March, 2014

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Rip Van Winkle’s Crow Killing Contest

10,000 Birds

'I am not anti-hunting. I won’t pick a fight with hunters, as long as they eat what they shoot and don’t use lead ammunition. However, I will pick a fight with the Rip Van Winkle Rod and Gun Club in Palenville, New York, which is sponsoring their fourth annual “Crow Down” March 29-30, 2014. The “Crow Down” is a “hunting contest” where both adults and children slaughter as many crows as they possibly can in two days.

Killing 272
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Urban Resource Institute and Purina Unveil the Purina Play Haven

4 The Love Of Animals

'Studies show that as many as 48% of domestic violence victims stay in abusive situations out of fear of what would happen if they left their pets behind, and more than 70% of pet owners who enter shelter report that the abuser has threatened, injured, or killed family pets. Among New York City’s 50 domestic violence shelters, URI is the only one that accommodates pets, filling a critical gap by addressing the unique challenges families with pets face.

Shelters 169

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

'To the Editor: Re “They’re Going to Wish They All Could Be California Hens” (front page, March 4): While the conditions in California’s colony cages are certainly better than those of the barren battery cages used for 90 percent of egg-laying hens in this country, they still involve cramming 60 animals into a wire cage, each bird with just 116 square inches in which to live her entire life At Farm Sanctuary, we spend our lives with hens, and we can attest that chickens are individuals with need

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Tiny Asian bird discovered as sole member of ancient family. Who’s next?

10,000 Birds

'Big news about a small bird broke earlier this month when bird researchers from several nations announced that the species formerly known as Spotted Wren-Babbler ( Spelaeornis formosus ) — a tiny, secretive bird of montane forests from the eastern Himalayas to southeast China — is not a Spelaeornis wren-babbler at all. Instead, it appears to be the sole member of a very old family ( Discovery of a relict lineage and monotypic family of passerine birds , Alström et al.).

Family 271
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Wildlife Rehabber Misidentification

10,000 Birds

'“Here’s an idea for a blog,” wrote Donna Osburn, a wildlife rehabilitator from Kentucky. “What’s your best misidentification of a bird?”. This is a great topic. It even has two parts. Rehabbers are constantly receiving birds misidentified by their finders; and on occasion some of us even receive birds we misidentify ourselves. The creature above was brought to me by an elegantly-dressed man who had found him outside his condo.

Wildlife 254
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Feral Cats More Important Than Humans?

10,000 Birds

'Be careful if you cross the feral cat freaks – they might protest your business, sue you, and drive you to suicide. Such was the sad fate of a New York City veterinarian who refused to release a stray cat she treated back to a feral cat freak who planned to release the cat back into a feral cat colony. Dr. Shirley Koshi was a woman who devoted her life to caring for animals and sought to prevent a cat from the miseries of living out-of-doors.

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Brian Stoneman has fallen asleep

10,000 Birds

'Brian Stoneman (1946-2009) was a friend of mine and a top class birder. He grew up in the London East End and spoke hardly understandable cockney. After his early retirement due to lung cancer, when doctors were giving him up to two years more to live, he moved to the coast of Turkey where he bought a half-finished house whose foundations were washed by the waves of the Aegean Sea, met the love of his life and cheated the doctors for quite some time.

Turkey 221
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Mallards are a Threat to Mottled Ducks in Florida

10,000 Birds

'Florida is known as the Sunshine State. It is also known for the 500 exotic species of animals and plants that now call the Sunshine State home. Exotic species are animals that did not historically occur in Florida. Most were introduced, meaning they were brought to Florida by humans. One such species is the familiar mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Resident mallards are considered an “exotic duck” in Florida and have the potential to drive the native mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) to extinction th

Florida 212
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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of March 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Some may consider talking about the weather banal, but I can’t help complaining during a winter like this. While March earns a reputation for coming in like a lion, the season rarely seems as wild and cold as Winter Storm Titan threatens to be over the next few days in the American Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic. Seriously, if this continues into migration, the birds are all going to fly back south.

2014 205
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Light Colored Bald Eagle

10,000 Birds

'I had the pleasure of heading to the Winter Wings Bird Festival in Klamath Falls, Oregon last month and it was a good time. It’s an area beloved by photographers for all the Tundra Swans and Bald Eagles that hang out in the area and the surrounding habitat makes for a beautiful backdrop. When you go to a bird festival to lead a field trip and you don’t live in the area, you are typically assigned a local guide who knows the best routes and what areas are going to be the birdiest.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of March 2014?

10,000 Birds

'Keep your eyes to the skies for uncommon birds like this leucistic Bald Eagle ! Daylight Savings Time falls this weekend in those areas that observe this tradition. Remember, springing forward means one less hour of sleep this weekend, not one less hour of sleep! I’ll be out and about in the Rochester area enjoying this sudden influx of sun. Corey will be birding the heck out of some random part of New York.

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Why Did They Name This Duck the Ring-necked Duck?

10,000 Birds

'I’ve heard many people ask “why don’t they call it the Ring-billed Duck?” They do have a white band toward the end of their bill. But if you look closely, you can see the dark violet band around the neck of the male Ring-necked Duck ( Aythya collaris ). Click on photos for full sized images. The female has what some might construe as a “ring” around the neck where the light colored throat moves toward the more brown breast.

Ducks 198
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Flogging A New Patch

10,000 Birds

'The patch. All birders know what a patch is, and I’m going to do all of us a favor and spare you the definition of a patch and what it means’s to it’s “owner”…it is known. You are welcome. The real challenge in discussing a patch is making it somehow interesting to other birders…after all, a patch is a personal thing, so blogging about one’s patch is akin to blogging about one’s bird list…it may be interesting at first, but it gets old

Oakland 194
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Osprey Cam

10,000 Birds

'As most of my regular readers know, I am a big fan of nest cams, feeder cams, and other such technologies. By allowing viewers to get up close and personal without disturbing birds, they can foster a sense of engagement that until now was mostly achieved by nigh-Victorian pursuits like collecting and taking animals from the wild to serve as household pets — activities that enlivened the childhoods of naturalist-heroes like Gerald Durrell but much impoverished the natural world when widely

Montana 194
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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First Phoebe of 2014

10,000 Birds

'I finally saw my first migratory Eastern Phoebe of 2014 today at Rockaway Community Park in Queens! It is the next-to-latest date I have ever had my first of the year. For me, spring doesn’t really begin until I see my first phoebe on migration so I am relieved that I finally saw one. Spring can now start! As I have for the last several years, I will now ask the same question of midwesterners and northeasterners that I ask every year: When did you see your first Eastern Phoebe of 2014?

2014 191
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Saving Birds From Invasive … Plants?

10,000 Birds

'Yes, that’s what’s happening at Midway Atoll, a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). You’ve no doubt heard about birds being put at risk by nonnative cats, rats, and even goats. But plants? In the case of Midway, a National Wildlife Refuge , the offending species is Golden Crownbeard ( Verbesina enceliolides ) , an innocuous-looking flower that’s native to Mexico and the Southwestern United States.

Albatross 191
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There is more in a long-tailed hummingbird than what meets the eye

10,000 Birds

'What makes this or that bird one we want to see on our next birding trip? Personal preferences are important, but there is certain criteria each species is tested against before it gets on the short wish list. I for instance, asked which birds would be on the wish list of someone visiting Peru, and what criteria birders use to generate such wish list.

Peru 190
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Frigatebird Food Fight in the Galapagos

10,000 Birds

'When Adam Riley let me know he had seen some cool frigatebird photos and wondered if we wanted to run them on 10,000 Birds I immediately said yes. After all, the last time Adam said he had some cool photos they were really, really cool ! In this case, Adam did not take the photos – they were taken by Ed Ritchie, who was lucky enough to view the behavior shown here on a recent visit to the Galapagos Islands.

Birds 187
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Not a Green-winged Teal

10,000 Birds

'I was spending the morning this past Sunday checking out some random, out-of-the-way spots in Queens to see if any cool birds were hanging around in what I call my armpit of Queens route. I tend to hit lots of crummy and scummy bits of vacant land, polluted ponds, and other bits of marginal habitat that hides in the city’s interstices. At the north end of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park I was pleased to see what looked like a Green-winged Teal at first.

Ducks 187
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of March 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Hopefully, those of you who observe St. Patrick’s Day by doing more than donning green didn’t “celebrate” so much this weekend that you’re suffering today. Enjoy! When I saw a Turkey Vulture soaring serenely over the frozen tundra of Rochester last month, I took the sighting as an example of how confused, in a potentially fatal way, some birds can get.

2014 186
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Texas Oil Spill Threatens Migrating Birds

10,000 Birds

'Is last week’s oil spill near Galveston, Texas bad for birds? As the guys on SportsCenter say, it’s not good , according to conservationists and wildlife officials, since spring migration is just heating up. Many birds flying toward their nesting sites pass over where the spill occurred (on World Water Day, ironically). If they rest or feed in the affected area , they’re at risk for contamination.

Texas 186
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The Pungent Smell of Success

10,000 Birds

'Not one but two scientific studies linking birds to foul odors were released this week. The stinky results may actually have some side benefits for birds, and the planet as a whole. It’s a headline-writer’s dream! First up is a paper appearing in the new issue of the journal Science. It describes a Spanish researcher’s finding that Great Spotted Cuckoos somewhat make up for their brood-parasitism habit.

Science 185
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Bird Banding the Dry Tortugas

10,000 Birds

'Erika is a first year graduate student studying Ecosystem Science and Conservation at Duke. In her free time she travels near and far to find birds to continue building her life list, though many of her favorites can still be found right in her own backyard. She has contributed many pieces to 10,000 Birds and writes about her birding adventures on her blog,

Birds 182
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Snow in the Air

10,000 Birds

'The Varied Thrushes came back. Then the Western Bluebirds and Meadowlarks. My Dark-eyed Juncos are trilling in preparation to retreat to quieter breeding grounds, the Black-Capped Chickadees sing their two notes, and the Song Sparrows absolutely will not shut up. For all that, though, migration here is still largely a water-based show, with the most spectacular signs of springs coming in the forms of ducks, geese, and swans.

Geese 182
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of March 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Signs of a changing season are busting out all over, but I can’t see any of them with all the snow that fell last night. We weary winter warriors need some serious respite. Shouldn’t someone be sending St. Bernards with brandy barrels on their collars to help us get through this? Like the fabled honey badger, grackles don’t care. The snow and cold hardly seem to faze them.

Badgers 180
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of March 2014)

10,000 Birds

'When asking “Where Are You Birding This Weekend?” on Friday, I botched my comment about Daylight Savings Time. The insightful point I meant to make is that springing forward means losing an hour of sleep, not an hour of birding. Apparently, I needed the sleep more than the time outside… how about you? The Dark-eyed Juncos around here are getting pretty feisty, which I will take as a very, very, very early sign of spring; hard to get to excited with all this snow still on the g

2014 179
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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of March 2014?

10,000 Birds

'Keep your eyes to the skies and look out for bull dust ! For those of us in the northeastern United States, this winter has been rough. Even if you snapped enough Snowy Owl photos to make a bird-a-day calendar, you’ve got to be sick of the excessively frigid temperatures and relentless precipitation. I’m writing this still aching from shoveling the 18+ inches that blanketed Rochester yesterday.

2014 178
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Crested Serpent-eagle

10,000 Birds

'The serpent-eagles of the genus Spilornis are an Asian group, not to be confused with two different genera found in Africa or, for that matter, the snake-eagles, a mostly African but also European and Asian genus (simple, right?). The Spilornis serpent-eagles are represented by a number of insular species and one widespread mainland species, the Crested Serpent-eagle.

Eagles 175
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City Cracks Down on Unseemly Birdfeeders

10,000 Birds

'The city of Evanston, a suburb just outside Chicago, is sometimes known for its fractious civic engagement. To wit, this is the place that has on the books (and threatens to enforce) a law forbidding more than three unrelated people from living together, a measure derided by off-campus Northwestern University students as the “ brothel law.” It is also home to a sizable community of birders, including the very active Evanston North Shore Bird Club.

Laws 174
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“Where’s Woody?”

10,000 Birds

'There is an absorbing game known to American children as “Where’s Waldo?” In a large book, our brightly coloured hero saunters across a page and the children simply have to point out, “There’s Waldo!” Easy enough so far, but Waldo is often obscured and partially hidden by repeating patterns. Even so, his attire should make him stand out from the background, until you realise that Waldo’s companions like to follow his taste in fashion and draw the eye to

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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