beach and it is always interesting watching how the birds react on a very high tide. There are not many places to hide and often the shorebirds huddle against any remaining rocks. The White-faced Herons and Eastern Reef Egrets that feed on the reef at low tide sometimes roost on the remaining sandy cliffs.

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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