July, 2017

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The Belgrade Amazon Campaign or the House of the Eagle

10,000 Birds

Beljarica backwaters cover the 900 ha of wilderness on the eastern bank of the Danube, between the river and the embankment, by the suburb of Kovilovo, some 15 kilometres upstream from downtown Belgrade. I have been there several times last month, but barely ever managed to do any proper birding! Mostly, I was showing the area to journalists and talking to cameras.

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Cooking With Cats Coloring Book (and a giveaway)

4 The Love Of Animals

Do you love cats? What about food? Do you also like to color? This book combines all of those wonderful things together for a fun coloring experience! The cats take the cake in their “food cosplay”, such as cat sushi.

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Animal Ethics

This blog had 723 visits during June, which is an average of 24.1 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 26.4.

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Raptors of Mexico and Central America: A Book Review

10,000 Birds

There are birders who watch hawks and there are hawk watchers who bird. These, the hawk watchers, are the people who can’t stop watching the skies, even when the view is obstructed by a rainforest canopy or a massive layer of dark-gray clouds, the ones who yell, “Black Hawk!” while pointing to a pinprick in the sun. Raptor identification has developed into a distinct skill, one that has been supported by a steady stream of guides written by some of the best writers and experts aroun

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Poolside in Cabo Pulmo

10,000 Birds

The last 30 days have been a real challenge, both personally as well as in our business. So, it was with that in mind, that we loaded the truck up, and rented a beautiful little casita in the Oceanside village of Cabo Pulmo. This little town of about 100 is located right next to what is considered the largest coral reef in all of Mexico [link] which is very well protected with in the boundaries of a Federal Marine Reserve.

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Big Day on Cedar Key, FL

10,000 Birds

My friend Savanna and I rose at dawn, gulped down coffee and then hit the best birding hotspots on Cedar Key, wracking up hundreds of summer species before lunchtime. Just kidding. Savanna and I were excited about a full-on birding day in Cedar Key, FL, but we had a few factors working against hundreds of birds appearing on our end-of-day checklists.

Florida 148

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Burn Notice: Petplan Reveals the Three Biggest Fire Safety Mistakes Pet Parents Make

4 The Love Of Animals

With Pet Fire Safety Day on July 15, pet insurance provider says failures in prevention and planning put pets’ health in peril Having a pet can be a real learning curve, but there’s one aspect of pet parenthood that leaves … Continue reading →

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You Gotta Fight When You Think it’s the Right Thing to Do

10,000 Birds

I bird, therefore I am. Birding defines me, that much is clear. Yet, for the last month and a half I don’t remember doing any birding (my longest pause in the several years, for sure). I was mostly guiding journalists to “ Belgrade Amazon ” and I continue to do so these days. But what happened to birding? Having mobility issues, I bird by car only (or by canoe, but that is another story , of friendship and loss).

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The beautiful nests of the Hooded Oriole

10,000 Birds

When it comes to nest construction, few if any birds rival the detail put into their nests, like members of the oriole family. Here in the southern half of the Baja, we have both Hooded and Scott’s Orioles , with the Hooded variety being quite a bit more common. The intricacies that they go to in weaving the nests, pulling thread after thread from the edges of the palms to do the construction with.

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Night Moves

10,000 Birds

So it turns out dogs are useless. Or at least the four dogs in the house I’m staying at in Montana showed no particular reaction to the 5.8 earthquake and series of aftershocks that made the state wobbly in the early hours of Thursday morning. I myself, up too late as usual, noticed a rolling sensation that ended just as I was starting to think that maybe I should be worried, followed by a flurry of Twitter activity as all the nocturnal folks checked in with each other on what had happened

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Crested Serpent Eagle

10,000 Birds

To the north of Kuala Lumpur, is a section of forest, easily accessible from the city. A flight over the forest via Google Earth, shows that quarrying is encroaching into the forest from the north and west and the city is threatening to overwhelm it from the south and east. Go now while the chance is still available. FRIM (Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia) is open to the public who come to bathe in waterfalls, cycle, walk, picnic and attend educational events, but most of this takes part

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Keeping Guinea Pigs cool in the summer – your top 12 guide

4 The Love Of Animals

The recent warm weather has been perfect for us, but some Guinea Pig’s have suffered. Guinea Pigs can quickly overheat during the summer leading to heatstroke, which in severe cases can be fatal.

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Our Audubon Chapter Campout at Lassen Volcanic National Park

10,000 Birds

One of the best things about our annual Lassen Park campout is that we get to see several species of birds that are rarely, if ever, seen in the Sacramento Valley. Many of those species also nest in the park. According to their website , Lassen Volcanic National Park provides habitat for approximately 216 species of birds in which 96 have been known to actually breed in the park.

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Orokonui Sanctuary, Dunedin

10,000 Birds

Mainland island sanctuaries are popular in New Zealand for any number of reasons. On an island where a major cause of biodiversity loss is from introduced predators, fencing off an area and clearing the predators once is a usually effective method of protecting species where removing the invasive from the whole area isn’t feasible (yet). I’ve written before about such projects in Taranaki and Wellington.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Red-headed Honeyeaters in Broome

10,000 Birds

Red-headed Honeyeaters- Myzomela erythrocephala are a small bird that likes to live in the mangrove area around Broome, but you can actually see them quite easily right in town itself if you know where to look. We have on a few occasions had them in our garden, but they are not a common visitor unlike the Brown Honeyeater , Singing Honeyeater , Rufous-throated Honeyeater and the occasional Black-chinned Honeyeater.

Species 101
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Six Months of Birding in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

It’s 2017 and we have reached the halfway point. If you are doing any sort of year list, you know what I’m talking about and also know that now is the time to take a moment, count up the species, and go over strategies to reach those birding goals for 2017. They can be easy, they might be a challenge, or they may even require super human feats of extra ambition but however those goals might be categorized, make plans now because we have reached the downhill side of the year birding s

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Fledgling Yellow Warblers at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

10,000 Birds

The dog days of July, when birders desperately seek out south-bound shorebirds, odd breeding records, or anything else to keep themselves from losing their minds in a lousy birding time in the northeastern United States, is not my favorite time of year to bird. But after a long weekend in Niagara Falls and Toronto with my extended family, which featured virtually no birding, I was more than willing to get out at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday morning (the 4th of July) to see what was out

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Everything’s Coming Up Carrie Laben

10,000 Birds

We at 10,000 Birds are lucky to have such distinguished writers on our team. Yet, few of them are actually distinguished for their writing. That’s just one reason why we’re so proud of Beat Writer Carrie Laben , who’s been having a heck of a month. First, Carrie won the 2017 CDS Documentary Essay Prize for Writing , awarded by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University for her essay “ The Wrong Place.” The CDS Documentary Essay Prize honors the best in do

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of July 2017?

10,000 Birds

A very public individual who shall remain nameless recently targeted my part of the world in a typical rant , disparaging “…an area that just isn’t working like upper New York state, where people are getting very badly hurt (economically).” I had to laugh at that, considering both the vibrant economy and high quality of life here in Upstate New York.

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Birding Vignettes from a Camping Trip

10,000 Birds

Last week, from Saturday to Monday (15-17 July), we did our annual camping trip with some friends. This year we tried out Mongaup Pond Campground, a state park in the Catskills in Sullivan County. It’s a pretty park, not far off Route 17, but surrounded by miles of forest. And though it was not a birding trip we were out in the woods all day every day so of course I saw some birds.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Fourth of July 2017)

10,000 Birds

Rumor has it that we’ve turned a seasonal corner and can expect gradual cooling north of the Equator with commensurate warming to the south. But take rumors like these with a grain of salt, since temps will likely be scorching in temperate zones for at least another month or two. But the advancement of the season does signal shifts in bird behavior, which is, in itself, pretty hot.

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Pictorella Mannikins

10,000 Birds

Pictorella Mannikins- Heteromunia pectoralis -are a very small bird that inhabits the northern part of Australia and likes tall grass! The tendency for them to be found in tall grass is problematic when it comes to photographing them, but thankfully as seed eaters they need to drink a lot of water. Having found a good place to observe them about forty kilometres from Fitzroy Crossing heading towards Halls Creek a few years ago we have been able to obtain a few photos at the remaining water not f

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Caribbean Lowland Birding at Ara Ambigua Lodge, Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

As with peninsulas and places situated on an isthmus, Costa Rica has more than one coast. In the west, the Pacific splashes against beaches, estuaries, and occasional rocky spots backed by dry forest that transitions into rainforest as we head to the south. Over on the other side of the mountains, the rivers and streams rush their way down slope to eventually get muddy and meander their way to the Atlantic.

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Where Are You Birding This Fourth Week of July 2017

10,000 Birds

There are two kinds of travel in this world: the kind where you get to see great birds and the other kind. Right now, I’m in the middle of the other kind. What a waste! I’m in Boston for a conference and won’t have a chance to enjoy any New England avifauna other than the invasive European species. Corey will likely have better luck at home in NYC.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of July 2017)

10,000 Birds

Summer may be the season that best illustrates the stark difference between being outside and being in position to see interesting birds. Obviously, staying indoors ratchets up the difficulty in bird-spotting quite a bit, but working in your yard on a hot, summer day isn’t much better. What do I need to add to a bird bath to attract shorebirds?

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Great Crested Grebe

10,000 Birds

Redgannet’s repeated attempts to eat stuff that was bigger than his own head brought exasperated warnings from his long-suffering mother. As an adult, he still finds fascination in watching birds swallow seemingly impossible mouthfuls. First there was the Glaucous-winged Gull and the starfish , next, the Neotropic Cormorant with a plecostomus catfish.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of July 2017?

10,000 Birds

July has settled like a hot, muggy blanket over my part of New York, offering little more than streaky, young American Robins for entertainment. Fortunately, shorebirds are starting to turn up, which just goes to show you that birding is like Mark Twain’s depiction of weather in New England: If you don’t like it now, just wait a few minutes.

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Tri-colored Herons on the water front of La Paz.

10,000 Birds

In my continuing coverage on the herons and egrets of La Paz, I am going to show off the Tri-colored Heron. These lovely birds are actually quite common, many of which can be seen right along the water front of down town La Paz. Visiting tourists, getingt to enjoy the water front views, small quaint shops, and restaurants, also get to watch the Tri-colored Herons chasing small crabs and fish.

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Puddle Gull

10,000 Birds

In the summer time before the shorebirds come back the birding can seem a bit slow. Sure, birds are around, especially if you are into fledglings , but the heat of the day and the voracious insects can make even the most dedicated birder start to flag. For hot, sunny days I have perfected the lazy birder’s method of birding. I sit in my car with the driver’s side facing a likely-looking puddle, preferably with the sun shining from the passenger side, and digiscope out my window.

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of July 2017?

10,000 Birds

July can be very special time of year, but the birding rarely reaches the level of excitement our migratory months deliver. Enjoy this season for what it is and look for birds anyway! I’ll be enjoying real summer weather here in Rochester, while Corey kicks it in NYC. Boring, right? How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding?

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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