June, 2016

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What’s in a Name: Brewer’s Blackbird

10,000 Birds

Blackbirds, as a family, often have those simple descriptive names that are easy to mock ( Yellow-rumped Warbler , ugh) until a non-birder comes describing such a species to you and asking for an ID. Then you bless the folk wisdom that gave the Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird , and even the Rusty Blackbird their names.

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Pet Safety 101: Poisonous Plants and Flowers

4 The Love Of Animals

ProFlowers, an FTD company, created this helpful graphic. With summer in full bloom, they rounded up a list of 199 common flowers and plants that are poisonous for pets, so you can be sure your furry friend is safe all. The post Pet Safety 101: Poisonous Plants and Flowers appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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From Today's Los Angeles Times

Animal Ethics

To the editor: The gorilla Harambe’s killing at the Cincinnati Zoo surely calls our society to ask if it is moral or just to keep animals in a prison to be used, at worst, as objects of entertainment or, at best, under the guise of “education.” (“ Harambe the gorilla dies, meat-eaters grieve ,” Opinion, June 5) Is there no accountability on the part of the parents of the child who found himself in the gorilla exhibit?

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Spoon-billed Sandpiper Baby Boom … in Great Britain?

10,000 Birds

It’s a bang-up breeding year for super-endangered birds! First, wildlife officials in Louisiana announced the first successful wild Whooping Crane nest in that state since 1939. Now, it’s Spoon-billed Sandpipers’ turn. The species, which migrates from the Russian Arctic to Southeast Asia, is down to about 200 breeding pairs in the wild, due to habitat loss and poaching.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Intervention: Stringer Edition

10,000 Birds

There are two types of birders that everyone hates – a s and stringers. Which is worse, I don’t know. But everyone has dealt with their share of a s, for a s are a fact of life. Today, we are here to talk about stringers. Some stringers are inexperienced observers, and some have done it for decades and have no excuse for their birdcrimes.

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ABA Field Guide to Birds of New York Giveaway!

10,000 Birds

It’s here! It’s here! The American Birding Association Field Guide to Birds of New York by Corey Finger, birder, blogger, and co-emperor of 10,000 Birds, with photographs by Brian E. Small, has made its way to all major bookstores and book purchasing web sites. We at 10,000 Birds are so excited, we’ve decided to give away a copy of this excellent guide.

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Four hours in Guadalajara

10,000 Birds

As any avid birder knows, trips to a new part of the world, no matter what the occasion, are always exciting. The opportunity for new birds is a lure that is very seductive. Last weekend, my wife Jeanne and I needed to make a whirlwind trip across the Sea of Cortez, to the Mexico mainland to visit Guadalajara, the third largest city in Mexico. The whole reason for the trip was to interview a doctor for some upcoming medical work that Jeanne needs.

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Giveaway: Zuke’s Puppy and Tiny Naturals

4 The Love Of Animals

Introducing Zuke’s® Puppy Naturals™ & Zuke’s® Tiny Naturals™ for Training New Moist Treat Varieties Designed for Puppies’ Nutritional Needs and Small Breed Dogs! We have a variety pack to giveaway to TWO winners, so be sure to enter below. Zuke’s. The post Giveaway: Zuke’s Puppy and Tiny Naturals appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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Flying Lemons Everywhere

10,000 Birds

It has been a while since I birded a new area for the first time – I sure missed the feeling. And now I am about to explore a dam, not far from the village where my mother was born. I used the family summer cottage as a base camp, placed in an old orchard where no branches are ever cut off, even when old or rotten – only supported from below. As a result, I had 15 species in the first hour.

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One Lucky Flicker

10,000 Birds

Thud! That awful sound of a bird hitting a window. What comes next? So many times these situations end badly, which is why we love a feel-good story. This beautiful Northern Flicker hit the window of a Family Dollar store in Beacon, NY. She was spotted and rescued by Michelle Basignani, who put her in a box in her car and called her friend Daniel Cronk.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Great Tit Telomeres, Baby Talk, Brainy Birds

10,000 Birds

Great Tit Telomeres, Baby Talk, Brainy Birds. This morning, I have three interesting scientific findings related to bird for you. First, birds may age more quickly in urban environments. Maybe everything ages more quickly in urban environments. Second, baby birds learn, or perhaps are taught, song as adults alter the way they produce the song around babies, chirping slowly and clearly, as it were.

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Wrangler Honored as 2016 Guide Dog of the Year

4 The Love Of Animals

Wrangler was honored as 2016 Guide Dog of the Year! The annual award is given by Canine Company to celebrate the important work of guide dogs and raise awareness of Guiding Eyes for the Blind Wrangler, a 19-month-old yellow Lab. The post Wrangler Honored as 2016 Guide Dog of the Year appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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Bahia Los Frailes

10,000 Birds

For the most of the visitors to Baja California Sur, the name Los Frailes means little or nothing. This is a completely different story for those of us that travel, and live on cruising boats. We are in search of the warm and sunny climate that Mexico has to offer. Each year several hundred boats leave the cold, dreary weather of Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, and sail their way down the west coast.

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U.S. Endangered Species Act: The System Works

10,000 Birds

In a world that’s often full of tragedy, every now and then some good news comes along to restore one’s faith in humanity. A prime example is a report newly released by the Center for Biological Diversity which suggests that, by and large, in the United States, the Endangered Species Act is indeed helping to save the birds it protects. Continental U.S. birds listed under the act—such as the Northern Great Plains Piping Plover (photograph above by Steven Tucker/U.S.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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What Is The Sound of One Bird Flapping?

10,000 Birds

This is about two birds flapping, not one, but I needed a title. So the other day I was sitting at my outdoor table, minding my own business, when two birds came sailing around the house and nearly took my head off. I don’t know what the issue was – trespassing, lovers’ quarrel, uneven division of parental duty – but one was out to get the other.

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Guira Cuckoo

10,000 Birds

You could be forgiven for thinking that I only ever post about birds from Costanera Sur in Buenos Aires. The Guira Cuckoo will make an even dozen galleries from the reserve, but I surprise myself that it has taken this long. They are common and confiding birds that form small flocks and roost together in a cuckoo knot. The birds that frequent the promenade at Costanera Sur are especially bold and will even try to stare a birdwatcher down rather than give way at the parilla (pop-up café).

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What is the State Bird of Rhode Island?

10,000 Birds

When I picture state birds, I picture the gorgeous Scissor-tailed Flycatcher of Oklahoma, the pristine white feathers of Alaska’s Willow Ptarmigan , or the haunting call of Minnesota’s Common Loon. I don’t picture chickens. And yet, that is the very bird Rhode Islanders chose for their state bird: the Rhode Island Red Hen ! In the 1950’s, there was a special election sponsored by the Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs, the Providence Journal Company, and the Audubon

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Breeding Bird Count on Poas Volcano

10,000 Birds

In Costa Rica, June is breeding bird count season. We have counts in gardens, counts in parks, and count routes in many parts of the country. That said, I wish we had more counts because so much of the country needs to be surveyed for birds. Protected area or not, there has been change in the air, and we need to see how the birds are responding. It’s a shame that we couldn’t have started several years ago but at least we have a few years of data to work with, and trends should also b

Breeding 101
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Greater Sage-grouse v. Wind Turbines in Oregon

10,000 Birds

Jason A. Crotty is a birder and lawyer living in Portland, Oregon who has been sharing some thought-provoking pieces with 10,000 Birds readers. Jason’s first contribution tackled the importance of the National Wildlife Refuge System., while his second took a deep look at how many birders there really are. Wind energy is an alternative to burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, but there are consequences to the environment and, in particular, to birds.

Oregon 101
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Northern Flicker Nestlings at Ten Days

10,000 Birds

Continuing my Northern Flicker ( Collaptes auratus ) nestling observations from my last post , I was amazed at what I found when I opened the nest box this week. Northern Flicker nestlings hatch slightly asynchronously as the adults begin incubation one to two days before the last egg is laid. According to Birds of North America Online , on day 10 or 11 their eyes are beginning to open.

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For Pheasants, Mo’ Women = Mo’ Problems

10,000 Birds

Having a harem sounds like a pretty sweet deal. After all, variety is the spice of life, no? But this breeding and social arrangement has its risks. For humans, you have the drama of sister wives. And for wild pheasants ( Common , in Europe; or Ring-necked , stateside), a bigger group may actually present an existential danger. Newly published research in the journal Animal Behaviour suggests an ideal harem size for pheasants of 2.7 female birds for every male.

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Snowy Plover Chicks on Okaloosa Island

10,000 Birds

I have seen dozens of Snowy Plovers and other shorebirds along the Emerald Coast of Florida, but until last week I had never seen their chicks! Nesting season has been underway for weeks here, and I was becoming worried I would never catch a glimpse of their tiny forms. Luckily, I met with wildlife staff from Eglin Air Force Base as part of my job, and they agreed to take me on one of their nest surveys.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Fourth of June 2016)

10,000 Birds

We’re getting some steamy temps in the temperate zone I live in, which confirms every other sign that summer is here. Maybe those of you on the southern side of the world experienced more of a chill than you’ve been used to. It’s way too early in the season to complain, though, so join me in smiling through the sweat. A ridiculous home improvement project combined with the sensational Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival kept me out of the places rare birds reside, but t

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Halfway Through the Year and Still a Lot More Birds to See in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

It’s June, it’s solstice time, it’s when the kids run out the front door of school screaming in jubilation. At least we did that back during the late 70s and 80s. Just after crossing the threshold of the school, me and John LaVere also did this ritual of turning back towards the large doors of Sacred Heart grammar school and chanted, “No more school, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!

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Where Are You Birding This Fourth Weekend of June 2016?

10,000 Birds

The solstice tells us that we are finally immersed in summer, assuming you live north of the Equator. Antipodeans are enjoying early winter, though “enjoy” may be too strong a term. For those of us with an excess of daylight, heed the call to make hay while the sun shines. Of course, you don’t have to actually make hay, but do be do be sure to make something!

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Tidal flats yield yet another great find

10,000 Birds

As I had promised last week, I will touch on my success trying to photograph a Mangrove Warbler. This turned out to be much easier than I had planned, with just a little patience, be in the right spot, have the right lighting (in order to get a great photo) and get just a little cooperation from the birds. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, in this case, it turns out that it pretty much was.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of June 2016)

10,000 Birds

Mid-June has so much to offer in the temperate zones, with breeders in one half of the world and migrants in the other. Those of you in the tropical zones can enjoy your resident birds in peace for once. And to those of you in the polar zones, just why ? Pileated Woodpeckers take BBOTW honors quite often around here, but who can resist the captivating sight of an adult teaching two big, gangly juveniles the finer points of extracting nutrients from decaying logs?

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Singing Honeyeaters

10,000 Birds

It is very easy when writing about birds to ignore the birds you see most often and there are more examples than I care to mention! When we planted trees, shrubs and bushes in our garden in Broome we aimed to have as many native plants as possible to maximize the number of species of birds that we would attract. The above photo shows one of our native plants-a Hakea -in full flower and the nectar attracts all species of honeyeaters.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of June 2016?

10,000 Birds

Fatherhood, for those of you who have never had the pleasure, is rich with moments of joy, satisfaction, and lots and lots of fun. And then, believe it or not, we dads actually get celebrated! While Father’s Day varies from country to country, June dominates other months, with the third weekend of June the big daddy of dad’s days. Must be on account of the excellent birding weather… This weekend, I plan to drag my kids kicking and screaming on a hike.

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Red-shafted Northern Flickers Feeding Nestlings

10,000 Birds

My nestling Red-shafted Northern Flickers ( Colaptes auratus ) are around two weeks old now and the adults are still entering the nestbox to feed them. According to Birds of North America Online: “Nestlings huddle at the bottom of the nest until about 11 days old, then for about 1 week they array themselves around the circumference at the bottom of the cavity with their chins and throats pressed against the wall; at 17–18 days they are strong enough and claws sharp enough to cling to cavit

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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