August, 2013

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The Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Wish List

10,000 Birds

'It’s August, and first on the menu is: Fried Rehabber. Summer is high season. The general public is out and about, birds and animals are raising their young, and human/wildlife interaction is at its peak. If you are a rehabber, this means your phone never stops ringing, your emergency services are in constant demand, and your stress level is off the charts.

Wildlife 250
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PlexiDor Dog Doors: A “New Breed” of Dog Doors!

4 The Love Of Animals

'I am blogging on behalf of BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network and Plexidor. I received compensation for my time from Plexidor for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine. While we didn’t get the chance to try PlexiDor for ourselves, we are quiet impressed by them. They have some awesome features that we have always thought dog doors should have (security for example).

Dogs 175

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From The New York Times

Animal Ethics

'In Response to Nicholas D. Kristof''s column "Can We See Our Hypocrisy to Animals?"NYTimes readers urge consistency in our treatment of and concern for animals here.

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Lawns Should Go the Way of the Dodo

10,000 Birds

'I agree very strongly with Hamilton Nolan. This, especially, is a nice paragraph: Lawns are a false idol. They represent the ancient American ideal of taming nature to our own ends— an ideal formed in a time before we realized that we had already “tamed” nature so much that we were going to destroy ourselves. The desire for a bright green, evenly clipped, thoroughly artificial lawn comes from the same place as the desire for strict dress codes, all white neighborhoods, and dead hipp

Game 241
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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The Swallow-tailed Kites in Florida Are Now Heading South…

10,000 Birds

'I am sure you know how it goes…when you are a birder, your friends (non-birders) will tell bird stories, anecdotes or ask questions about birds they have seen. A friend of mine told me, she has been seeing small groups of Swallow-tailed Kites ( Elanoides furficatus ) in the general area; in south Florida. This happened two days ago and I said to myself, I can’t believe August is here.

Florida 241
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The Lion Forest of India

10,000 Birds

'After several game drives, once again we are at the front gate of the Gir National Park in the state of Gujarat. This park protects the largest remaining tract of dry deciduous forest in the west of India, offering visitors 37 species of reptiles, 38 species of mammals and, not to be forgotten – almost 300 bird species. Still, for the majority of visitors, there seem to be only one species – some of the last of the 400 remaining Asiatic Lions ( Panthera leo persica ).

Lions 233

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Rock Partridges and Hollywood mandolins

10,000 Birds

'I don’t like to wake up if it’s still dark outside – I hate it! And here I am on vacation in Greece, turning off the alarm at 5.30 am – too early, as it will turn out, but I had no clue when the sun rises. At the crack of dawn, I am driving along sharp curves through the olive groves. I define the “crack of dawn” as that time when it’s already (almost) light, although the sun is nowhere to be seen.

Greece 215
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Is The Hooded Grebe About To Go Extinct?

10,000 Birds

'Podicipediformes, aka Grebes, are freshwater diving duckish birds that are not ducks. For an order they are neither diverse nor disparate. Twenty two species are distributed among six genera, depending on what happens to be extinct, and for the most part one grebe is like another. Also, Grebes share two characteristics that end up being bad news given the state of the planet we are in.

2010 205
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The Lazuli Bunting Will Certainly Brighten Your Day

10,000 Birds

'During March and April the Lazuli Buntings ( Passerina amoena ) begin showing up in Southern California but we don’t usually see them up north until May or June. The bright turquoise blue head, contrasting rufous breast and conspicuous white wing bars make the mature male Lazuli Bunting easily recognizable (click on photos for full sized images).

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The Caroni Swamp Scarlet Ibis Show

10,000 Birds

'If you are a birder and you visit Trinidad and Tobago you must go to the Caroni Swamp. Actually, scratch that. If you visit Trinidad and Tobago you must visit Caroni Swamp. Why? Because the Scarlet Ibis show is the best show in the country. What’s not to like about big, bright red, big-beaked, birds? Nothing, that’s what. And there is no better place to see Eudocimus ruber than deep in the mangroves that make up Caroni Swamp.

Trinidad 193
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Year of the Eagle

10,000 Birds

'Kevin Ebi is a professional nature photographer whose work has appeared in a variety of magazines and books, including National Wildlife , Smithsonian , Outdoor Photographer , and Lonely Planet and Moon travel guides. Year of the Eagle is his third book. His other books told the story of the cycle of water and chronicled life of waterfowl in the Seattle Arboretum.

Eagles 190
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Docu-series Offers Bird’s-Eye View of, Well, Birds

10,000 Birds

'Did you ever wonder what the world looks like through a bird’s eyes? Now is your chance to find out. Beginning on Sep. 4, and for six consecutive Wednesdays, PBS will air a special Nature miniseries called “Earthflight.” (Check your local listings for exact times. Not in the U.S.? After each episode airs, you’ll be able to stream it at

Downers 189
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Searching for the Elusive and Less-Colorful: The Sinaloa Martin

10,000 Birds

'Kathi Borgmann and Josh Beck are living the dream of many a North American birder. They packed up in June of 2013 and headed south from San Diego with the southern tip of South America as their destination. Like so many trips this one is more about the journey than the destination which brings us to why they have a guest post (hopefully the first of several) on 10,000 Birds.

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10,000 Birds, now with 100% more Narwhal

10,000 Birds

'Because I’m likely the only 10,000 Birds beat writer who can go on a drive and photograph Narwhal, I thought I’d put up a quick post with some photos of birds and Narwhal from Sunday evening. Its okay to gloat, right? These were all taken from shore as the Narwhal fed on schooling Arctic Cod in Victor Bay. Dive! A Thayer’s Gull plunges for some of the Arctic Cod the Narwhal are feeding on.

Mammals 182
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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Iguanas Love Roti!

10,000 Birds

'West of Port of Spain in Chaguaramus, off the Western Main Road, is a very large boatyard. Hidden away in that boatyard is an amazingly good spot to buy roti, which rivaled doubles as my favorite food that I sampled while in Trinidad and Tobago. What, exactly, is roti? It usually refers to an unleavened bread of the type made in south Asia. But, as Wikipedia points out, it has taken on a new meaning in the Caribean: The roti wrap is the commercialization of roti and curry as a fast-food item in

Trinidad 182
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Stuck in the middle (of the AOU/COS meeting)

10,000 Birds

'I’m not an ornithologist. I don’t even play one on TV. Nevertheless, I was pleased to find myself at ornithological ground zero this past week, as the American Ornithologists’ Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society held a joint annual meeting in Chicago. Months prior, a call for volunteers had gone out to local birders, and I happily signed up for a few shifts.

San Diego 180
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Do The Splits

10,000 Birds

'The recent American Ornithological Union (AOU) decisions to split Sage Sparrow (RIP) into Sagebrush Sparrow and Bell’s Sparrow has the Birdosphere buzzing on everything from field marks, vocalizations, status and distribution to historical records and hypothetical patterns of vagrancy. The failures of the proposals to split White-breasted Nuthatch and Sandwich Tern have not exactly been forgotten, but they may not be getting any new treatment by the AOU in the near future.

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Andean Condors On The News

10,000 Birds

'I just read on the news that about 20 Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) were poisoned in Chile. The birds were observed crashing into the rocks high in the Andean mountains near a hydroelectric power plant. Other birds were seen crash landing. As Chilean officials and volunteers rescued 17 birds they noticed the birds were foaming from the beak. Another sick condor and two dead ones were found nearby.

Livestock 179
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Godwits are bad ambassadors of conservation

10,000 Birds

'I fully realize that my last post was not a bird post in the strictest sense. As a matter of fact, one might surmise that I have merely instrumantalized a few images of a wet magpie to let loose a relentless rant about our weather. Therefore I have decided to right my wrong by providing first and foremost some avian eye candy, and not talk. Or else I’d be tempted to mention that the cold rainy weather has given way to a massive heat wave and drought, or that the summer doldrums this year

Germany 177
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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of August 2013)

10,000 Birds

'Another long, lovely summer weekend has slipped into history. Midsummer will be giving way any moment to late summer. I know that families in the United States are already fretting/anticipating September’s arrival. How do you feel about it? Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was a Least Tern that flew over his apartment, only the second he ever saw from the comfort of his balcony.

2013 176
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Red-backed Kingfishers

10,000 Birds

'Around Broome we have several members of the Kingfisher family, with the most common being the Sacred Kingfisher and the Red-backed Kingfisher. They are similar in size, but the Red-backed Kingfisher is more often seen inland and not necessarily near water. The Red-backed Kingfisher hunts large insects and small reptiles and can often be seen perched on open dead trees.

Reptiles 176
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Large-billed Terns at the Trincity Sewage Ponds

10,000 Birds

'A sewage pond is, like a landfill, one of those places by which non-birders get very confused. “Wait, you’re going to a sewage pond? Voluntarily? To see birds? What is wrong with you?” That small minded perspective is difficult to overcome despite Clare’s continued insistence on the excellence of Poo Ponds and my own small contribution from my visits to Florida’s Viera Wetlands and Nevada’s City of Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve.

Trinidad 176
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Goldfinches Coming, Orioles Leaving

10,000 Birds

'This is such a weird time of year at bird feeders. Most birds have finished up raising young, but a few are in the thick of it like American Goldfinches. Our latest nester, these birds don’t start their breeding season until July and are frantically feeding young right now. It seems to take forever for them to shake off the dull olive of their winter plumage and we get them bright and sassy right now.

Baltimore 174
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Hide at Mankwe Dam

10,000 Birds

'The beautiful landscape that would one day become Pilanesberg National Park , was formed when a volcano collapsed in on itself, leaving concentric rings of mountains. Nowadays, a dam lies at the centre of the range, overlooked by a charming hide (Google Earth ref; 25 15 58.27S 27 7 5.14E). The hide on Mankwe Dam is a must-see for any visitor to Pilanesberg NP and kept me enthralled for hours this morning.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of August 2013)

10,000 Birds

'I’m wondering if Best Bird of the Weekend is too restrictive a way to consider the avians we encounter from Friday to Sunday. Of course we should seek reasons to celebrate every bird species we share our weekends with, but is the species that delights us most always the most memorable? Corey had a Best Bird of the Weekend or rather a pair of birds, Stilt Sandpipers , that plopped down directly in front of him while he was digiscoping a juvenile Short-billed Dowitcher at the East Pond of J

2013 173
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An Insect Hatch at Kissena Corridor Park

10,000 Birds

'One of my favorite birding spots is Kissena Corridor Park in Queens, New York. It is nearby, accessible, and loaded with birds. Not only that, but shortly after I moved to New York City in 2008 the Parks Department ripped out a whole bunch of invasive species, worked hard to prevent them from coming back, and planted a bunch of native species. As you can imagine, it has become a great place to see good birds , especially in fall migration when all of those native plants contribute seeds and ber

Baltimore 171
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Purple Patch

10,000 Birds

'There is a Trivial Pursuit question which asks the colour of a Bougainvillea flower. The answer caught me out first time round as I had mistaken the colourful brachts for petals. The flower is actually the tiny white bloom surrounded by the varied hues of the brachts. In Central and South America, they are part of the established ecosystem and play an important role, supporting the fauna of the region.

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Geikie Gorge

10,000 Birds

'On our recent birding and camping trip we continued south from Windjana Gorge to re-join the highway and head east to Fitzroy Crossing. We then took the road to visit Geikie Gorge, which is a short drive from town and a sealed road. It is a popular area during our Dry Season and during the Wet Season it is closed due to the Fitzroy River rising to levels that make it inaccessible.

Seals 169
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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of August 2013?

10,000 Birds

'Wow, wouldn’t you love to go camping in Windjana Gorge like Clare Morton did? The second weekend of August is marked, at least in these parts, by hysteria. Birds are gorging themselves for their imminent odysseys, while humans frantically expend themselves in the drive for as much summer fun as possible before Labor Day. This sometimes involves gorging themselves as well.

2013 166
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I and the Bird: Gimme Grebes

10,000 Birds

'The theme for the next I and the Bird will be GREBES! Those funny-footed, duck-looking-but-actually-more-closely-related-to-flamingo, diving birds with the fantastic displays and the funky feathers. Send you grebe photos and, especially, your blog posts to naswick AT and put IATB in the subject line. The deadline is the end of the day 8/13 for publication 8/15.

Birds 165
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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