July, 2021

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Seeking the Bahama Nuthatch

10,000 Birds

Jim Wright is an author and birding columnist. His latest book is The Real James Bond , available as a hardcover, an eBook and an audiobook. For more Bahama Nuthatch information and links, check his blog, [link]. Jim’s first contribution to 10,000 Birds was A Rare Caribbean Parrot on the Brink. In 2021, the American Ornithological Society announced that it has now classified the Bahama Nuthatch as a distinct species, Sitta insularis.

Bahamas 344
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Ethereal 'Glass Octopus' Captured On Camera By Deep-Sea Scientists

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submitted by /u/bootscrap [link] [comments].

Animal 98

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Worth Protecting

10,000 Birds

I wrote, a few weeks ago, about seeing my first Sedge (now Grass) Wrens through the kind invitation of a local biologist, and new birder, on whose property these live. Last week he messaged me to ask if I could go birding with him just south of Morelia’s urban area. This site is along a small river, named Río Bello. My new birding buddy, Ignacio Torres, knew of this area because a company had built a large partially-paved access road as part of a plan to build a housing development on a pr

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Grouse in PA, Grouse in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Grouse are the chickens we would love to lay eyes on. “Gamebirds” to some, cool, cryptic understory birds to the birding people, grouse crouch protected as unfettered winds sway the top of the tall prairie grass. Other grouse give booming calls from the interior green of cool, coniferous forest, another picks its way through treacherous scree, thriving in the harsh reality of high mountain passes.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Birding Wolongshan, Sichuan, China

10,000 Birds

With travel restrictions still in place, going on a birding trip outside of China is still not a practical option. Fortunately, China itself has a large number of bird species and habitats. According to a Wikipedia entry, China has 1413 bird species – though strangely, another list found online, purportedly based on Birdlife International, claims only 1288 species.

China 264
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Spotting My Florida Birds on their Maine Breeding Grounds

10,000 Birds

Note: Erika is the Communications Director for Audubon Florida. During a chilly Florida day (yes, we have those) a few months ago, I drove thirty minutes outside of Tallahassee to a co-worker’s house for the singular purpose of checking out her bird feeders. Surrounded by native plants and at the edge of the woods, her feeders were always hotspots for interesting migratory and wintering species.

Florida 264

More Trending

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First Post-COVID-19 Birding Trip: Wisconsin and Horicon NWR

10,000 Birds

Once I was fully vaccinated and air travel became an option, I looked for a location for my first birding trip since 2019. I have a running list of trips to do, but many are best in spring, fall, or winter, not summer. And I wanted to be able to fly directly from Portland, so I would not lose a day to travel. Thus, I limited my options. I settled on Wisconsin, which is home to one of the Top 25 NWRs for Birding that I have not visited: Horicon NWR.

Wisconsin 264
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Elton’s Egret

10,000 Birds

Snowy Egrets like to keep their distance. Normally the slender, fairy-feathered shorebirds are shy and avoid the humans who encroach on their territory. But a small colony of them have made an exception for Elton Reed, who has fished off Chincoteague Island, Virginia for almost five decades. Initially wary, the birds came to accept his quiet presence as he checked his traps and floats.

Virginia 264
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Scope? To Bring or Not to Bring on a Birding Trip to Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

Binoculars are like a magical optical portal. Without looking through polished sets of coated glass, birds can be itty-bitty specks and flying objects that hint at the colors hidden therein. Bring the binos up to the eyes, work the focus, and if the bird is nice enough to still be there, life can take on new meaning. A dull and chunky looking Starling becomes a flashy, funky bird with iridescent, slick, hair-like feathers.

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A few more Pied Oystercatchers start to breed

10,000 Birds

A couple of weeks ago I introduced you to the pair of Pied Oystercatchers that were the first to start breeding along our coast this year. Sadly they were not successful with their first clutch of eggs, but are busily making nest scrapes again. We are hopeful that soon they will have laid another clutch of eggs. Since then we have had the two pairs of Pied Oystercatchers that breed between the Surf Club and Gantheaume Point lay their first clutch of eggs.

Breeding 264
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this is a test

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Brown’s Brewing Company – Helles Rebuke

10,000 Birds

Many birders find gull identification one of the more difficult aspects of this hobby and classifying gulls when they appear on cans of beer is often no less vexing a problem. Luckily for us, the gull featured on Rebuke, a Helles-style lager from Brown’s Brewing Company of Troy, New York, is depicted in silhouette, which gets us off the hook ID-wise, as far as I’m concerned.

Germany 263
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Mast Landing Brewing Company: Pantless Thunder Goose Double India Pale Ale

10,000 Birds

The Guinness toucan is easily the most iconic bird mascot in beer history, but the storied Dublin brewery also boasted an ostrich and a pelican in its colorful, avian advertising menagerie of yesteryear. Truth be told, any of the three Guinness birds illustrated by John Gilroy would be a tough act to follow in the world of brewery marketing, but this week’s featured beer makes a worthy attempt by featuring the world’s largest bird – the Common Ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) – in all its barelegged

India 263
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Fourth of July 2021)

10,000 Birds

The onset of summer birding doldrums in the temperate range of the Northern Hemisphere generally means highly restricted avian diversity… except in those places where it does not. We’re also accustomed at this time of year to have little out of the ordinary to pursue… except when that predictable/unpredictable vagrant comes along. Basically, summer birding resembles that of other seasons, just hotter and slower!

New York 262
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Lifer! But, which one?

10,000 Birds

Only two weeks ago, I commented that I had seen all but two of the wrens that can normally be found in Michoacán. The ones I had not yet seen were the Rock Wren , and the Sedge Wren. Oddly enough, only a couple of days before that post came out, a member of a regional birders’ chat had posted a photo of a wren seen on the edge of the Morelia area (near one of my favorite sites), to confirm that it was, indeed, a Sedge Wren.

Barn Owls 262
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Herdade do Esporão Bico Amarelo Vinho Verde (2019)

10,000 Birds

Now that it’s officially summer (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least), it’s time to cool off with some lighter, more refreshing wines. As with our last Birds and Booze post , we’re in Portugal yet again, this time revisiting what is perhaps the world’s most quenching style of wine: vinho verde. I wish I could find more bottles of vinho verde with birds on their labels, because it’s a wine I’d happily drink all sweltering summer long.

2019 262
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Pied Oystercatcher breeding season is here again!

10,000 Birds

In another year when time stands still when you are not allowed to move freely around Australia or overseas some things happen like clockwork. Well, not quite like clockwork, because this year one pair of Pied Oystercatchers on Cable Beach laid their first clutch of eggs a bit earlier than normal. This year the first clutch was laid at the end of May and this is the first time we have had eggs laid in May along Cable Beach since 2000.

Breeding 259
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of July 2021)

10,000 Birds

The best of summer birding in my experience takes place at the beach. Our land-locked species in temperate zones tend to become too focused on the little details of perpetuating their species to be sufficiently entertaining. Out on the shore, though, a whole suite of species exists in the places we gravitate to anyway. I found myself fully immersed in marine species while boating, fishing, and birding coastal Virginia with family this weekend.

Virginia 257
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Collaborative list – June 2021

10,000 Birds

Flaming June is busting out all over. Insects were held back by weird spring weather, but now the warmth returns and the birds are feasting on the late stirring bugs. June saw 8 beats get their birding boots on and share 90 checklists for your pleasure. Between them, they found 389 species in 5 countries. The year list remains low, at 1425 but the life list was bolstered this month by Donna’s Antillean Nighthawk and has reached 4069. 1 Little Tinamou – Crypturellus soui 2 Black-belli

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Tianmushan or Birding a Mulberry Tree

10,000 Birds

Tianmushan is a mountain in Zhejiang province – not very high at about 1500 meters, but of course offering very different birds from flat Shanghai (where confusingly, the highest mountain with a height of 100 meters is named Tianmashan – the difference between the a and the u is one of 1400 meters in height. Gives you an idea why it is difficult to learn Chinese).

Birds 250
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Emiliana Natura Rosé (2020)

10,000 Birds

When I first spotted the label of this week’s wine in my local shop, I took one look at the songbirds on it and rightfully assumed this 2020 Emiliana Natura Rosé was from some European winery. I think most birders would, given the ornithological evidence presented. There’s a ( Eurasian) Blue Tit ( Cyanistes caeruleus ) flitting around some flowers and butterflies, while what is likely another European member of the family Paridae – possibly either a Willow Tit ( Poecile montanus ) or Marsh Tit (

2020 249
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Little Egret in the Indian Ocean

10,000 Birds

On our recent walks along Cable Beach checking on the pairs of Pied Oystercatchers that are currently breeding we have often observed a Little Egret. There is only ever one Little Egret and it runs around in the shallows of the Indian Ocean. It appears to be successful at catching small fish. It is quite content running about in quite deep water up to its body.

Fish 240
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'No water, no food': Animals starve in Lebanon's zoos as economy crumbles

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/shekat22 [link] [comments].

Lebanon 69
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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New pup and baby

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submitted by /u/Professional-Sign355 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 helped gamers identify real-life animals

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/Glittering-Name-6076 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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The UK is about to deport a literal Walrus cause it won't stop capsizing boats

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/AmbitiousTrouble9318 [link] [comments].

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It was a dream come true to finally photograph wild bald eagles this year in Seward, AK. Thanks Alaska!

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submitted by /u/rockyhollowmushrooms [link] [comments].

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Would any of you mind signing my petition to my local city government regarding abuse of power done by our animal control officer?

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submitted by /u/MayoIsSpicy6699420 [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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Alpaca has mustache

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submitted by /u/Slaphimwithapickle [link] [comments].

Animal 52
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How Intelligent are Dolphins?

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submitted by /u/Ambitious_Sir7113 [link] [comments].

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Have not come across to many podcasts for animal lovers, here is a pretty funny. Sort of…

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/MrMcgruffcrimedog [link] [comments].

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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