June, 2013

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School Burrowing Owls

10,000 Birds

'Broward County has one of the highest densities of Burrowing Owls in Florida. It also has one of the highest human population densities in the state. Not surprisingly, this brings Burrowing Owls into close contact with humans across the county. The Florida sub-species of Burrowing Owl is now classified as a threatened species in Florida and it is one of the rarest sub-species of Burrowing Owls.

Owls 242
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PROJECT: Pet Slim Down (giveaway)

4 The Love Of Animals

'Project: Pet Slim Down is a free online program designed to help your pet lose weight. Target and Purina have joined forces to create this awesome program which includes downloadable tools, and even a $1 coupon for any Purina ONE brand product. Why? With more than half of America’s pets being overweight, it’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

Pets 191

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Animal Ethics

'This blog had 2,060 visits during May, which is an average of 66.4 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 89.2.

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Electric falcon

10,000 Birds

'Sitting in a car parked by the roadside, I am observing a distant electricity pylon. It is barely visible, but on it there seems to be an endangered Saker Falcon. March 2007. Gentle March sun, bare oak branches, short grass, and bird migration in full swing. M. and I are following deeply cut tire tracks along a meadow and, despite the drought, we encounter a puddle.

Falcons 232
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Black Swifts Nesting at McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park

10,000 Birds

'McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park sits on the eastern edge of the Cascade Range between two active volcanoes, Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak. The Cascade Range, part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, extends from Northern California to Southern British Columbia. The park’s landscape was created by volcanic activity as well as erosion from weather and streams.

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Birding The City of Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve

10,000 Birds

'Casinos. Showgirls. All-you-can-eat Buffets. Nightlife. Sewage ponds. All of these things can be found in Las Vegas, Nevada. That is, all of them can be found in Las Vegas except the last one on the list. To get to the sewage ponds you have to go to Henderson, which is a quick drive to the southeast of Las Vegas, about twenty minutes from the strip.

Las Vegas 209

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The Birds of Eigg by John Chester

10,000 Birds

'Besides birding, I have another hobby that I like to indulge when I travel: seeking out books from small regional presses. Nearly every town with a souvenir shop has a book or two about the local ghost stories, true crimes, battlefields, and the like. Often they lack polish but make it up in character, being labors of love by the same sort of people who run one-room Historical Societies.

Birds 201
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What to look for in the AOU 54th supplement

10,000 Birds

'The AOU’s 54th supplement to its North American bird checklist will be out next month. Based on the proposals submitted to date , here are five proposed splits or lumps U.S. birders should watch for: 1. Whence ‘Barolo’ Shearwater? Will the ‘Barolo’ Shearwater of the Azores, Canaries, Selvages, and Madeira in the Atlantic be split from its current position as a subspecies of Little Shearwater ( Puffinus assimilis baroli )?

Sparrows 195
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Birding Iceland on the Fly

10,000 Birds

'Joseph Chiera is a Masters student in Animal Behavior and Conservation at Hunter College in NYC and a “somewhat newbie” to birding. After taking an ornithology course last year, he was hooked and spends most of his free time birding or reading birding blogs. Between finishing one graduate program and begining another, he embarked on a whirlwind tour of Europe.

Iceland 194
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Thousands of Tricolored Blackbirds Saved Through Farmer/Conservationist Partnership

10,000 Birds

'All photos by Keiller Kyle, courtesy of Audubon California. For a birder, a sighting of a Tricolored Blackbird is a treat. After all, there are only a few hundred thousand left of these birds to gaze at, in a range that’s based mainly in California. For farmers, though, seeing a Tricolored may not be such a many-splendored thing—the birds form sizable flocks that often choose cultivated fields for their nesting spots, thus disrupting planting and reaping.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Birds Don’t Have Wings, And They Don’t Use Them

10,000 Birds

'Blue-gray Tanager is a bird reasonable to expect in the U.S. as a vagrant someday…they are common in many habitats in eastern Mexico. If and when one does show up in a feasible place, brace yourself for the coming “birds have wings” debate. Hello Birdosphere! The last couple of months I’ve used this space to talk about birds…but let’s face it, lots of birders out there are capable of discussing all things avian.

Birds 187
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15 New Reasons to Bird the Amazon

10,000 Birds

'Maybe the name of this blog should be 10,015 birds. That would reflect the number of new species discovered in the Amazon rainforest over the past five years or so, according to scientists. The ornithologists considered plumage, voice, and genetics in making their determinations; birds had to differ from known species in in at least two of those qualities to be considered new.

Bolivia 186
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Nest Cam Welcomes Arctic Tern Babies to the World

10,000 Birds

'You may already know how awesome Arctic Terns are. Clocking more than 50,000 miles per year, the birds appear to have cornered the market on the world’s longest annual migration. It probably helps that they weigh less than 5 ounces! (You can learn more about their incredible journeys here.) . Perhaps because of threats to the ecosystems of the many places the Arctic Tern visits (Europe, Africa, South America, and North America), it may be on the decline.

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A Modest Proposal for a Wildlife Conservation Stamp

10,000 Birds

'A mockup of what a Wildlife Conservation Stamp might look like. Duck hunting is big business in the United States. (Just ask whoever greenlit the A&E reality show Duck Dynasty , about a family that sells duck calls.) Of all the dollars spent bagging ducks, a piece of the pie goes to the federal duck stamp program , which just went on sale; anyone over the age of 16 who wants to hunt migratory ducks needs to buy the stamp annually, and the funds raised go toward conservation and preserving a

Wildlife 183
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Second International Birding Rally in Northern Peru: June 11-18, 2013

10,000 Birds

'The most flamboyant of all hummers, the Marvelous Spatuletail will be one of the many endemic bird highlights along the route of the Second International Birding Rally Challenge in Peru. Photo: Courtesy of Dubi Shapiro. I can’t convey how thrilled I am about the upcoming International Birding Rally Challenge in Peru. This is the second version of an event like this in a different region of the country; and this time I will be participating!!!

Peru 182
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Best Bird of the Weekend (First of June 2013)

10,000 Birds

'Before this lovely June weekend began, I bemoaned the evident end of spring migration. What I failed to recognize were all the great things that happen around here when the waves of migrants subside. For example, the local farmers’ markets are back in action! If you can’t get fresh birds, at least enjoy fresh produce. My favorite sighting this weekend was a House Wren at my house.

2013 180
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Are Atlantic Puffins in Trouble?

10,000 Birds

'In the words of a Magic 8-Ball , “Outlook not so good.” Alan Tilmouth reported in these pages a few months ago that due to extreme weather conditions, Atlantic Puffins and other seabirds were washing up on the shores of Great Britain. (That’s his snapshot of a victim above.). Now, some scientists have started expressing concerns about the North American population of the birds , which is concentrated along the coasts of Maine and Canada.

Puffins 178
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Oystercatchers and octopus

10,000 Birds

'Once again Pied Oystercatcher breeding season is fast approaching in Broome and we can expect the first batch of eggs to be laid within the next few weeks. We have monitored a 23 kilometre section of beach in Broome for several years now and have discovered that they are not as site faithful or as monogamous as you read in text books. We have also discovered that they are very rarely successful with the first eggs laid due to predation of either the eggs or the chicks.

Eggs 176
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of June 2013)

10,000 Birds

'Is it coincidence or conspiracy that Father’s Day falls on a weekend where very good birding can still be found in most areas? You be the judge… I got into a bunch of great grassland and forest birds this weekend. Honors go to American Redstart which somehow escaped me for the year until now. Corey was very pleased to finally find a Bell’s Vireo this weekend in Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Orange County, California.

2013 175
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17-Year Cicadas and a Mississippi Kite in Staten Island

10,000 Birds

'Back in 1979 New York State birders were pleased with the first record of Mississippi Kites in the state when two visited Staten Island and spent nearly two weeks fattening up on the periodical cicadas that emerged in great numbers that year. At least one astute Staten Island birder, Seth Wollney, predicted that this year’s cicada emergence, 34 years after the first state record of Mississippi Kite , might lead to another visitation by the fabulous southern raptors.

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Birds Nesting In Siding

10,000 Birds

'There’s an apartment building just across the alley from mine. It’s a real…”fixer upper” to say the least. It’s been a great birdbath for me to watch over the years as the roof puddles like crazy making a nice area for everything from Cedar Waxwings to Cooper’s Hawks to use as a birdbath. In the last few months, Downy Woodpecker s and squirrels have added some holes to the cedar siding of the building.

Sparrows 171
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Coming Back to Listing

10,000 Birds

'I have a confession that I hope won’t get me kicked off this blog: I have no idea where my life list currently stands. Since I moved to Montana I’ve been updating it sporadically at best, and over the past year or so, not at all. Part of this is a simple technology problem — my official list is stored in a clunky, outdated format at an internet location I rarely visit any more.

Montana 169
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Weddings and Birds

10,000 Birds

'Erika Zambello is a self-proclaimed ’new birder,’ still equally excited by Robins, Blue Jays, Mergansers, and Flamingos alike. She has lived in Maine, California, France, New York, and currently makes her home in Virginia Beach Always bringing her camera along, Erika is building her life-list by trying to check off at least one new species each week in her field guide.

Florida 168
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Rainy Day Birder

10,000 Birds

'Perhaps my greatest handicap as a birder, aside from not driving, the whole being lazy thing, and the poor eyesight, is my +10 weakness against sun. I’ll stand in the cold and damp on, say, a pelagic trip until I just about fall over, hoping for one more good alcid. But even a moderate amount of sun causes me to wilt and turn pink, despite my copious investment in SPF 100 sunscreen and floppy hats.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Fourth of June 2013)

10,000 Birds

'Summer, the season that we in the Northern Hemisphere are currently enjoying or suffering depending on your latitude and state of mind, is a time when birds often take a backseat to other diversions. But we naturalists notice them no matter what we’re doing. Aren’t we lucky? The birds I admired most this weekend were Barn Swallows swooping over strawberry fields.

2013 165
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Saguaro National Park: Cacti as Oases in the Desert

10,000 Birds

'Much like how Everglades National Park flanks the western border of metropolitan Miami, Florida, Saguaro National Park flanks both the eastern and western outskirts of Tucson, making for easy access to residents and tourists alike who spend time in that city. Originally established by President Herbert Hoover in 1933 as the first national park or monument set aside to protect a species a plant and made into a national park through legislation passed by Bill Clinton in 1994, Saguaro National Par

Arizona 164
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Why Aren’t There More Female Birding Superstars?

10,000 Birds

'Chasing the mystery elaenia which showed up in Chicago in 2012—where my girls at? That’s the question asked by this very detailed and thoughtful post to the ABA blog. It quotes a number of prominent birders (including our very own Julie Zickefoose) weighing in on why there are plenty of women who bird, but few who rise to the highest echelons of birding (whether you take that to mean leadership in birding organizations or just plain listing).

Chicago 164
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Birdwatching Santiago de Chile Part-2

10,000 Birds

'Continued from: Birdwatching Santiago de Chile – Trip Report. We stayed at the foot hills of La Campana National Park with the hopes to get a look at the Rufous-legged Owl. By the time we had dinner and arrived to our hotel we were so exhausted that it became impossible to go search for this endemic bird. The next morning we began a slow climb through the brushy trails of the park, I was unfamiliar with most of the bird calls, so we proceeded with caution making sure we looked at everyth

Chile 163
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The Geladas of Ethiopia

10,000 Birds

'Geladas are the sole survivors of a once abundant branch of primates that historically foraged across the grasslands of Africa, the Mediterranean and India. These relics of times gone by now cling to a precarious existence on the sheer cliffs of Ethiopia’s mountains, from which each morning they materialize, to forage on nearby moorlands, before disappearing down the precipices in the evening.

Ethiopia 161
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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of June 2013?

10,000 Birds

'Keep your eyes to the skies, but don’t forget to look out below… excellent advice when visiting Australia’s Blue Mountains ! As if fatherhood isn’t rewarding enough, we lucky paternal units enjoy high honors during the third weekend in June. Whether you fathers out there celebrate the day surrounded by proud progeny or as far from your offspring as you can get, make the most of your dad’s day!

2013 160
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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