August, 2008

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Activists Release 6000 Mink in Canada

Critter News

Activists in BC broke in and released 6000 mink. The article mentions this as being part of "Operation Bite Back", which I don't get. Bite Back is an ALF website that posts about these kinds of things.

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R. G. Frey on Animal Suffering

Animal Ethics

My view, then, is not that which it has often been taken to be in discussion and which Singer, Regan, Clark, and others blast in their work; I am not suggesting that, because they lack language, animals can be factory farmed without suffering. Animals can suffer, which they could not unless they were conscious; so they are conscious. Nothing I have said in earlier chapters and nothing I will say in subsequent chapters is intended to deny this fact, which animal rightists correctly insist upon.


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Why Palin?

Critter News

The following is not necessarily representative of ALL of Critter News. Just me. Why has John McCain chosen Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as a running mate? This may not seem like an animal issue, but it is. For me, I've been deluged for months by Defenders of Wildlife material about Alaska's heartless treatment of wolves. Treatment headed by this woman's administration.

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Birds Dyed for Sale in India

Critter News

Ugh! Ordinary wild black headed munias are dyed fluorescent green, red and yellow to enhance their value. Hill mynahs, in great demand internationally, are frequently substituted by common mynah bathed in lamp black and mustard oil. With a touch of orange on the head, the ordinary rose-ringed parakeet turns into the more expensive Alexandrine parakeet.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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US Fish & Wildlife Has Forensic Lab

Critter News

For now. Our crime laboratory is very much like a 'typical' police lab, except the victim is an animal. We examine, identify, and compare evidence using a wide range of scientific procedures and instruments, in the attempt to link suspect, victim and crime scene with physical evidence. VP Palin won't like this! Tags: forensics us fish and wildlife.

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Palin Supports Brutal Method of Killing Wolves

Critter News

I understand there may be some instances where predator control is necessary. I'm not an absolutist on this point. Doing it from low flying aircraft, however, is just barbaric. The wolves suffer needlessly because hunters simply wound them more often then not firing from an airplane. This is what Palin has pushed for. Here is a video from Defenders of Wildlife that shows the method (it's under 3 minutes).

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Dog Bites Dog to Save Boy

Critter News

A pit bull attacked and was dragging a boy down the road in South Africa. So, a neighbor got his rottweiler (named Blade), who fought off the pit bull and saved the kid. How cool is that? Tags: pit bull rottwiler.

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Virgina Creates Wildlife Crime Watch Program

Critter News

Sounds intriguing. I was particularly interested in the list of program sponsors. They were all hunting associations AND the National Rifle Association. "Wildlife Crime Watch" is a new program implemented by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The ultimate goal of law enforcement is to stop criminal activity before is occurs. This program is a proactive effort to develop a partnership between citizens and the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

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Congo Officer Arrested for Baby Chimp Sales

Critter News

No wonder wildlife trafficking is such a problem. Even members of the army are involved. In this case, someone confused a baby chimp with a baby gorilla. ICCN (Congolese Wildlife Authority) rangers received a tip-off that someone in Goma was trying to sell a baby gorilla. The rangers set up a sting operation, where one of them posed as a foreigner interested in buying the gorilla.

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Lake Tahoe Bear Poached for Gall Bladder

Critter News

Sounds like a crime of opportunity. Beware the disturbing photo. State wildlife officials are investigating a possible poaching case in which someone removed the gallbladder of a black bear -- which can sell for thousands of dollars in Asia -- after the animal was struck and killed this week by a car in the Lake Tahoe area. The Times' Jia-Rui Chong reports: The animal was found with its groin area shaved and gallbladder missing early Tuesday, less than 10 hours after a motorist reported striking

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Support Kindness Ranch

Critter News

This is a new nonprofit in Wyoming that provides a sanctuary for survivors of animal experimentation. I'm sending them a donation and hope you will too. Tags: animal experimentation sanctuary.

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Kamptee, India A Source of Illegal Wildlife Trade

Critter News

Here's some information off the beaten path. Kamthi (previously spelled Kamptee) is a city and a municipal council in Nagpur district in the Indian state of Maharashtra The seizure of 12 deer antlers (6 pairs) from a car at Kamptee octroi post by city police late Tuesday night proves that Nagpur continues to be major centre for of illegal trade in wildlife parts.

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Don't Forget What China Has Done

Critter News

I haven't watched a minute of the Olympics, but I've heard enough praise from those who've watched it. "What a beautiful opening ceremony!," "what a great basketball game!," and "did you see Michael Phelps?" Yadda yadda. This is why I want NOTHING to do with the Beijing Olympics.and, no, it's not just about the animals. I'll be glad when this marketing blitz is over.

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Argentine Dog Saves Baby

Critter News

A dog in Argentina saved an abandoned baby. The baby, weighing 4kg (8lb 13oz), had some slight injuries, but no bite marks. The owner called the police and the child is now being looked after by the authorities, while a decision is taken about his future.

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Dog Meat Still on the Menu in Beijing

Critter News

Looks like the ban on dog meat during the Olympics was a farce. Big surprise. I'm sure it will be more out in the open along with their choking pollution problem once the games end. Tags: dog meat china.

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Wolves & Eagles No Longer Endangered in Michigan?

Critter News

That's what Michigan's State Department of Natural Resources says. Michigan's removal of the bald eagle and gray wolf from the list will be the most significant change in species protection the state has seen in years. Since 1976, Michigan's endangered and threatened species listing has been modified only six times--a fact [DNR's former endangered species coordinator, Todd} Hogrefe attributed to the tremendous amount of time and effort it takes DNR staff to decide which animals to include and wh

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Quote of the Week

Critter News

If only we can overcome cruelty, to human and animal, with love and compassion we shall stand at the threshold of a new era in human moral and spiritual evolution - and realize, at last, our most unique quality: humanity. ~ Jane Goodall. Tags: quotes.

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Three Men Go on Trial in Puerto Rico for Dog Massacre

Critter News

These are the 3 that allegedly tossed animals off a bridge to kill them. If guilty, I hope they are punished severely. Somehow I doubt that will happen, but you never know. Animal control workers in October took about 80 pets from the housing project in the northern Puerto Rican town of Barceloneta and allegedly tossed them off a bridge to their deaths.

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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German Canines to Help Catch Smugglers

Critter News

Interesting. Amy, a German shepherd, and Uno, a Labrador retriever, have joined the team at {Frankfurt,} one of Europe's busiest airports — the first two dogs in Germany trained to sniff out live animals, plants or derivatives or remains of them. The three-year-olds' debut is a joint effort between police and the World Wildlife Fund to help stop the illegal but lucrative trade in rare species — which the organization estimates is a $293 billion annual business.

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US Fish & Wildlife Only Accepting Snail Mail

Critter News

OK, so if you have a comment about the changes to the Endangered Species Act , you can ONLY snail mail or hand deliver your letter. No email or faxes. Plus. You only have 30 days to comment. And there will be no public hearing. That's just BS. Tags: us fish and wildlife endangered species.

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Canadian Sentenced for Ivory Smuggling

Critter News

Good news. Tania Julie Siyam, a 32-year-old Canadian art dealer, has been sentenced to serve 60 months in prison and pay a $100,000 fine for illegally smuggling ivory from Cameroon to the United States. The sentence follows a long running international investigation by special agents of the U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service, wildlife officials from Environment Canada and the U.S.

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Update on Proposition 2 in CA

Critter News

Again, thanks to Farmed Animal Net for this update on California's proposition 2. California’s Proposition 2 is not solely about the California egg business but is also about the egg industry’s national survival, warned Gene Gregory at the annual legislative meeting of United Egg Producers (UEP). Gregory is the president and CEO of UEP, an industry trade group.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Some Good News In NJ Farm Animals Case

Critter News

Thanks to Farmed Animal Net for this information from August 8. In a unanimous decision, New Jersey’s Supreme Court rejected a broad challenge by animal protection advocates to the state’s rules on the care of farmed animals) but struck down regulations that regard husbandry practices as being “humane” merely because they are routine. The court upheld regulations permitting pig and calf confinement, the transport of ill and injured cattle, and force molting of birds.

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Virginia Fox Smuggler Gets Six Months

Critter News

Jerk. Howard Glen Blevins, 68, of Asheville, N.C., pleaded guilty in March to five counts of trafficking in wild animals. A statement from U.S. Attorney Julia Dudley said Blevins had bought animals for several years from trappers in different states and brought them to Virginia to sell to the owners of "fox pens." Hunters would then pay to hunt in the pens.

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Situation Critical for Zimbabwe Wildlife

Critter News

War and chaos is bad for everyone, human and non-human. In Zimbabwe, activists claim impoverished Zimbabweans are killing elephants and eating them. Out-of-control poaching is apparently wiping out all sort of wildlife, including hippos. Tags: bush meat poaching zimbabwe wildlife.

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China Gets to Buy Elephant Ivory

Critter News

I don't know how to call this one.will it help or hurt the elephant population in the long run? Either way, I hate these incredibly intelligent animals being "harvested" as "product." The UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting in Geneva voted in favour of China becoming a licensed importer. Britain was one of nine countries which supported the move.

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Norway Knights Penguin, Ostrich Denied Again

Critter News

Nils Olav, a king penguin on the Norwegian King's Guard , was bestowed a knighthood for simultaneously defusing an IED while taking out a machine gun in Iraq. I kid. The IED was already defused. OK, I don't think Norway even has troops in Iraq. To the article: FOR the commanding officer of the Norwegian King's Guard, it was a moment as surreal as it was moving.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Models Fur, Activists Not Happy

Critter News

You'd think of all the things she could model, she would stay away from fur products. Or maybe there's no such thing as bad publicity. Tags: fur.

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Mean Kitties

Critter News

This guy usually has some pretty funny videos of his cats. I subscribe to his videos on youtube.

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Hundreds of Mink Released in Utah

Critter News

Animal rights activists released about 600 mink from a fur farm. Tags: ALF.

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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