October, 2014

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National Feral Cat Day Didn’t Go As Planned

10,000 Birds

'feral cat with a Golden-crowned Kinglet by Isaac Grant. Pity the poor souls at Alley Cat Allies. They have been so successful in suckering cities and other municipalities into believing that they can solve their feral cat problems through Trap-Neuter-Return (T-N-R) that now citizens of those towns have had their eyes (and their noses) opened to what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

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Black rhinoceros, Forest, enjoyed some pumpkins for Halloween

4 The Love Of Animals

'Busch Gardens® Tampa’s black rhinoceros, Forest, enjoyed some pumpkins in preparation for Halloween. As part of his daily enrichment, the animal care team provided several pumpkins for Forest! Doesn’t it look like he is having the time of his life?! See the video on the Busch Gardens YouTube channel. Black rhinos are considered endangered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and are found in central and southern Africa.


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Animal Ethics

'This blog had 812 visits during September, which is an average of 27.0 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 44.9.

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Where to watch birds in Belgrade

10,000 Birds

'While there are some two dozen birding spots in Belgrade, Serbia, that stand out, in this guideblog I will focus on the river Danube and its floodplain, inside the Important Bird Area “Confluence of the Sava and the Danube Rivers”. The top-5 places to bird along the Danube, without leaving the city: THE DORCOL PROMENADE (44°49’50″N, 20°27’16″E).

Serbia 243
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Another Reason Conservatives are Bad for Birds

10,000 Birds

'You know that a government is running amok when it threatens to send tax auditors after a registered charity , in this case the Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists, with revenues of about $16,000 a year. Apparently, the Harper government doesn’t like organizations questioning, well, anything to do with the environment or, for that matter, anything that might not be sufficiently conservative: The rules say a charity can devote no more than 10 per cent of its resources to political activit

Canada 238
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My Favorite Release

10,000 Birds

'So I asked seven wildlife rehabilitators, “Tell me your favorite (or one of your favorites) release story – the kind that makes you keep going, in spite of everything.”. “A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher hatchling that I got in two years ago,” wrote Leslie Jackson, a rehabber in Tulsa, OK, and sent the ‘before’ photo above and the ‘after’ photo, six weeks later, below.

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Birds at Bryant Park

10,000 Birds

'Imagine for a moment that you are a bird. You have been flying all night, migrating, and now the sun is starting to come up and you can see what is beneath you. To your chagrin, all you see is buildings and streets. Then, to your relief, you notice the patch of green that is in the image above, which was taken from the top of the Empire State Building.

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How smart are parrots?

10,000 Birds

'Parrots are smarter than Nebo the dog. “Nebo.” The dog’s name came from the direction of the enclosed front porch of the tin-roofed concrete block home of my friend Bwana Ndege, in Isiro, Zaire. “Nebo.” It sounded like an older woman, a somewhat crackly voice, insistent. “Nebo. Kuya. Nebo.” The old woman was calling the dog, in Swahili.

Parrots 213
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Are You Going to the 2015 Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival?

10,000 Birds

'I certainly can’t wait for 21 January 2015! That will be the opening day of the 18th Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival in Titusville, Florida. I had a great time back in 2012 and even more fun in 2014. Who knows what great birds 2015 will bring? Florida is a great place to bird in January because in addition to the year-round species there are a host of birds that winter in the relatively balmy climate that Florida has in winter.

2015 206
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of October 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Why is camping so interesting? I ask because, despite my deep affection for warmth, indoor plumbing, and uninterrupted Internet access, I found myself and my family enjoying an overnight out of doors. Camping and birding both fall under the category of “nature” activities, yet the two seem only tangentially related. How many of you birders enjoy camping and how many of you would rather skip the whole thing?

2014 206
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Where to Watch Birds in the Iron Gates

10,000 Birds

'Beside birds, in this park you stand a chance of spotting the Eurasian Lynx , Brown Bear and Gray Wolf ! Well, do you really? I was about to say that I haven’t seen any of these in the wild (only tracks of Bear and Wolf in the snow, but not in this park) and then I remembered one Serbian ornithologist who often visited this area and once, while driving through the forest in the night, had the most elusive of the trio – the Lynx – framed in his headlights.

Serbia 198
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Tanagers of Hotel do Ype, Itatiaia.

10,000 Birds

'About half way between Brazil’s Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero, lies a mountain valley containing the Itatiaia National Park. The endemic-rich Mata Atlantica, or Atlantic Forest is a habitat type found close to the coast in the south-eastern states of the huge country. Chestnut-bellied Euphonia (not actually a tanager, but gorgeous just the same). It is easy enough to find decent accommodation in Itatiaia NP and all of the establishments are keenly aware that many of the punters are foreign birde

Brazil 195
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Portrait of a Redtail with Grey Hoodie String

10,000 Birds

'What follows will not be elegant artspeak about how certain photographers can capture not only the beauty but the spirit of wild birds, although my friend Russ Cusick , who took these photos, has certainly produced some of my favorite avian images. This is more of a cautionary tale about one of the perils lying in wait for wildlife rehabilitators who decide to take shortcuts.

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Cooperative Connecticut Warbler in Queens

10,000 Birds

'After work on Friday I decided to stop at Strack Pond at the western edge of Forest Park, where wood-warblers had been around in numbers recently. Upon my arrival I ran into Danny Melore and Andrew Baksh, both of whom were impressed by the variety of wood-warblers around, which were feeding on the abundant insect life. (Something must have hatched though none of us knew exactly what the little bugs flying around were.).

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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First Queens Big Sit at Fort Tilden a Rousing Success

10,000 Birds

'The inaugural Queens County Bird Club Big Sit at Fort Tilden yesterday, 12 October, was as wonderful a time for which a birder could ask. There was gorgeous weather with beautiful blue skies, lots of great birds, and the good company of a host of birders. We set the standard at 74 species, one short of my hoped for 75, but not bad for a first attempt.

2015 188
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Sora! Sora! Sora!

10,000 Birds

'I realize that no one wants to hear about other people’s lists. It can be boring, for sure, but my own birding lately has been pretty much exclusively in service of my home county list, that of Guilford County, North Carolina. As I’ll mention to anyone who cares to listen (and many who don’t), county birding is particularly great for keeping motivated when other aspects of life manage to get in the way of going farther afield.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of October 2014)

10,000 Birds

'The final weekend of October positively burns with activity, from spectacular seasonal fare to sports extravaganzas to Halloween hullabaloo. How does a person even find time to look at birds? I was able to spare a few moments to appreciate the Northern Cardinals that, while always present at my home, seem so much more welcome once days turn gray. Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was either of the two amazingly cooperative Eastern Bluebirds he came across on Saturday morning in Kissena Cor

2014 185
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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of October 2014?

10,000 Birds

'Keep your eyes to the skies… you never know what you’ll see! Autumn in October means many things to many people more eloquent by half than I. Rabindranath Tagore observed, “The music of the far-away summer flutters around the Autumn seeking its former nest.” According to Percy Bysshe Shelley, “There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky…” What are your favorite fall quotes?

2014 185
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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I Want This Bird to be Something…

10,000 Birds

'Two weeks after finding a Say’s Phoebe at Edgemere Landfill in the company of my family I convinced them to return to Edgemere yesterday afternoon for another visit. Northwest winds had been blowing all day and the flight of both passerines and raptors had been impressive. We had a grand old time dodging grasshoppers, checking out the snails, and watching the hawks.

Birds 183
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A White Brown-headed Cowbird

10,000 Birds

'I was sorting through a large mixed flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds and European Starlings at Fort Tilden on Friday morning when Isaac Grant, the intrepid Staten Island birder, showed up and asked if I had seen the white one. I had no idea what he was talking about and told him so and he then showed me a couple of distant pictures he had gotten of a white Brown-headed Cowbird.

ALA 182
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Join Me for a Big Sit in Queens!

10,000 Birds

'On Sunday, 12 October, I’ll be in one spot all day long from predawn until post-sunset. That spot is Battery Harris Platform at Fort Tilden, a hawk watch platform built on top of the remnants of an old artillery battery that helped protect New York Harbor back when Fort Tilden was actually still a military base. What will I be doing there? A Big Sit!

Battery 182
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A Say’s Phoebe at Edgemere Landfill, Queens, New York

10,000 Birds

'On Sunday morning I was out birding across several Queens hotspots with my friend Seth. When I got home and found Daisy and Desi ready to enjoy the beautiful day I was pretty pleased that Desi decided on Edgemere Landfill, the capped landfill on the Rockaway Peninsula at the southeasternmost extremity of Queens, as his destination of choice. He’s a big fan of the grasshoppers and crickets that swarm over the landfill in autumn and he actually was talking about how he wanted to see birds t

New York 176
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Northern Wheatear at Plum Beach, Brooklyn

10,000 Birds

'Not having to work until the afternoon on a Wednesday, I took advantage and decided to go birding yesterday. At seven in the morning I had just refound the Eurasian Wigeon at the north end of the East Pond of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and turned around for the long slog down the east side of the pond when my phone buzzed with an email. At first I was going to ignore it but curiosity got the better of me.

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LSU Sets Big Day Record in Peru with 354 Species!

10,000 Birds

'How would you like to see a lot of bird species in a day? Like, more species than anyone else anywhere has ever seen in a day? Well, a team from Louisiana State University managed to pull that off on 14 October, seeing an astounding 354 species in one day in Peru. Jealous? The website isn’t updated with details yet (probably because they must be recovering) but check back in a day or two and I am sure that they will have a host of stories to share about an amazing day’s birding!

Peru 177
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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of October 2014?

10,000 Birds

'Keep your eyes to the skies for raptors on the move, like this Griffon Vulture over the Straits of Gibraltar. If you live in the northeastern United States, you recognize the upcoming long weekend as the peak of leaf-peeping season. If you don’t live in a temperate zone, you may not have even known that leaf-peeping is a thing! I’ll be hazarding some chilly October camping in Lyman Run State Park this weekend.

2014 177
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Where Are You Birding This First Weekend of October 2014?

10,000 Birds

'October much resembles March in these parts, but reversed in polarity. This month comes in like a lamb, unless you’re paying attention to fall migration, in which case the lion is roaring right now. Enjoy! I don’t know why I’ve done this to myself, but I’ve been working every weekend morning. This weekend will be the same, which will definitely impede my birding exploits.

Lamb 175
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of October 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Halfway through the month, we in the temperate zones are clearly moving from one season to another. Here in New York, the warm portion of October may be naught but a memory. Wherever you are, get excited for whatever comes next, because it’s coming! In the absence of notable rarities this weekend, I took greatest pleasure in observing big Red-tailed Hawks , which are always awesome despite their ubiquity.

2014 173
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Raptor Migration across the Straits of Gibraltar

10,000 Birds

'Peter Thoem settled in Canada many years ago. He lives at the west end of Lake Ontario which, twelve months of the year, is a very rich and varied place for birds. So he spends as much time as he can in the field and whenever possible he chases lifelong birding dreams in foreign lands. You can and should read about Peter’s daily adventures at My Bird of the Day.

Spain 173
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Some Cool and Crazy Waterbirds from Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

'Costa Rica is one of those places that people visit to “see the rainforest” Although there’s no such thing as “the one and only rainforest”, Costa Rica is indeed a great place to check out this biodynamic habitat. There are some pretty cool tropical forests in Tiquicia (a local name for Costa Rica) and that’s where you need to go to see most of the bird species.

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Biofuel: Now With More Birds

10,000 Birds

'When you hear the word “biofuel,” you probably think of corn, right? But other types of plant matter can power our vehicles and our homes. And some of those options may be more beneficial to birds than are acres and acres of cornfields. That’s the gist of a new study published in PLOS ONE. In it, researchers from Wisconsin compared cornfields with grasslands in terms of which provided better bird habitat.

Badgers 171
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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