May, 2010

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Happy Mother's Day!

Animal Person

Check out " On Motherhood and Pizza " at Animal Rights & AntiOppression, by yours truly, and have a Happy Mother's Day! Tags: Activism Current Affairs Ethics Food and Drink.

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Malaysian Official Says God Made Animals for Testing

Critter News

This is pretty vile in my opinion. From the AP. A Malaysian government official defended an Indian company's plans to build an animal testing medicine lab in his state, saying Monday that God created monkeys and rats for experiments to benefit humans. The plans by India's Vivo BioTech Ltd. to set up a biotechnology center in southern Malacca state has come under fire by activists because it will conduct tests on dogs and primates to make medicines.

Malaysia 109

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My Hollywood Pets

4 The Love Of Animals

My Hollywood Pets is an online shop that offers great products for your dog (and for cats too). Baby the Maltese recently got the chance to try out their frog costume. The costume is not only totally adorable, it is also very well made! The fabric is very soft cotton, with embroidered frog eyes on the hood. It’s a one piece jumpsuit style, with the tummy and rear open for easy bathroom use.

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Animal Ethics

This blog had 3,418 visits during April, which is an average of 113.9 visits per day.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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PETA Protests Pregnant Orcas at SeaWorld

Critter News

PETA protesters were in front of SeaWorld-Orlando where two orcas are now pregnant. The father in both cases is the same orca that killed its trainer a few months ago. Tags: Seaworld florida marine animals Orcas PETA.

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Dissatisfaction with Oil Spill Cleanup Increases

Critter News

People are apparently getting more pissed at both Obama AND BP. This situation totally sucks. I just think the minute that rig blew up, the result was inevitable. I think that the magnitude of this disaster is not a question of cleanup, but of prevention in the first place. We can get mad at BP and Obama, but the problem is that this was a disaster waiting to happen.

Obama 109

More Trending

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Walk your dog in style!

4 The Love Of Animals

With summer arriving soon, more time will be spent in the park and on walks with our furry friends. I am happy to share this great product, chicBuds , that can give you a bit of style while you listen to your tunes on your walks with your dog. Not only do they look great, but the chicBuds earphones are retractable! This makes them easy to take with you in a purse, and also makes it so you only have to let out as much, or as little, of the cord that you need.

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Cute of the Day: Open Wide!

4 The Love Of Animals

ORLANDO, FL (May 26, 2010) — Open Wide! Proud Parents Feed Their Chick at SeaWorld Orlando. A tawny frogmouth chick, hatched April 11, gets fed by its mother, while the father looks on. In less than a year, six chicks have been hatched at SeaWorld and all are now thriving. Until recently, the population of tawny frogmouths in North American zoos was facing extinction — and breeding programs were largely unsuccessful.

Zoos 116
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Lessons Learned, The Finale

Animal Person

After all this time it seems that. the Island's sideways world was a purgatory of sorts where the Oceanic 815 survivors were supposed to learn more lessons or go one way or the other (good or bad), but Desmond intervened to bring them all together and move forward to the light. Oh wait, wrong series (and by the way I watched only the last season of Lost, so I could be completely wrong about the above).

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Greenpeace Activists Threatened with Terrorism Charges

Critter News

It's bullshit and there is no way this can stand, but the fact that it's even been threatened is ridiculous. These people are protesters, not terrorists. This is just a tool to silence criticism of large corporations. From the New York Times' Green Blog. Charges have been filed against seven members of Greenpeace who boarded an offshore drilling support ship in a Louisiana port and painted anti-drilling slogans in crude oil on the vessel’s side on Monday afternoon.

Louisiana 100
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Just Two Lessons Learned for Today

Animal Person

I've decided that 20 lessons is a good number to stop at, and today I'll discuss what are probably the two most controversial ones, about the animal rights movement. Lesson #11. The Appeal of Cliques The first six Lessons Learned from 4 Years of Animal Person and numbers 7-10 hinted about cliques, but only the negative aspects. For me, preaching to the choir wasn't satisfying and also became ugly and time consuming because I positioned myself to be part of a clique and that didn't work well for

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Gross Monkey Experiment

Critter News

Now this is pretty gross. I understand it's for HIV prevention, but still. testing a vaginal gel on monkeys. Disturbing. The gel was applied vaginally to three pigtailed macaques twice a week for seven weeks. Thirty minutes after each gel application, the animals were exposed to SHIV, for a total of 14 "challenges." A fourth animal received a placebo gel in the same manner.

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Birds Suffering from Oil Spill

Critter News

Pelicans unable to fly due to being coated with oil. It's the Exxon Valdez all over again. Several pelicans were coated in oil on Barataria Bay off Louisiana, their usually brown and white feathers now jet black. Pelican eggs were glazed with rust-colored gunk, and new hatchlings and nests were also coated with crude. It is unclear if the area can even be cleaned, or if the birds can be saved.

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Lessons Learned From 4 Years of Animal Person, Part 2

Animal Person

Yesterday's lessons learned were primarily about blogging. Today they're about language. Lesson #7 Obsessing over language can become counterproductive. And this, coming from a person with a doctorate in Applied Linguistics. I can talk about language all day, every day. How it shapes our lives and our culture. How it changes because it's not static--it's alive.

Vegan 114
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Lessons Learned From 4 Years of Animal Person

Animal Person

I've officially been blogging for four years (1,329 posts and 5,441 comments) today, and as I (re)ponder whether I will continue, I'd like to present some lessons I've learned about blogging, veganism, people, "the movement," language and. I'll also take requests. Today I'll address blogging. Lesson #1. Know your audience. If you want to facilitate change in the hearts, minds and actions of others, you should know your audience.

Vegan 105
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ALPO and Taye Diggs

4 The Love Of Animals

A group of drooling dogs were all ears as actor and dog lover Taye Diggs read excerpts from the newly released ALPO® “Real Dogs Eat Meat” Handbook at a first-of-its-kind book reading event in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District on May 19. A common sense guide to help dogs be dogs again, the Handbook takes readers into the hearts, minds and mud-covered “soles” of 20 real dog “paw-thors.

Meat 118
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Humane Society's National Conference Announced

Critter News

I recently received this email announcement. The conference is to be held from July 23-26 in Washington, DC. Someday, I hope to attend one of these conferences. It looks like they have some great workshops with people like Gene Bauer from Farm Sanctuary and Nicole Pollata from the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF.). Tags: humane society conferences.

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More Bad Press for BP

Critter News

In this article, they admit they underestimated the scope of the oil slick. This article talks about how BP skipped some testing of cement linings hours before the explosion occured. These cement linings were basically the well's seal. How did this decision contribute to the disaster? Tags: oil drilling British Petroleum 2010 oil spill pollution.

Seals 109
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Pet Projekt

4 The Love Of Animals

Pet Projekt created the dogbols™, which are super sleek, 100% transparent polycarbonate bowls! Paired with the super functional dogmat™, they make feeding and cleaning up after your dog simple! Dogbols™ come in five fun and vibrant transparent colors. We got the chance to try out a cool combo of clear, smoky gray, and a gray dogmat (like the one pictured above).

Pets 109
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Gulf Oil a Looming Threat to Marine Life

Critter News

So far, we're not seeing the large-scale impact of this oil spill on marine life. But there are concerns out there. It may not be immediate, like oil-coated birds, but slower and more subtle, like the effect on oxygen levels in the sea. This is a complex ecosystem we're dealing with. From NPR. Especially troubling to scientists are the effects the oil and dispersants could be having on dissolved oxygen levels in the water.

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Dog Is Good!

4 The Love Of Animals

Dog Is Good is a great clothing and gift company for people who love dogs. We recently got a chance to try one of their shirts, and I have to say, it is the perfect spring/fall shirt! It has long sleeves, but is made of a soft lightweight pima cotton, making it just right when the weather is just a little cool. It would be great for colder months too, but I love being able to wear it with out a jacket.

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Komen and KFC: A Match Made in Hell

Critter News

I am not a fan of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Aside from their support of animal research, I have enountered them in my line of work and find them corporate, condescending, and self-righteous. However, I can hardly believe that they would actually partner with KFC (KFC!!!) for cancer research. It's not just a question of animal rights. Chickens that are used for KFC products are horribly treated.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Suit Filed Against the Minerals Management Service

Critter News

Good! From Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine. The Southern Environmental Law Center and Defenders of Wildlife filed suit challenging the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) complicity in the Gulf oil disaster and continued lax oversight of oil drilling operations, including its failure to require a thorough examination of spill risks from exploratory drilling operations like the Deepwater.

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National Dog Bite Prevention Week

4 The Love Of Animals

Did you know that May 16-22 is National Dog Bit Prevention Week? Neither did we! That is, not until we got an email from the USPS. Now that we know, we are happy to spread the word. They are working hard to help spread that word about how to prevent dog bites. Here are the tips and stats that they sent us: Nearly 2,900 letter carriers were bitten by dogs last year, yet that pales in comparison to the 4.7 million Americans needlessly victimized by dog bites each year.

Dogs 100
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Cute of the Day

4 The Love Of Animals

Someone almost looks ready to travel in space! What do you think? Personally, I think that cute little nose needs a big kiss! Cute of the Day originally appeared on 4 The Love of Animals on May 16, 2010. Tags: cute of the day.

2010 160
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Lots of Birds Being Killed in Ireland and the UK

Critter News

It's just weird how many birds are being killed in England, Scotland and Ireland. May 2010. A horrific total of 6 eagles, 10 buzzards, 3 red kites, a Peregrine falcon and a sparrowhawk have all been poisoned in recent weeks across Ireland, England and Scotland. And these are just the ones that we know about and have been discovered. Tags: wildlife crime UK Ireland.

Ireland 100
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Victoria's Secret Stops Selling Exotic Animal Skins

Critter News

Victoria's Secret was selling what? I didn't know they were doing this in the first place! And I just bought something from them last month for the first time. Anyway, I'm wondering if the decision could have been influenced by PETA's investigation of how reptiles are being skinned alive for these sales. This PETA post doesn't claim the credit though.

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Guest Post: Foreclosures Threaten Pets As Well As People

4 The Love Of Animals

Foreclosures Threaten Pets As Well As People. While many animal shelters already struggle on a day-to-day basis to care for the millions of unwanted animals that are dropped at their door, the numbers have grown to an almost unmanageable degree over the last few years. The culprit for this surge in animal homelessness is a testimonial to these trying times: human homelessness.

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Newfoundland Seal Hunt Extended

Critter News

Earlier this week, Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea extended the end date of the annual seal hunt from May 15 to May 31. This is because of the poor "harvest" due to bad ice conditions. Poor, poor seal hunters. I'm sorry, but I don't care who makes money off this barbaric practice. It's cruel. If people in indigenous communities can only make money off this, then perhaps Canada should invest in some education and economic development programs to bring these communities into a more sustain

Seals 100
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Poochie Bells

4 The Love Of Animals

When we brought Baby home as a little puppy, we didn’t know about GW Little or these awesome poochie bells. We did train Baby to use a bell at the door when she needs to go out, but it isn’t nearly as pretty to look at as these poochie bells are. They are on our pet wish list. I have to admit, we felt pretty smart using a bell chime that we had as a make shift doggy door bell!

Puppies 125
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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