August, 2015

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The slaughter tourism trade in Serbia

10,000 Birds

Twenty years ago, flocks consisting of a thousand European Turtle Doves were a common sight in Serbia in spring. Ten years ago, those flocks were reduced to a few hundred birds. Nowadays, the flocks are even smaller, merely a few dozen birds. As we speak, in Serbia these birds are still hunted in August and September. Turtle Doves have been declining in Europe since the 1970s, and in this century alone, the continent has lost 40% of its population of the species.

Serbia 270
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Top 5 Tips to Address Separation Anxiety in Pets during Back-to-School Season By Purina veterinarian Dr. Kurt Venator

4 The Love Of Animals

This post is sponsored by Purina. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the Purina Back to School program, but 4 the Love of Animals only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Back to … Continue reading → The post Top 5 Tips to Address Separation Anxiety in Pets during Back-to-School Season By Purina veterinarian Dr.

Pets 188

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Animal Ethics

This blog had 850 visits during July, which is an average of 27.4 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 24.6.

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15 expat-friendly countries for a birder to move to

10,000 Birds

What are the best countries for a passionate birder to move to? And why? I discovered this map a while ago, hidden somewhere at the not so easy to navigate BirdLife International’s website, and I have used it as my computer wallpaper ever since. Usually, I interchange some birdy wallpapers several times per month, but this one has stayed for several months already.

Sri Lanka 257
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Spotlight: Maureen Eiger – To Intervene or Not to Intervene?

10,000 Birds

You (or your child/friend/etc) have just found a seemingly parentless baby bird. Now what? Here with the answer(s) is Maureen Eiger, a bird rehabilitator in Roanoke, VA: . Recently I received a call about an American Robin ‘s nest that fell down twice from a gutter. The frustrated homeowner put the babies in what was left of the nest, placed the nest on a table on her deck and called me, asking what to do.

Wounded 256
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Feeding Wild Birds in America: Culture, Commerce & Conservation: A Book Review by a Curious Bird Feeder

10,000 Birds

I came late to bird feeding, and when I was finally able to put out a “thistle” sock and a seed feeder (or two or six), I was amazed by the learning curve. Shelves of feeders to choose from, ranging from inexpensive tubes to porcelain sculptures; bags and barrels of shelled and unshelled seed, including something called variously thistle, nyjer or niger; guidelines on when, how, where to do the actual feeding.

America 236

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Can we talk about Cecil the Lion?

10,000 Birds

Hi there. I can’t help noticing that you’ve just posted an angry story about Cecil the Lion on your timeline. I get that you’re really angry, I mean, he was a popular lion and yes, his cute widdle cubs will probably die to, but I can’t help feeling you’ve kind of missed the point a bit, and well, ending all hunting in Africa will not solve much and maybe make things worse and… No, no, I’m not a hunter.

Lions 215
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Burrowing Owls of Cape Coral

10,000 Birds

Birding in Florida is unique in that so much of that state’s plenty is evident even to the casual observer. There are few places in the United States where simply driving around can leave you with a list of 30+ species, many of them large and spectacular. I’ve spent the last week in southwest Florida. It’s a family vacation, sure, but there’s always time for birding and in Florida, the birding often finds you.

Owls 208
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The Birds at Itasca State Park Are All Wet

10,000 Birds

I’m writing this post a day late (sorry) from Itasca State Park, Minnesota. Over the last few days we’ve traveled from the Twin Cities north to lake country, back to the Twin Cities, and back up north, but to a different region. Which reminds me of something funny about Minnesota. When I studied the Efe Pygmies of the Congo, I discovered (and yes, it was me who discovered this amazing fact everyone now knows) that the Efe organize their space in elongated linear trails.

Minnesota 182
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What’s in a Name: Limpkin

10,000 Birds

A friend was in Florida, and as people in Florida are wont to do, he taunted me with pictures of some good birds that I am not currently looking at. In this case, it was especially cruel because he posted a Limpkin , a bird I have never looked at. Another commenter asked the obvious, yet seldom-addressed, question: “Man, what do you have to do to an ornithologist to get called “limpkin”?

Florida 173
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Get Ready for Global Shorebird Counting!

10,000 Birds

Clear your calendar for September 4-6! That’s when thousands of people worldwide will head out to a beach near them for Global Shorebird Counting. It’s part of World Shorebirds Day (celebrated annually Sep. 6), which raises awareness of the perils threatening shorebirds and the need to protect them and their habitats. The effort uses eBird to tally the numbers of shorebirds that people spot the world over.

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#CeciltheLion is a dangerous direction for conservation

10,000 Birds

Another day, another dead lion erupting in the world’s media, another opportunity for me to annoy my few remaining anti-hunting friends. Joy. There isn’t too much I could write on the subject that isn’t dealt with much better by David Shiffman, a shark conservationist from Florida. Go read his take. I’ll wait. . I do want to elaborate a bit on some themes I’ve discussed before next week.

Hunters 170
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What is the State Bird of Connecticut?

10,000 Birds

Few birds are as ubiquitous in the United States as the American Robin. Found in all fifty states except for Hawaii, the robin is also the state bird of not just Connecticut, but Michigan and Wisconsin as well. Long a symbol of spring in New England (even though they can be present throughout the winter), the robin was named Connecticut’s state bird in 1943.

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Birdlife on Amazonian River Beaches

10,000 Birds

Seashores anywhere support very similar bird communities. A walk along an ocean beach is likely to result in sighting of terns, gulls and sandpipers with various bill lengths, and plovers. Some terns use the ocean at different depths, sandpipers use the surfline, and plovers other sections of the beach further inland. Aerial view of an Amazonian River showing exposed sandy beaches.

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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Cassin’s Finch at Lassen Volcanic National Park

10,000 Birds

As I mentioned in my last post , Lassen Volcanic National Park is a great birding destination. You can see some of my older Lassen Park posts featuring several other species from this beautiful park here. This week I am reporting on the Cassin’s Finch ( Haemorhous cassinii ), another western species found nesting in Lassen Volcanic National Park.

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Parrot, Parrot, Parrakeet, Hummingbird

10,000 Birds

Because “duck, duck, goose” is a little too wintry (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) for a post written in the dog days of August. In Australia, ornithologists have finally gotten their hands on a Night Parrot , the first such capture in more than 100 years. The bird is so rare and elusive that it was thought to be extinct. By tagging the Parrot and monitoring the area with remote cameras, scientists hope to learn more about this species and how to keep it safe.

Parrots 166
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Honduras Birds

10,000 Birds

A week-long family vacation to Honduras is sadly over. Fortunately, we made lots of great memories and took lots of photos. But rather than inundate you with cute family pictures and regale you with tales of Desi’s first trip to the Neotropics I have decided to start with a quick post with some pictorial highlights of the birds we saw like, for example, the Keel-billed Toucan above.

Honduras 164
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The Tufted Jays of Nayarit

10,000 Birds

Mexico is the best country in the world for jays. More species of jays can be found here than in any other country on earth. Sixteen resident species to be exact. The state of Nayarit on the central Pacific coast of Mexico holds one of the highest diversities with a total of seven species represented, including the endemic San Blas Jay , Purplish-backed Jay and the very localized Tufted Jay.

Mexico 163
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Searching for Shorebirds on the East Pond of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

10,000 Birds

It being mid-August in New York City there is one place where I have to be as often as I can. That place is the fabled home of shorebirds, both common and rare, the East Pond of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. This year, what with family plans and other commitments, I didn’t get out on the pond until later than usual but it was worth the wait. Saturday saw me squelching through the mud at the north end of the pond and Sunday had me leading a field trip for the Queens County Bird Club from the

Jamaica 162
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Owls in the sunshine

10,000 Birds

My colleagues or non-birding friends often express surprise if I tell them that I have found an owl during the day. I confess to being rather patronizing as the conversation progresses. My audience, obviously impressed, are astonished that an owl might be seen during the day, but I assure them that it is usually easier because at night, it gets too dark.

Owls 162
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Birding North Lake State Park

10,000 Birds

Just like we did last year my family spent this past weekend camping at North Lake State Park, up in New York’s gorgeous Catskill Mountains. And, not surprisingly, the breeding birds present were largely the same species as last year which was not a problem at all! After all, having fledgling Blackburnian Warblers , Red-eyed Vireos (like the one above), Chipping Sparrows , and Black-throated Green Warblers in the trees around the tent was awesome!

Birds 162
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Avian Oddities from Two Days of Birding in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

One of the many things about birding that keeps us heading back into “the field” is the opportunity for the unexpected. No matter how much we think we know, there is always more to learn at the local patch, and tomorrow could always be that special day when some globe-trotting bird appears in your field of view. The chance for the unexpected is expected in places where complex ecosystems stew up a storm of biodiversity and innumerable interactions.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of August 2015?

10,000 Birds

Birding can leave a bitter taste in your mouth if you fixate on certain aspects of the experience. A prime example would be my utter failure to pick up lifers during my last two trips, galling indeed to someone who tends to love new birds over old ones. But birding is obviously so much more than ticking names off a list. Over the last month, I’ve reacquainted myself with so many species I only see once a year at best, The pleasure those encounters triggered mean so much more than the pain

2015 162
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The Andean Gull

10,000 Birds

On the series “North American birds with Neotropical Counterparts”, this time I introduce the Andean Gull. Gulls are often referred as “seagulls” due to their general association to the sea or sea shores. The Andean Gull could not be further from this general association. It normally lives as far from the sea as can be. This gull inhabits the high Andean plateau of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina at elevations ranging from 3300 to 4400 m (10827 to 14436 feet).

Chile 162
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The Many Terns of Gulf Islands National Seashore

10,000 Birds

I love terns. I find them graceful, entertaining, and a symbol of some truly incredible migrations. Plus, there was once a time when I couldn’t tell a tern from a gull, let alone differentiate between species. My relative identification ease now makes me feel good about myself as a birder, and since the terns are causing my inner birder glow it’s no surprise that they are my favorite.

Breeding 160
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The little-known effect of the Egyptian Goose on the work load of the Florida Records Committee

10,000 Birds

“ Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof ” Carl Sagan. The ABA checklist committee has recently added the Egyptian Goose to the official ABA checklist, based on an established population in southeastern Florida. The reactions of the birding scene to this addition have been rather varied. Some rejoice at this news since it provides them with an additional tick.

Florida 160
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Teen Bird

10,000 Birds

If I was the sort of person to engage in rampant anthropomorphism, and sometimes I am, I would say that late summer is the time of year when Mother Nature gets bored and likes to mess with us. Molt happens, bringing us the wonder of bald birds ; confusing fall warblers start to get confusing ; waders wander. And then, of course, there are the unruly gangs of teen birds.

Birds 160
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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of August 2015?

10,000 Birds

The true treasure of the Sierra Madre is its stunning beauty (and jays ). In the Southern Hemisphere, days are growing just slightly longer, while, in the northern half of the world, summer revelers bemoan the coming fall. No matter how you slice it, birding in the temperate zones is gradually becoming more interesting. Enjoy! I’m heading down the Delmarva Peninsula for some gracious coastal birding.

2015 160
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Pied Oystercatcher nesting

10,000 Birds

Since discovering our first Pied Oystercatcher nest on Cable Beach in July 2000 we have observed the breeding of these local shorebirds along the coast between Gantheaume Point in the south and Willie Creek in the north, which is a distance of 23 kilometres. There are sixteen pairs of Pied Oystercatchers and they have varying success at raising young birds.

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What is the State Bird of Pennsylvania?

10,000 Birds

You are walking on a wooded path in Pennsylvania. Everything is quiet and serene; a few bird calls here and there, the low buzzing of insects, the swish of a breeze through summer leaves is all you can hear. As you walk on, a shape suddenly appears on the trail before you and before you can even take another step you hear what could only be a small explosion as a pair of brown wings takes off in front of you, startling you out of your wits and making you dive for cover.

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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