December, 2021

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Trinidad’s Toughest Triad

10,000 Birds

Continuing here with the series on threes within the avian landscape of Trinidad and Tobago (in case you missed it, T&T has three each of trogons , antshrikes , spinetails , manakins , hermits , honeycreepers , and resident warblers ) we arrive at one of the more difficult species triads to encounter. Like the three resident warblers in T&T, the three species of bitterns recorded for T&T are only found on the larger island of Trinidad.

Trinidad 257
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Scientists Find Out Why Mexican Fish Produce The "Mexican Wave"

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/OfficiallyGamingGuru [link] [comments].

Fish 52

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Low-effort Warbling

10,000 Birds

This time of year the canopies of the Neotropics are alive with countless warblers escaping the cold grip of the northern winter. Here in Trinidad, we routinely experience several of these migrants – most of these birds surely pass by unrecorded as not everyone is a birder and not all birders are huge fans of suffering from Warbler Neck. Some of the commonest species found throughout Trinidad and Tobago are American Redstart , Yellow Warbler , and Northern Waterthrush.

Trinidad 254
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Birding Nanhui, Shanghai in November 2021

10,000 Birds

Somehow, it seems that most birders regularly visiting Nanhui feel that 2021 was a bit of a disappointing year. Not too many highlights, not too many species … hard to say whether this is just the usual nostalgia for a better but probably nonexistent past or a real phenomenon. The latter is possible, as the undisturbed areas of Nanhui keep shrinking, leaving less and less space for birds.

Birds 243
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Birding the Drakensberg, South Africa

10,000 Birds

Given the strict covid prevention measures here in China, I have not left the country in almost 2 years now. Fortunately, China still has lots of interesting birding locations left for me. But of course, it is also nice to remember past birding trips. One in November 2018 included a one-day birding trip in the Drakensberg area, a mountain range in the border area between South Africa and Lesotho.

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The Wintering Wood-Warblers of Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Winter birding can be fun, especially when you do it in a place with palms, parrots, and weather for wearing shorts. This is where the summer birds go, where those fall warblers went sometime after October. It involves an increasingly perilous trip but with instincts that demand survival, the only real choice is to stay with summer and fly south. A lot of birds take a shorter trip to Florida and the Caribbean, many spend the winter in southern Mexico, and some species even fly all the way to sou

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White-faced Herons in Australia

10,000 Birds

White-faced Herons – Egrettta novaehollandiae are a very versatile heron species that we often observe around Broome. They can be found in a variety of habitats during the year. They are the most widely spread heron in Australia and can be found across the mainland, Tasmania and most coastal islands. The White-faced Heron also occurs in New Zealand.

Australia 215
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Birding Danba, Western Sichuan

10,000 Birds

Getting to Danba is a bit of an ordeal. It seems it is customary in Western Sichuan for large parts of the roads to be destroyed by summer rains, only to be rebuilt gradually afterward. Seeing Google Maps indicating a travel time of 4 hours for about 150 km first seemed ridiculous, but turned out to be far too optimistic. We ended up at a hotel far up some mountain or hill – by that time, I had totally lost my sense of orientation.

Birds 215
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Where the Sparrows Are

10,000 Birds

Like many birders, I regularly submit short lists of birds seen at my place of employment. But I also sometimes go there, specifically to bird, for hours. That is because the area around the church that we pastor is my very best site for birds that like open grasslands, as opposed to the wooded hillsides that are so common around Morelia. Specifically, the area surrounding our church is my best place to see sparrows, both residents and our (much more common) winter migratory sparrows.

Sparrows 213
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Collaborative list November – 2021

10,000 Birds

I have been humming the Dwarves’ theme from Sleeping Beauty all month. Can’t think why. …we bird, bird, bird, bird, bird, bird, bird in the marsh the whole day thru. …in the sky (in the sky), in the sky (in the sky), where a million waders… Fly… If only that were the case. My birding list for November totals 15 species.

Sparrows 213
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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One More Reason for Gratitude

10,000 Birds

I moved to Mexico in 1983 (and really should update my bio below). Angie, now my wife, moved here in 1985, and we married here two years later. So our now-adult children have never lived in the U.S. But they have embraced some American customs, and one of their favorites is Thanksgiving. I don’t need to tell you, last year’s Thanksgiving was… complicated.

Laws 211
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10,000 Birds goes eBirding – Part II

10,000 Birds

As devoted readers of 10,000 Birds know , the writers contribute checklists to a joint eBird account called the “ 10,000 Birds Collaborative.”. Every month, Redgannet summarizes the checklists, providing an updated life list, year list, and country list. For the United States, there is also a state list. The Collaborative has a profile page that, like all eBird profile pages, suggests some goals.

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Pheasant Coucal-the sound of summer!

10,000 Birds

It is now summer here in Australia and there is hope of rain in the next few weeks here in Broome. It has been more than eight months now since we had rain and the land is desperate for rainfall. We are all desperate for a change, because you can actually get a bit bored of constant blue skies! We look forward to the lightning shows and the distant teasing rumbling and eventually the rain pours down and nature rejoices!

Australia 203
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Ringed Plover in Broome

10,000 Birds

Although the official paperwork has not been completed with the Rarities Committee it appears that we have the honour of a Ringed Plover in Broome at the moment! In 2009 when the Semi-palmated Plover came to Broome for its first visit it was initially thought that it may have been a Ringed Plover , but it was finally identified as a Semi-palmated Plover.

Australia 200
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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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What Was Your First Bird of 2022?

10,000 Birds

What was your first bird of the year this year, 2022? Here’s hoping it was something memorable, awesome, exciting, or some other positive adjective. At least I hope it wasn’t a pigeon! And while we were all hoping 2021 would be better than 2020 it seems like we have to hope that 2022 manages to improve on the previous two years. It can’t be worse, right?

2020 198
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Friends in High Places

10,000 Birds

It was some seven years ago that I had the idea (brilliant, if I may say so myself) to use Google Maps “terrain” function to find the highest- and lowest-altitude places within one hour from my home. Michoacán’s topography being what it is, the highest spot possible is a full 1,000 m (3,300 ft) higher than Morelia, at an altitude of 3,300 m (10,000 ft).

2014 197
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Birding Balangshan, Sichuan, China (part 3)

10,000 Birds

My last trip to Balangshan was in July 2021 – now I was back, three months later. Yes, I know you are not interested in boring semi-autobiographical descriptions of individual birding trips. But you may be interested in some of the most recent photos. I left out those showing merely fog (of which there was plenty at times). High up at almost 4500 meters, some Alpine Accentors were posing in the sunshine, justifying the description in the HBW as “large, attractive accentor” (tho

China 196
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Catnaps on a lazy Saturday

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Theunethicaldetailer [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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A predicament. Tail feathers blocking my lense ??

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Cute-Strawberry-8821 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Real Life Moby Dick Seen Near Jamica

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/OfficiallyGamingGuru [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Light-colored feathers may assist migrating birds in staying cool during long flights.

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/OfficiallyGamingGuru [link] [comments].

Birds 52
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Northern Hawk Owl Winters in Southern Ontario

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Altruistic_Pack_401 [link] [comments].

Owls 52
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Stop a Dangerous Bill That Could Wipe Out Hundreds of Animal Cruelty Laws

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/CelestineCrystal [link] [comments].

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Saw this beauty in the bird park ??

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/ToastedHamborger [link] [comments].

Birds 52
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2021 U.S. Animal Kill Clock

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/CelestineCrystal [link] [comments].

Killing 52
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PETA to NIH: Animals Are Sentient—Stop Testing on Them (link includes some information and opportunity to send letter)

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/CelestineCrystal [link] [comments].

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Amazing Photos Show The Bond Between The Human Keepers And The Orphaned Elephants They Care For

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/matthew_caspian [link] [comments].

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Red - whiskered Bulbul@ Eravikulam National Park.

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/cookingandcraft [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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This Is The Reason Why Do Reindeer Eyes Turn Blue In The Winter

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/sopadebombillas [link] [comments].

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How Nepal has managed to double its tiger population - a big step towards wildlife conservation

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/jr_planet_earth [link] [comments].

Nepal 52
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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