April, 2009

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USDA Has Meat Animal Research Center

Critter News

Here it is.the US Meat Animal Research Center. Good site to visit to see what they're up to. Obviously, all the pictures will probably be nice and clean. Tags: meat USDA cattle.

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Lucky The Maltese

4 The Love Of Animals

Doesn’t Lucky look dashing? This was taken after Lucky’s first grooming after cherry eye surgery. Lucky is certainly a very cute Maltese, and a lucky dog indeed! Tags: cute animal photos cute animals.

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On Winning Free Vegan Producst. and Twilight

Animal Person

Thanks to Adam at AbolitionistVegans.org for: Win Free Vegan Products at AbolitionistVegans.org During the next few weeks, we will be watching activity in the forum and in the comments on the front page to select users as recipients for several vegan products to be shipped out by the vendors for food, fashion, and household items. How does this work?

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “Officials Point to Swine Flu in New York” (front page, April 26): Dare we ask why this happening [sic]? While its exact origin is still unclear, this pathogen, and many others (like avian influenza), originated from animals being raised or eaten for food. As the world moves toward raising the majority of animals in the unnatural setting of factory farms, it is likely that more, and worse, such pathogens will arise.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Egypt Begins Slaughtering Pigs to Avoid Swine Flu

Critter News

The Egyptian government has begun slaughtering all of the pigs in the country. From the NY Times: Egypt has begun forcibly slaughtering the country’s pig herds as a precaution against swine flu, a move that the United Nations described as “a real mistake” and one that is prompting anger among the country’s pig farmers. There are a estimated 300,000 that will be killed.

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On Thanking Slaughtered Sheep for Book Awards

Animal Person

Jenny sent me a link to a remarkably-ironic story that was very tough to get through. Remember Catherine Friend, who wrote Compassionate Carnivore ? ( Here 's my commentary on it, and here 's my commentary about what compassionate carnivore means--and doesn't mean.) Well, she apparently did such a great job convincing the folks at the Minnesota Book Awards that you can claim to love animals and then send them to slaughter, that not only was she a finalist for their award, but she won it.

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Geico Gecko Giveaway

4 The Love Of Animals

One lucky winner will get all the goodies in the photo above! Why? Because the Geico Gecko is making videos on YouTube that parody popular videos, and he wants you to watch! And to help him choose what other videos to parody! Here is what you need to do to enter: Leave a comment on this post telling us which video you want to see the Geico Gecko in next!

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Actress Lilly Tomlin Calls on Seattle Woodland Park Zoo to Release Elephants to Sanctuary

Critter News

Lilly Tomlin is in Seattle and spoke out about the conditions of elephants at the Woodland Park Zoo on behalf of the Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN). Addressing supporters and the media at the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood Center, Tomlin said elephants in zoos across the country are suffering in confinement. Echoing claims made by others who oppose elephant exhibitions, Tomlin said the pachyderms are afflicted by foot and joint problems when not allowed to roam.

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Expedition Grizzly

4 The Love Of Animals

National Geographic Channel’s Expedition Grizzly featuring Casey Anderson presents the unique story of one man who has dedicated himself to wildlife preservation and a daring approach to understanding grizzlies’ every move — living among them in extreme conditions, observing their behaviors and even tasting some of their favorite foods. Driven by compassion, Casey and Brutus take a yearlong odyssey to shed light on Yellowstone’s “island” population of about 600 grizzlies, hemmed in on all sides

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"Is an Animal a Legal Person?

Animal Person

I have to take Charles for his pre-op (tomorrow's his big day), but Bea sent a link to " Is an Animal a Legal Person? " at Opposing Views. Perhaps you'd like to be the first to comment. I'll try to post later. Have a great day! Tags: Activism Current Affairs Ethics Language.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Seal Products Banned in Europe

Critter News

Hooray! Thanks to Animal Rights Person for the heads up on this. As of last Friday. * EU nations agree to ban on seal products * Ban would lead to trade clash with Norway and Canada * Final approvals seen as a formality. Tags: canada norway europe trade seals.

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Are We Really a Movement?

Critter News

Last night, I watched "Milk," the film about assassinated gay rights activist Harvey Milk. It's an excellent film and I highly recommend it. I not only learned about Harvey Milk, but about the early stages of the gay rights movement (which is ongoing today when one looks at all the right-wing flutterings over gay marriage.) It made me think though about the animal rights movement.

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Where Does Entertainment Begin and End?

Animal Person

Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, takes me back to graduate school when he writes of the importance of the stories we tell ourselves in " Use Free Speech to Celebrate Animal Life, Not to Enjoy Their Suffering." Juluri is referring to something specific: the Supreme Court's examination of First Amendment protection of acts of cruelty to animals.

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Ruppy the glowing puppy

4 The Love Of Animals

The worlds’ first transgenic dog, Ruppy (short for Ruby Puppy), produces a fluorescent protein that glows red under ultraviolet light. Ruppy and four other beagles are the first dogs to glow, though the experiment has taken place in other animals. Byeong-Chun Lee and his team created the dogs by cloning fibroblast cells that create a red fluorescent gene.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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The (Re)Veganizing of the Greyhounds

Animal Person

I have fed Charles Hobson Booger, III and Violet Rays every type of diet from raw (as in, turkey necks and chicken backs) to pre-made raw (comes in patties with greens and bones and supplements in it), to homemade vegan to Evolution to pre-made vegan ingredients to a combo. And most recently, Organix (free-range chicken plus some organic ingredients).

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FBI Lists Animal Rights Extremist as Most Wanted Terrorist

Critter News

Daniel Andreas San Diego, wanted for alleged involvement in 2 bombings in San Francisco has been listed by the FBI as one of their Most Wanted Terrorists. San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX.

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Good News and Bad News for Orangutans

Critter News

The good news is that a new population of about 2,000 individuals was discovered in Borneo. The bad news is that the pet trade is decimating the population on Sumatra. Tags: wildlife crime exotic pets wildlife trafficking animal cruelty orangutans pet trade endangered species.

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Animal Health Care is Part of the Bottom Line

Critter News

We've argued in previous posts that factory farming is simply not conducive to animal welfare. Better conditions for animals hurt the bottom line. Animal welfare is a cost of doing business, not a moral obligation. Here's an example. I'm not arguing about the methods as I'm not a veterinarian, but it's a good example of the clinical discussion of costs when it comes to managing farm animal health.

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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On Dominance and Animal Birth Control

Animal Person

Yesterday, regarding being a minority within a minority , mikey commented (among other things): While I am fairly new subscriber to this blog, therefore not knowing your particular stance, I've often felt like a minority within a minority for my stance on animal birth control. When taking the issue to simplest common denominator, spaying/neutering is essentially exercising human dominance over non-human animals.

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Leona Helmsley's Fortune Goes to Medical Research

Critter News

Yesterday I read about how Leona Helmsley’s estate was divided up. Over $100 million went to medical research while about $1 million went to animal welfare causes. (Actually, less than $1 million dollars went to animal welfare because a portion went to guide dog associations and that is human welfare as far as I’m concerned.) Originally, animal groups actually thought they’d get a huge piece of the estate because Leona Helmsley had supposedly wanted it that way.

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Supreme Court to Review Legality of Animal Abuse Videos

Critter News

You'd think it would be a no-brainer, but no. The justices said they would review, at the request of the federal government, an appeals court decision that said Congress's broad attempt to discourage animal cruelty by outlawing its depiction violates the First Amendment. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit in Philadelphia voted 10 to 3 last summer to find unconstitutional the rarely used law passed by Congress in 1999.

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Rescue for the rescuer.

4 The Love Of Animals

This is a guest post from Cherie, and I think that it is something everyone who rescues animals needs to read. Thanks Cherie! “As an animal welfare worker (professionally or as a volunteer), you know what it feels like when you make a positive difference in the life of an animal. It is exhilarating, heartwarming, joyful, motivating and provides a sense of accomplishment and hope.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Puppy Mills Exposed on Animal Planet

4 The Love Of Animals

A Special Episode of Animal Cops: Philadelphia Premieres Monday, April 27, at 10 PM (ET/PT). Boney legs poke out from between harsh metal wires. Food and water dishes remain empty for days. Ailments go untreated as puppies bide their time among the dying and the dead. These are the squalid conditions of puppy mills, where it’s estimated more than two million dogs are mass-produced for profit each year.

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On Being a Minority Within a Minority

Animal Person

I've been tweeting ( [link] ) for a short time and I have more than anything else the overwhelming feeling that I am part of a minuscule minority within an already small segment of the population. I'm a vegan who thinks we shouldn't be using animals even if we change the conditions of their use. And I'm experiencing the rarity of my beliefs. Of course there are oodles of vegetarians who mention veganism and how difficult and restricting it is, and overall I'm having a fairly disheartening experi

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Quote of the Week

Critter News

"Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don't vote." -Paul Harvey, American Radio Commentator. Tags: quotes.

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Earth Day Giveaway!

4 The Love Of Animals

The Honest Kitchen has offered a great package of treats for the dog owner who cares about the planet and the health of their pet! One lucky reader will get a pack of Smooches, Nuzzles, and Pecks! Smooches, Nuzzles, and Pecks are all packed in new eco-friendly packaging, which includes boxes made from 100 percent post-consumer recycled chip board, recyclable inner bags, and soy based inks for printing.

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What Friends are For

Animal Person

So this was in my e-mail box this morning. Now what? How ridiculous is it that " On the Psychological Continuum ," to say nothing of an article against rabbit fur, is on the same page as Gabriella's Fur Den? The ads I see today have nothing to do with animal cruelty--the opposite is true. Perhaps there is a filter of some find at work. Or perhaps it's my lucky day.

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21 Polo Horses Die in Florida

Critter News

Authorities are looking in the deaths of 21 polo horses from Argentina. So far they have ruled out disease and are even looking into the possibility that they were deliberately killed. Yikes. Tags: horses.

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Seal Meat Served in Canada

Critter News

Definitely a niche market ,but demand has been increasing. And this is despite the bad press received by the annual seal hunts. For time immemorial seal has been eaten -- raw -- as a traditional food by indigenous people such as the Inuit. It also has been a traditional food for generations of hunters in Canada's east who serve it up roasted, or sometimes with a hearty Burgundy sauce.

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Earth Day for Pets!

4 The Love Of Animals

We humans aren’t the only ones who can “go green&# ! Just look at all the wonderful products for pets (and people with pets). Bissell 1400B Little Green Multi-Purpose Compact Earth-Friendly Deep Cleaner. The Skooper Box , from Metropawlis. Organic Cotton printed tees from EcoPup. Eco Turtle squeaky toy made from IntelliLoft fibers (85% recycled soda bottles).

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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