September, 2022

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Beljarica Backwaters are finally protected!!

10,000 Birds

“To the sea their hearts they vow. They will not come again. And even if they came, would you recognise them now? The ocean masks a man. If they return a while, we know not if they smile or weep beneath their tan.”. Beljarica Backwaters (some August birding here ) is a spacious floodplain of the left bank of the Danube, less than 10 km / 6 mi north of Belgrade, and is an exciting place to bird.

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My awesome pet rats and their mini paw paintings from this week!

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submitted by /u/Shadowtherat [link] [comments].

Rats 98

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Welcome Back, Shorbies!

10,000 Birds

If you know me, then you are well aware of how much I love shorebirds. Even when writing my book with all ardent efforts to remain unbiased; the section on Sandpipers & Allies was by far the longest – surpassing mega-families like Thraupidae and Tyrannidae. There is something – many things in fact – about members of this family that have not only taken a hold of me, but it almost feels as if they have taken root within my own being.

Fish 252
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A Tawny Frogmouth nest

10,000 Birds

Last Sunday we were driving down a gravel road, which is mostly the local red sand known as pindan, when Grant said “we’re going back for that”! The edges of the road are high where they grade it every now and then to keep it less rough-I won’t say smooth! We soon did a three point turn and slowly went back. It was soon obvious that one of the trees right on the edge of the road was not empty and we pulled up just before it.

Family 249
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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The World Before – Lake Karla, Greece

10,000 Birds

I was tired, as if it were my shoulders that held the sky suspended… So much so that I made no birding plans for this vacation. Oh, I brought the binoculars, all right, which birder in his/her sane mind leaves home without it, but we were going to a peninsula with no obvious birding spots, and most birding will be done by accident, from the roadside.

Greece 242
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Birds and Us: A 12,000 Year History from Cave Art to Conservation–A Book Review

10,000 Birds

Tim Birkhead loves to tell stories. They may be about bird eggs ( The Most Perfect Thing: The Inside (and Outside) of a Bird’s Egg , 2016), or a 17th-century ornithologist ( Virtuoso by Nature: The Scientific Worlds of Francis Willughby, 2016), or How Bullfinches learn songs from humans ( The Wisdom of Birds: An Illustrated History of Ornithology. 2008 and this video recommended by the Ted Talk people: The Early Birdwatchers ), or the social behavior of Common Guillemots (what we North Ame

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Birding Yancheng, Jiangsu

10,000 Birds

From my home in Shanghai, it is about a four-hour drive to the North to Yancheng, a place to look for Red-crowned Cranes in winter. While these birds are very much liked by Chinese birders, the species could unfortunately not be named the National Bird of China as the Latin species name of the bird is Grus Japonicus. Frankly, if the name of the Bald Eagle was North Korean Eagle ( Haliaeetus coreaseptentrionalis ?

Birds 216
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The Sun Chaser

10,000 Birds

The Latin name of the Long-billed Starthroat , Heliomaster longirostris roughly translates to ‘long-billed sun chaser’ Truly, it is a bird that has captivated my interest from the moment I laid eyes on it roughly a decade ago. That was a fleeting occurrence, and part of the beauty of the experience altogether. Hummingbirds are enthralling by nature.

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Birding the Kruger Park (6): Pafuri area part 2

10,000 Birds

This is the last post covering my time birding the Kruger Park in November 2018. It seems this African Harrier-Hawk just caught something here. No clue what it is though. A study on the diet of the African Harrier-Hawk starts rather pompously: “Feeding is an indispensable activity in the life of birds. It is crucial for their survival but the demands of food acquisition impose significant challenges to both the physiology and behavior of birds.

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Black-tailed Godwits around Broome

10,000 Birds

There are three subspecies of Black-tailed Godwit in the world. In Australia we encounter the subspecies Limosa limosa melanuroides. The Black-tailed Godwits that we observe here in Australia breed in east Siberia and Mongolia. The migratory shorebirds are now returning to the Broome area and the numbers of birds on the beaches of Roebuck Bay are rapidly increasing.

Mongolia 147
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Pied Oystercatchers second attempt at breeding

10,000 Birds

Every year we observe both egg and chick loss amongst our Pied Oystercatcher pairs along Cable Beach and also in Roebuck Bay during their breeding season. The breeding season starts around the end of June and there are still eggs being laid and chicks hatching, but now these are the second clutches of eggs. We have observed up to five attempts by some pairs of Pied Oystercatchers in a season.

Breeding 147
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San Diego Pelagic

10,000 Birds

In August, we took a family trip to beautiful San Diego, seeing SeaWorld , LegoLand , and the San Diego Zoo. But I took a day for myself for a 12-hour pelagic trip sponsored by Buena Vista Audubon. I’ve taken tours out of Monterey Bay (with pelagic legend Debi Shearwater , now retired) and Half Moon Bay, California ; Newport, Oregon ; and Hatteras, North Carolina.

San Diego 147
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Pied Oystercatchers breeding in Roebuck Bay

10,000 Birds

Roebuck Bay is a well-known location for bird-watching around Broome. It is especially renowned for the migratory shorebirds and they have been returning from the Northern hemisphere to our shores in recent weeks. The mudflats of Roebuck Bay are the feeding grounds for thousands of shorebirds and once the tide comes in they roost on the shore around the high tide mark.

Breeding 147
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Thoughts on Redstarts, an Early Fall Migrant in Costa Rica, 2022

10,000 Birds

I saw a redstart the other morning, my first of fall migration. If I lived in another hemisphere, I might be talking about the Common Redstart or other chat species with a flash of red in the tail. In Costa Rica, we have a couple resident redstart species (that actually show white in the tail) but I can see them on any visit to montane habitats. The bird I watched the other day was the same species that birders see in the maple and oak woodlands of eastern North America, the same species I commo

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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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What was it?

Reddit Animals

Found under a tree in Shenandoah River Valley, Virginia. I can’t tell what it might have been. submitted by /u/Hunter328 [link] [comments].

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Animals in Colorado Rockies

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Some animals I captured while riding up Mt Evans in CO, captured on Nikon Coolpix P510 submitted by /u/lexaprolibra [link] [comments].

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Lady abusing her bunnies

Reddit Animals

This girl in my boyfriends apartment complex leaves her 2 bunnies in a small cage OUTSIDE all day in the sun. I have a bunny of my own and know how to care for them. First of all bunnies shouldn’t live outside. Let alone in a 1.5 ft cage. They have no litter box, no hay, rarely have any clean water. And where I’m living there is a lot of sun and it’s being getting hot.

Litter 40
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My 4 Favorite Animals

Reddit Animals

Here are my 4 favorite animals. submitted by /u/USAFAN20 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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My eggs have finaly hatched and now I have four small little chicken nuggets but one just hatched and is a little bit week so we are going to see if it’s something wrong with that fluffy little chicken nugget. ( They are fluffy as ####)

Reddit Animals

Unfortunately two chickens have died and some never hatched so R.I.P my beloved chicken nuggets.?? submitted by /u/BenjiThePerson [link] [comments].

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World's Oldest Zoo Spots New Koala Arrival Peering From Mum's Pouch

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submitted by /u/Educational_Sector98 [link] [comments].

Koalas 52
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Study Shows Chimpanzees Have Different Stone Tools Depending On What Nut They Want To Crack

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submitted by /u/Educational_Sector98 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Deer Trapped Twice In 10 Seconds - Officer calms it down

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submitted by /u/Educational_Sector98 [link] [comments].

Deer 52
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Three new snake species discovered living under graveyards and churches in Ecuador

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Impressive_Tennis724 [link] [comments].

Ecuador 52
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77-year-old killed by Kangaroo in Western Australia

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submitted by /u/Wise-Acanthaceae9420 [link] [comments].

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These ant queens' lifespan is extended thanks to a smart chemical approach.

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submitted by /u/Historical-Object374 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Over the course of last week, we enjoyed many special moments in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, Canada. One of the highlights was observing this young River Otter as it played and fished on one of many chilly, damp fall days.

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submitted by /u/Altruistic_Pack_401 [link] [comments].

Otters 52
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Just a quick cute video to brighten your day!

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submitted by /u/Due_Permission_6940 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Saw this little fella today!

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submitted by /u/allineedarethestars [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Sandhill cranes

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submitted by /u/PrehistoricPrairie [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Maryland DNR 2022 Photo Contest Winners Announced

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submitted by /u/SouthernMarylandPR [link] [comments].

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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