April, 2021

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How To (And Not To) Transport Wild Birds

10,000 Birds

I am so happy to be back on 10,000 birds – I have missed Mike and Corey and my fellow Beat Writers! Normally I rant about environmental dangers and describe heartwarming/mind-boggling/headscratching wild bird rescues. Occasionally I host wildlife rehabilitator vent-fests, where I post a question on Facebook and duly note the rehabber responses.

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Just cute squirell I found today

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/101Matea101 [link] [comments].

Animal 98

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Heat in the Tropics

10,000 Birds

As the boreal migrants head north, breeding season for the residents and austral migrants is beginning to pick up. A friend of mine has been begging me to come over to document a nesting pair of Plumbeous Kites in her property but life has gotten in the way thus far. They’ve not wasted any time, having drifted northward from mainland South America only a few weeks ago.

Raised 264
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Shearwater Chase in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

“That bird! Go! Go! Get it! That bird, chase it! Chase it!” In a flash, our small deep sea fishing boat went from casually bobbing on gentle waves to flying over the waters of the Pacific. Shearwaters scattered at our approach and the wind howled in our ears but it couldn’t dampen Wilfredo’s focus, nor his vocal insistence to “follow those birds”!

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago: Greater Sundas and Wallacea 2nd edition – A Field Guide Review

10,000 Birds

“Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago: Greater Sundas and Wallacea” by James A. Eaton, Bas van Balen, Nick W. Brickle and Frank E. Rheindt is a big book. Or should I say a great book? Or both? Its dimensions are 16 × 23 cm / 6.3 x 9.1 in (that odd black stripe on the front cover makes it appear even larger in photos), but for a tropical field guide weighs rather moderate 1.2 kg / 2.6 lbs.

Indonesia 264
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A Survey of U.S. Birders

10,000 Birds

Comprehensive surveys of U.S. birders are rare, so the recent release of a “ National Survey of Birdwatchers: Nationwide and Flyway Comparisons ” is notable. Although the results are largely unsurprising, empirical confirmation of impressions or anecdotes is always useful. Some background and my subjective views of the highlights are below. The survey was commissioned by National Flyway Council (NFC), which implements the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP), which, in turn, aims to

Minnesota 264

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Into the Clouds

10,000 Birds

Trinidad’s cloud forests typically aren’t birded much. After all, the habitat is restricted to the highest and mostly inaccessible reaches of the mountain range across the north of the island. These magical forests hide isolated treasures like the critically endangered Golden Tree Frog – not to mention several species of birds not found anywhere else in the country.

Trinidad 264
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Millions of Red-eyed Vireos, Eastern Kingbirds, Chimney Swifts in Costa Rica- All Heading North

10,000 Birds

Birds are arriving in North America, flying from places far to the south. Many come from Central America, a good number fly much further. When birding in parks and woodlots of Ohio, Virginia, and Toronto, places with groves of maples and old craggy oaks, it can be hard to imagine that the Red-eyed Vireos of constant song were foraging for caterpillar larvae in rainforest just a few months earlier.

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What Happened This Winter

10,000 Birds

Here it is, the end of April, and things are slowing down in the south. As I mention each year at this time, the beginning of the birding year, up north, is the end of Mexico’s peak birding season. Only a month ago, a good morning spent gazing at my garden could yield 20 species; but now, suddenly, my goal is 10. (And in another month, when the rainy season makes my birdbath less attractive, that number will drop to around 5 species.).

Mexico 261
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Colorful birds (premium version)

10,000 Birds

Birds can be wonderfully colorful. Here are some prime examples. Two Black-rumped Flamebacks with their distinct red crown and crest. A Blue-throated Barbet – the blue looks even better due to the contrast with the red on the top of the bird’s head. A male Bluethroat , though in this case the throat itself is red or ochre rather than blue, but compensated by a beautiful light blue around the throat patch.

Birds 259
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Japanese Night Heron in Shanghai

10,000 Birds

Last Sunday, it was raining hard, but I went out to Chongming Island, a part of Shanghai, anyway. Mostly I went because some farmers there keep a lovely dog in a cage, and I have started taking him for long walks around the fields. The farmers do not really understand this, but they do not mind either. Maybe it is funny to see a foreigner do weird things.

Japan 256
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Time to head north….

10,000 Birds

It is that time of year again when we start to see the shorebirds around Broome change into their beautiful breeding plumage. We then witness their departures each evening over several weeks. The header above is of several species of shorebirds on Reddell Beach. There are Grey-tailed Tattlers , Greater Sand Plover , Lesser Sand Plover , Terek Sandpiper and a Pacific Golden Plover looking at you head on!

Australia 256
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Sneak Attack

10,000 Birds

My state of Michoacán has a wide variety of nectarivorous birds. (Nectarivorous: that’s my new word for this week!) Most, of course, are hummingbirds. A few are orioles. Hummingbirds use a kind of direct attack to access nectar, stabbing flowers frontally with their long beaks. Orioles may do the same, although with considerably less panache, or they may eliminate the middleman and pull the flowers off before feeding on their remains.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of April 2021)

10,000 Birds

April tends to be one of those months that contain multitudes, at once as temperate as any spring or fall but then turning quickly to extremes. What is moderate in mid-April, though, is migration, at least around here. We’re still far from peak passerine passage, but getting closer every day… I had to move my bird feeder from its perfect position this weekend, because of–of course–squirrels.

Squirrels 247
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of April 2021)

10,000 Birds

Weekends like these tend to fill those of us closer to the poles with envy for our birding friends even the slightest bit closer to the equator. Where is the justice when so many American birders are enjoying fancy warblers when I’m finally spotting Ruby-crowned Kinglets ? At least my summers are mild. While I knocked down plenty of first of spring birds this weekend, I most appreciated the appearance of a species that hangs around all winter.

Birds 238
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Quinta do Vale da Perdiz Cistus Reserva Douro (2016)

10,000 Birds

Even though it’s late April, it was below freezing here in Albany, New York today as I stood in my backyard drinking my morning coffee. And while it warmed up slightly later, we also saw several waves of lake-effect snow throughout the day. None of it stuck, of course, but it’s still hard to believe we’ll be in the midst of peak migration in just another two weeks or so when it snows so late in the spring – but this is to be expected here in upstate New York.

2016 235
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Maine Jumpstarted My 2021 Birding

10,000 Birds

Like so many, the majority of my birding since the Covid-19 pandemic began has centered on my own backyard and local walking excursions. But as we kicked off 2021, I found myself far from my current home in North Florida, surrounded by a plethora of Maine birds! You’d think I could have begun my 2021 year list with something less familiar in Florida.

Florida 209
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Roebuck Bay is emptying out

10,000 Birds

Migration is in full swing here in Broome and Roebuck Bay is starting to empty out. Each evening the shorebirds head off on their migration to breed in the Northern hemisphere. We have been lucky enough to observe the V formation over our garden as dusk falls and the call of the Bar-tailed Godwit as they set off on their long journeys. Most of the shorebirds will be flying non-stop until they reach China.

Eagles 197
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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More Birds Than Bullets: a book review

10,000 Birds

A cheeky lad, Geoffrey McMullan was regularly subjected to brutal discipline at his English boarding school. He found some solace when, at age eleven, he became entranced with birds – specifically, with a Green Woodpecker — and that sighting, he says, “took me to another, safer world.” . The avian avocation became lifelong for McMullan, including for the 22 years he spent in the British Army (the Royal Regiment of Artillery), from which he retired as a Staff Sergeant, having become by tha

Fox 183
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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of April 2021)

10,000 Birds

The beginning of April feels like the real beginning of spring, at least up in the northern latitudes. The plot may unfold painfully slowly, but subtle clues are starting to add up to a massive migration many weeks away. For now, we can find entertainment in the earliest chapters of the season. I knocked down several first birds of spring this weekend (not literally) but will always give Best Bird honors to a Saw-whet Owl , especially one showing as well as the one Ivy and I located at Owl Woods

Texas 175
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The Warbler Brewery – Parula Pilsner

10,000 Birds

I picked out this week’s Parula Pilsner from The Warbler Brewer of Delmar, New York solely because it’s the very end of April, right around the time I generally see my first Northern Parula ( Setophaga americana ) of the year. With a sometimes unseasonably chilly and often rainy April in upstate New York, spring migration has been off to a slow start this year.

Jamaica 170
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10,000 Birds

I am not crazy about alliterations. They seem a poor device, suitable for children’s books but not for refined literature. After all, there is no Oscar Wilde novel titled “The picture of Dorian Day”, nor is Raymond Chandler`s hero called “Philip Parlowe” Admittedly, the private detective in a few decent Howard Browne novels is named “Paul Pine”, but then again, these novels are not quite as good as the Chandler ones (notice that I do not use the phrase &

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Paradise Regained

10,000 Birds

Among all the birding locations I have found, Pino Real was my first love. I was just getting back into birding, and had only gone to some urban sites, during 2012 and 2013. I had tried out Lake Cuitzeo, and Laurelito, a wonderful town outside of Morelia that another birder had recommended. But when on June 23, 2013 I decided to follow a road just to see where it led, and it led to Pino Real, it was the first in a whole chain of exciting site discoveries.

2013 164
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No Place Like Home

10,000 Birds

I will soon be just one year short of Sir Paul McCartney’s mythical musical age (64, that is, not his current age), in which my life will apparently be limited to “mending a fuse” and “going for a ride” So I have indeed begun to question what birding options I will have, when I am no longer able to trek Michoacán’s rugged trails — although all the evidence suggests that day will not arrive until I’m well beyond the age of 64.

Nashville 161
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Collaborative list – March 2021

10,000 Birds

It is slightly weird that when I first saw the name of the virus, I misread it as Corvid-19. Is that just a birder thing do you think? A year on I still have to think carefully. There is no escaping the fact that as soon as restrictions are relaxed, infection rates rise again. Please be careful, Corvid is still out there. Our brave beats have been putting themselves at risk for your vicarious listing pleasure and 10 of them submitted 151 checklists for 692 species, 2 of which made it onto the li

Sparrows 159
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Birding Led Me to Wildflowers

10,000 Birds

In many ways, birding has led me straight to my new interest in wildflowers. Looking for birds naturally makes you more aware of your surroundings, from an urban park, to a suburban greenway, to a rural wilderness. Though I’m not traveling as much these days, my flower pursuits have expanded this intense attention to empty lots, roadside ditches, and road medians.

Birds 158
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Colorful birds (free version)

10,000 Birds

Birds can be wonderfully colorful. Here are some prime examples. Two Black-rumped Flamebacks with their distinct red crown and crest. A Blue-throated Barbet – the blue looks even better due to the contrast with the red on the top of the bird’s head. A male Bluethroat , though in this case the throat itself is red or ochre rather than blue, but compensated by a beautiful light blue around the throat patch.

Birds 153
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Domaines Paul Mas ‘Vignes de Nicole’ Cabernet Sauvignon – Syrah (2018)

10,000 Birds

When I picked up a bottle of this week’s featured wine last March at a shop in southern Quebec (on my last trip out of the United States before the pandemic), I assumed the European heron on the label of the 2018 Domaines Paul Mas ‘Vignes de Nicole’ Cabernet – Syrah blend was a Gray Heron ( Ardea cinerea ). My last trip to Europe may have taken place years before I became a birder, but this is one of those European species I tell myself I can recognize thanks to its occasional

2018 152
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Animals with the Strongest Bite Force (Dataset updated 2021)

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/justinris [link] [comments].

Animal 59
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Return of the otters: One of the great comeback stories of Alberta wildlife

Reddit Animals

submitted by /u/justinris [link] [comments].

Otters 59
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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