February, 2014

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Snow Leopard hunt by Adam Riley (INDRI Ultimate Wildlife Tours)

10,000 Birds

'It was our third day in high elevation Hemis National Park, we had awakened before dawn and chugged down a mug of life-giving coffee before ascending a few hundred yards to a knoll above our tented camp in the Rhumbak Valley. Our group watching the first Snow Leopard from a knoll above our camp in Hemis National Park. At this very spot, on our first afternoon in the park, and within half an hour of officially beginning our Snow Leopard search, our expert local spotter had exclaimed “ Shan !!

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FiXiT Aims to Facilitate 25 Spay Neuters This Week

4 The Love Of Animals

'Sponsors Are Able to Contribute As Little as $10 to Help an Animal Get Spayed/Neutered. Every year 3-4 million dogs and cats die in animal shelters in the United States because there aren’t enough homes for them. FiXiT is dedicated to coming up with solutions to reduce the number of homeless animals by helping people get their animals get spayed/neutered.

Spay 179

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Animal Ethics

'This blog had 1,134 visits during January, which is an average of 36.5 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 82.3.

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Stop the Madness: More Whooping Cranes Shot

10,000 Birds

'As if the last month’s revelation of a pair of murdered Whooping Cranes wasn’t devastating enough, the bad news just keeps on coming. Another pair of Whoopers has been shot , this time in Louisiana. The female was killed but experts suggest the male will survive, although perhaps without the ability to fly. (Image above by AP Photo/Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.).

Louisiana 268
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Snowy Owls Caught a Ride to the Netherlands

10,000 Birds

'How dramatic has this winter’s Snowy Owl irruption been? How about so dramatic that nine birds caught a ride on a freighter and some made it all the way across the Atlantic Ocean ? You can see pictures of them on this blog , which is in Dutch. At least two of the birds ended up in the Netherlands where they have been delighting birders from across Europe.

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Get Thee To A Wildlife Rehabilitator

10,000 Birds

'Why does this little Screech Owl look so horrified? It’s not because of the color of the carpet, although I was probably wearing the same expression when I first saw it. It’s because she’s in a house, she’s scared to death, and she wants her mother. If that’s not possible, she needs the knowledgeable care of a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

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The Ultimate Reward

10,000 Birds

'The first stop of the morning: young White–tailed Eagle , right next to the road and several dozen Rooks around. Birding that starts with the largest eagle of the continent certainly bears promises… The next stop is the town park in Opovo, north of Belgrade, where local bird expert Ceda Vuckovic reported one, locally rare, Short-eared Owl. I observed this species in the Little Rann of Kutch in India and since then, have been burning with desire to see them back home.

Serbia 244
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Wildlife Rehabilitators vs. Bird Thieves

10,000 Birds

'I don’t mean people who steal birds. I mean birds who steal, sometimes from people. It’s a sad fact of life: sometimes birds take things that don’t belong to them. Raptors mug each other mid-air. Bowerbirds steal each other’s nest decorations. Stellar’s Jays take acorns from Clark’s Nutcrackers. Gulls grab french fries from tourists, and occasionally descend into shoplifting.

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Birding Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

10,000 Birds

'Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge in Titusville, Florida, is an amazing destination to see a wide variety of wildlife including, of course, birds! And while I didn’t lead any field trips to the refuge this year during the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival I did visit the refuge on a couple of occasions. In addition to the usual stops at the visitor’s center (where it seems like every winter there are Painted Buntings coming to the feeders) and doing the wonderful auto

Wildlife 241
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What’s Up With This House Finch

10,000 Birds

'House Finches are common enough birds at most bird feeding stations. Below is how we are accustomed to seeing the males at the feeder: The males are a bright reddish pink and stand out at the feeder. But sometimes House Finches get a little wonky. I was coleading a bird trip for the Winter Wings Bird Festival. Our trip stopped at that Tule Lake Visitor Center and we saw this: It’s a yellow variant.

Research 240
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Birding in Place

10,000 Birds

'So, we had a bit of excitement in my neighborhood yesterday, when a gunman robbed the Taco Bell a few blocks from my apartment and then disappeared on foot in the direction of campus. The area, including the University and several high schools, was put on lockdown and we were instructed to “shelter in place.” So what choice did I have but to watch my feeders all day?

Squirrels 231
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It’s On: The Rusty Blackbird Migration Blitz!

10,000 Birds

'As if U.S. and Canadian birders needed another reason to pull ourselves out of the winter doldrums, how about birding for a good cause? Specifically, the plight of the Rusty Blackbird , which has experienced the sharpest rate of decline among North American landbirds, according to the International Rusty Blackbird Working Group (IRBWG), and has a conservation status of Vulnerable.

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of February 2014?

10,000 Birds

'Let a hot Merritt Island sunset keep you warm! Here in the northeastern United States, stultifying forces assail us from every side. Not only has the polar vortex established a permanent chill in our collective bones, but those who care about such things must also endure the winter doldrums. Very little is happening on the birding front these days.

Soreing 220
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A Leucistic Bald Eagle Makes Its Appearance at the Winter Wings Festival

10,000 Birds

'The Winter Wings Festival in Klamath Falls Oregon was awesome! Not only did I get to meet Sharon Stiteler, aka Birdchick , I also was able to chat with Bill Thompson III of Birdwatcher’s Digest fame who, by the way, gave a most interesting and entertaining keynote presentation on the “Perils and Pitfalls of Birding.” Even though the weather at the event didn’t always cooperate, a good time was had by all, especially the photographers in the crowd.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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What is a Nictitating Membrane?

10,000 Birds

'A nictitating membrane is a third eyelid that is translucent or clear. It is used as an extra level of safety for the eye and allows the creature that has it to still see while affording its eyes an additional amount of protection. Some birds, reptiles, and sharks have nictitating membranes as well as a few mammals. (Though many mammals have a vestigial nictitating membrane that does not cover the whole eye.

Sharks 211
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Count Your Chickens (In the Florida Keys)

10,000 Birds

'We birders are very particular about the birds that we count. We can, of course, count wild, native, species. We can count vagrant species that made it to the area we are in under their own power. We can count introduced species that have met the criteria of the “Bird Police” for the area to which they are introduced. There are lots of birds we can’t count.

Chickens 209
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Birding Argentina – Salto Encantado and Yaguarundy Reserve

10,000 Birds

'Continued from. Birding Chaco at JV Gonzales. Our original plan was to fly from Salta to Buenos Aires and then to rent a car for 7 days birding from Buenos Aires to Iguazu Falls, and then to fly back to Buenos Aires. This plan was scratched when we arrived at Buenos Aires and were told by the rental car company that our car reservation was cancelled since the car return trip (driven by them) was too risky!

Argentina 206
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An Aberrant Laughing Gull with Orange Legs and Bill

10,000 Birds

'While at the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival I could not resist making the drive north to Daytona Beach one day to witness the awesome gull fly-in from the dump to the beach. Every evening in winter an impressive array of a variety of gulls leave the nearby dump in the evening and come to loaf on the beach for awhile before they fly out to sea for the night.

Florida 203
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Like a Butterfly: The Incredible Life of the Wallcreeper

10,000 Birds

'When I was 14, I went on an exchange trip to Germany with my high school band. It was a strange time for me, in which I got in a car accident, discovered bathrooms with heated floors, was disgusted with my classmates for going to McDonald’s instead of eating local cuisine, and missed out on drinking beer because no one wanted to hang out with the snotty girl who looked down on people who ate at McDonald’s instead of sampling the local cuisine.

McDonalds 200
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of February 2014)

10,000 Birds

'Now that Winter Olympic fever has gripped the global imagination, I can’t help but wonder why we don’t have more international birding competitions like the International Birding Rally in Peru. You’ve got to imagine that the only thing better than winning a gold medal would be getting the gold AND a bunch of lifers. Who can make this happen?

2014 199
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Fourth of February 2014)

10,000 Birds

'As much as I love hearing about and sharing Best Birds of the Weekend, sometimes I have cause to ponder just what that term means. Obviously, the birds themselves are not jockeying for recognition. Rather, we designate best birds according to our priorities and perceptions of value. The Feral Pigeon has many virtues to admire, but who is going to brag about encountering one of those?

2014 195
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Not So Thrilled About Pelagic Birding

10,000 Birds

'Some birders like to see just birds, while others like birds, but don’t mind stopping or even taking detours to see other creatures along the trail. I lean towards the second group. I like to see birds for a long time and hear their vocalization; even if these are common species. In my last pelagic birding trip, I learn I could not do neither see birds well nor hear them; I learn that pelagic birding is not my cup of tea.

Peru 195
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Where Are You Birding This First Weekend of March 2014?

10,000 Birds

'The sun shines over Deep Bay, Hong Kong’s shorebirding playground. What is more restful for a birder than the weekend after a big birding trip? Obviously, when we’re away from home on extended journeys, various tasks and issues accumulate in our absence. But mundanities and minutia are easier to handle while reminiscing about avian adventures.

2014 193
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Iced Over in the South

10,000 Birds

'My wife and I recently welcomed a second child into the world, so much of my birding has been of the theoretical nature of late. However, this past weekend I was able to get out for a couple hours to take in a phenomenon that birders in North Carolina have rarely seen of late. The Poler Vortex that has sunk much of the North American continent into the deep freeze has had an effect on us on the margins as well.

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A New Bird (for Me) in Queens

10,000 Birds

'Seth Ausubel, Rich Kelly, and I were getting out of Seth’s car at Breezy Point, Queens, on Sunday, when I declared that the only bird I cared about seeing on our outing was a Lapland Longspur. There had been flocks of Snow Buntings and Horned Larks regularly reported from the dunes at Breezy Point and I figured that with the absurd amounts of snow that the northeast had received this winter it was only a matter of time before a Lapland Longspur was driven from the snow-covered interior to

Sparrows 188
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Counting Feral Muscovy Ducks in Florida

10,000 Birds

'I was at the Blue Heron Wetlands in Titusville, Florida, during the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival hoping to connect with a Purple Gallinule that the field trip I co-led with Laura Erickson failed to find. I wasn’t having any luck at all though I was enjoying the typical assortment of wetland species that make we New York birders a bit jealous of our southern compatriots.

Feral 185
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Birding Hokkaido

10,000 Birds

' Ian Davies lives in Manomet, Massachusetts, and is a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a bachelor’s degree in Widlife Ecology and Conservation. His obsession with all things feathered has led him to visit 20 countries around the world in the pursuit of thousands of different species of birds to watch, photograph, and enjoy.

Japan 184
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Our Ambassador

10,000 Birds

'Much like the Bridled Tern is adrift in the Gulf Stream, I feel alone in my outrageous birding abilities. Being the world’s leading birder isn’t as easy as it sounds. Well, yes, finding and identifying birds is really, really easy, but there are other aspects that are troublesome. For one, both birders and the general public alike view me as some kind of ambassador of all birders…a natural thing to do I suppose, but I don’t think that’s accurate.

Falcons 182
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Black Rails at St. John’s National Wildlife Refuge

10,000 Birds

'I think most readers of 10,000 Birds will, at this point, remember my great disappointment in January of 2012 when I went on the Black Rail field trip at the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival and neither heard nor saw a Black Rail. Now, in the grand scheme of things, me not being able to check Black Rail off of a checklist is really not important at all but, nonetheless, I was pretty bummed out about it.

Wildlife 181
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Ravishing Redheads at the World’s Fair Marina

10,000 Birds

'It was a warm and sunny day on Sunday and I took full advantage of what little time I had in the morning for birding. My first stop was the World’s Fair Marina because I figured that the abundant sunlight would provide some good photographic opportunities if the birds would only cooperate. Most of the ducks, including the usually more confiding Canvasbacks , were quite distant, but several Redhead had no problem cooperating for me and my digiscoping rig.

Ducks 178
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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