October, 2009

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Farm Animal Welfare Fight Heats Up in Ohio

Critter News

Issue 2 in Ohio would create 13-member state board to oversee the care of farm animals in the State. The Humane Society and other groups oppose it as a power grab by big agriculture to prevent another Proposition 2 (the initiative passed last year in California to improve standards for farm animal care.) And, of course, this board would be dominated by big ag's people, so I think they're right.

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Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card!

4 The Love Of Animals

A special Halloween treat to all our readers… a fun giveaway to one of our favorite shops, Amazon.com! Why? Because we LOVE Halloween… and also because we want to announce our new advertising rates (just $5 a month)! Since we donate a portion of our ad revenue to Best Friends and the ASPCA, we really want to spread the word about our new ad program.


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Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home Coming to Orlando

Animal Person

From the makers of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home is finally here! After a successful world premiere screening at the Moondance Film Festival in Boulder CO, where our film won the "Spirit of Moondance" Best Feature Documentary award, we are going to the Orlando Film Festival in Orlando, Florida on Thursday, Nov. 5th.

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Henry S. Salt (1851-1939) on Moral Blindness

Animal Ethics

I do not share the extreme vegetarian view that food reform is the foundation of other reforms, for I think it can be shown that all cruelties to animals, whether inflicted in the interests of the dinner-table, the laboratory, the hunting-field, or any other institution, are the outcome of one and the same error—the blindness which can see no unity and kinship, but only difference and division, between the human and the non-human race.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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New Book on Ethics of Meat-Eating

Critter News

Sounds pretty powerful. I'm trying to come up with a book for my book club about animal rights. What do I choose? All of them are meat eaters, two because their "doctors" told them they had to eat meat. One is a huge supporter of animal research. I don't want anything too radical and was thinking about Dominion by Matthew Scully. But now we have "Eating Animals,"by Jonathan Safran Foer.

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Groups Urge FDA Ban on Feeding Chicken Feces to Cows.Wait, WHAT???

Critter News

Well, you learn something new every day. A coalition of food and consumer groups that includes Consumers Union and the Center for Science in the Public Interest has asked the Food and Drug Administration to ban the practice. McDonald's Corp., the nation's largest restaurant user of beef, also wants the FDA to prohibit the feeding of so-called poultry litter to cattle.

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More Trending

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Cute of the day: The Real Energizer Bunny

4 The Love Of Animals

This video has had me smiling for days! Love the bun! Cute of the day: The Real Energizer Bunny originally appeared on 4 The Love of Animals on October 30, 2009. Tags: cute animals cute of the day cute video bunny.

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Animal Researchers Use Billboards to Promote Themselves

Critter News

The "brave" animal researchers are taking their argument to the public and bypassing animal right activists. Here's an example. a billboard funded by the Foundation for Biomedical Research. "Ever had leprosy. Thanks to animal research, you won't." I for one welcome them coming out of the woodwork and forcing animal research into the public forum. Let's discuss the research.

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Rescue Spotlight: Rabbit Meadows

4 The Love Of Animals

Rabbit Meadows is a rescue group out of Seattle. As the name suggests, they rescue rabbits, but they also rescue other small animals like ferrets, and other small rodents. They also have a huge vision and mission for their sanctuary! They are undertaking a great project that sounds like it will be beneficial for both the sanctuary rabbits and the people who love them.

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DenHaus Contest

4 The Love Of Animals

I just wanted to let you know about a contest that is going on right now from DenHaus. It’s called Show Love , and you could win one of the cute Dog is Good shirts that they sell. Visit this site and submit a short story about how your dog shows love to you! In addition, for a limited time, DenHaus is offering their latest style – the hip, modern BowHaus – at $100 off and with free shipping as part of the Show Love campaign.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Quote of the Week

Critter News

OUCH! Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.

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Dog Gone Smart Beds

4 The Love Of Animals

Baby the Maltese recently got a chance to try out a great product from Dog Gone Smart Beds. We were pretty excited to get this bed, because it’s just not any old pet bed! Read on to learn more. Not only is it very comfortable for her to lay in, but it’s made of cutting edge nanotechnology which takes it’s cues from nature on how to keep clean and dry!

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Tigers To Go Extinct in 15 Years? Thanks China!

Critter News

It's not only China, but all Asian countries that are playing a major role in reducing this beautiful animal's number. As this article points out , tigers are worth more dead than alive if you use humanity's flawed accounting system. Tags: wildlife crime extinction Traditional Chinese Medicine tigers china.

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Mean Lady Hates Pet Bereavement Groups

Critter News

Here's a random story. I was standing near the information desk at the library for no particular reason when a pear-shaped woman in her fifties with frizzy perm-damaged hair stopped by. Apparently there was an announcement at the desk for a pet bereavement group. She shook her head and said to the librarian at the desk, "Well, is there anything they won't do?

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Alive Day: A Story of Love and Loyalty

4 The Love Of Animals

I was lucky to receive a review copy of a great new book called Alive Day: A Story of Love and Loyalty. It’s the story of a man and his dog, but it’s also much more than that. It’s a story about the human spirit, and our connections with each other and with animals. It has a great patriotic message as well, reminding us of the sacrifices that our servicemen make on our country’s behalf.

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Search and Win with Miranda Lambert

4 The Love Of Animals

I don’t know who Miranda Lambert is (I believe she is a country singer), but she has a heart for animals and has a great thing going on with SwagBucks right now. If you sign up through her site, not only do you earn points for yourself which can later be redeemed for goods, but you also raise money for three animal charities that Miranda has chosen.

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Bo Celebrated Birthday with Veal

Critter News

Ugh. Bo Obama celebrated his birthday with a doghouse cake made out of veal. When I was still a meat-eater, the two foods I would not touch were veal and lamb. Veal is especially cruel, even for factory farming, although now I think foie gras is a strong competitor. Certainly disappointed in the Obamas for such a poor choice of "cake." Boo! Tags: Obama veal bo obama.

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Farmed Fish Are No Easy Solution

Critter News

Many believe that the solution to our wild fish problems is to promote farmed alternatives. But, as with any kind of mass production, this is filled with all kinds of risks. Here's an article spotlighting farmed fishing in Chile. It's really damned if you do and damned if you don't. Eat wild runs and cause their extinction. Eat farmed fish and create other environmental perils.

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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UC Davis Named in Criminal Complaint for Mistreatment of Lab Animals

Critter News

From the Los Angeles Chronicle. The University of California, Davis is the focus of a major federal complaint charging it and two other nationally known university research centers have killed dozens of primates through traumatic injuries, veterinary negligence and other violations. The others are the University of Michigan and University of Louisiana/New Iberia.

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Two Examples of Mice Experiments - Valid or Not?

Critter News

I came across these stories about two different medical experiments using mice. In this experiment, scientists tested whether lighting can cause depression. They used different lighting situations to see how they affect mice moods. One of the conclusions? That children who watch television late at night could be “more likely to develop depression." I'm not convinced that I as a taxpayer would approve funding of this project.

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Dogs and Cats Bad For Planet?

Critter News

Two authors in New Zealand claim that the carbon footprint of pet animals are the same as owning a car. New Zealand-based authors Robert and Brenda Vale base their findings on the amount of land needed to grow food for pets ranging from budgerigars to cats and dogs. They say an average Collie eats 164kg of meat and 95kg of cereals a year, giving it a high impact on the planet.

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Everything in Moderation?

Animal Person

You may recall me writing about TD, my tax-resisting, raw-food eating, no-TV watching, parachuting-into-nuclear reactor(ing?) boyfriend of over 20 years ago. He was particularly talented at the conversation stopper: a succinct response to something that people found so shocking that the conversation would stop. Sometimes permanently. I recall one day when his sister-in-law was speaking with him about what she was feeding her children, and it wasn't a vegan-centered conversation.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Dog Whisperer: Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey

4 The Love Of Animals

A new episode of Dog Whisperer is airing on National Geographic channel tomorrow night (Friday, October 23 at 9PM ET/PT). As an artist, Daniel Maltzman relies on inspiration, but he can’t inspire his 2-year-old Pekingese, Pekaso (Picasso), to eat or drink. Pekaso refuses dog food and gets freaked out by the ripples in the water dish; she’s even become so dehydrated Daniel had to take her to the vet.

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H1N1 and Your Pets

4 The Love Of Animals

The H1N1 virus has everyone concerned, and with good cause. Luckily, it appears that the virus won’t pose a big risk to dogs and cats. It can spread to other pets however, such as turkeys and pigs. You should also be careful if you have a pet bird as they have sensitive respiratory systems that are susceptible to other human illnesses (such as colds).

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On Changes in What Americans Are Attending To

Animal Person

I've been out of every loop I used to be in because my work outside of veganism and animal rights came a-calling in a most critical way. As a result, for the first time in my life I've been living like many working people do: I get up early and rush around to make breakfast for myself and my husband and the three creatures, prepare lunches for my husband and myself (all vegan, of course) and then drive 1.5 hours--which is environmentally criminal--to an office that is so cold that most people us

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Appeal Denied for Six Activists Convicted Under AEPA

Critter News

It was a 2-1 decision by the US Court of Appeals. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. Six members of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty were convicted at a 2006 trial in New Jersey of conspiracy to violate the 1992 Animal Enterprise Protection Act. The law, since revised, aimed to protect animal research laboratories from illegal, sometimes violent protests.

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New Book Shows Mark Twain an Early Advocate Against Animal Cruelty

Critter News

A new book by author and Stanford professor Shelly Fisher Fishkin reveals that Mark Twain was an early advocate against animal cruelty. Called Mark Twain's Book of Animals , the book contains a number of his writing about animals. From the review: Twain writes about cruelty to animals in a range of contexts, criticizing, for example, the insensitivity involved in the exploitation of animals for sport or entertainment.

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Factory Farming and Latin American Devastation

Critter News

Here is an interesting 10 minute documentary about the effect of growing cheap animal feed in Latin America for European factory farms and how it effects the environment and people. Tags: factory farm.

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Preparing Your Pet for Winter

4 The Love Of Animals

The following is a great guest post from the folks at Pet Care Education! Good tips for the coming cold season. PREPARING YOUR PET FOR WINTER. As the temperatures grow colder, many people are tempted to hunker down indoors with a comforter and hot beverages. However, before you start getting comfortable for the winter months, it’s very important that you first get your pet ready for colder weather as well.

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Man Kills Goldfish in Domestic Violence Attack, Gets Probation

Critter News

Wow. I'm posting the whole article because it's so short. Another example of how animals (even goldfish!) become victims of domestic violence. I know some people may think it's just a goldfish and this punishment is too much, but he wasn't just stabbing the goldfish, he was symbolically stabbing his girlfriend. A lot of times the perpetrator is simply taking out his anger against the victim by attacking something she cares about.

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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