June, 2019

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Rename All Birds Named After White People

10,000 Birds

Zach Schwartz-Weinstein is a writer, teacher, organizer, and birdwatcher who lives in upstate New York. The ornithological practice of naming species after dead white people — almost universally dead white men, with the exceptions of Lucy’s , Grace’s , Virginia’s , and Blackburnian Warblers , (which are named for dead white women) is fundamentally an index of ornithology’s complicity with the history of European imperialism and settler colonialism.

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What is a “Nonessential Experimental” California Condor?

10,000 Birds

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently proposed reintroducing California Condors in the Pacific Northwest. Although sometimes thought of a bird of the Southwest, the condor’s historical range reaches as far north as British Columbia. In 1806, Lewis and Clark saw condors near the Columbia River, which makes up much of the Washington-Oregon border.


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Bird of Prey: The Story of the Rarest Eagle on Earth – A Film Review

10,000 Birds

The Philippine Eagle has a kind face. I couldn’t help thinking this–me, the anthropomorphism hater– as I watched a pair of Philippine Eagles tend their nest, raise a chick, and tear monkeys apart in Bird of Prey: The Story of the Rarest Eagle on Earth , a well-crafted, beautifully filmed documentary with a mission. Recently released for streaming after a year of film festival showings, Bird of Prey’s creators want to ignite support for conservation measures that will stem the decline

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Six Months Birding in Costa Rica, 620 Species of Birds

10,000 Birds

Growing up in Niagara Falls, New York, June was a celebration of summer. It was finally, actually, truly warm outside and it was therefore a time of baseball, the fresh scent of cut grass and, best of all, no more school! Growing up birding in Western New York was also a time when the old woods of the Niagara Gorge were punctuated with the songs of hidden Red-eyed and Warbling Vireos and the lazy notes of Eastern Wood-Pewees.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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White, yellow or golden?

10,000 Birds

Collared Scops Owl – A Cat Head Eagle. For a German living in China, bird names have some additional complexities. Most of the Shanghai birds I only know by their English names, as this is the language of eBird as well as the language shared with other foreign birders. For some of the more common or exciting birds, I know the Chinese names as well, such as Maotouying for owl (literally “cat head eagle”, which I think is both cute and accurate) or Xianbasedong for Fairy Pitta (&

China 195
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Hawk-Eagle Sweep in Costa Rica

10,000 Birds

The tropical habitats of Costa Rica are home to a surprising number of raptor species. Although the country is around the same size as West Virginia, 39 species of diurnal raptors are on the list. The three huge eagles are lottery winner rare and the Orange-breasted Falcon has never been documented for the country but the rest are seen here and there on an annual basis.

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Cape May Warbler is a Bad Name and Should be Replaced

10,000 Birds

The Cape May Warbler is a boldly patterned, voracious predator. Primarily yellow below, with black racing stripes, it prowls through the canopy laying waste to caterpillars. A thrill to see, especially to see well, the Cape May Warbler is most commonly spotted as a passage migrant or as a winter resident, considering that its breeding area is the spruce-fir forests of Canada and some of the northernmost parts of the United States.

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Birding Pulau Ubin-Singapore

10,000 Birds

Pulau Ubin is a small island off the north-east coast of Singapore that is easily reached by a small boat from the Changi Point Ferry Terminal. The small boats do not leave in either direction until there are 12 passengers and each passenger pays SGD3 cash for each journey. However, we did note signage that said if you travelling with an animal you would have to pay for twelve passengers and travel alone with your animal!

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Last of June 2019)

10,000 Birds

Perhaps you are familiar with the bit of verse from James Russell Lowell that sings, “And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.” Even if the words are new to you, the sentiment surely resonates. This month may have brought uncommon cold and rain to Upstate New York, but June went out on an exceedingly high note for us.

2019 132
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Bring back the Blue Tit

10,000 Birds

I’m a long-time champion of the IOC World Bird List as a standard for bird names. I pushed for Wikipedia to adopt them, and then to follow the taxonomy, and given the dominance of Wikipedia in Google search results, this is no small thing. I’m not blind to the list’s faults, though. They give short shrift to New Zealand’s birds, lumping them with odd names no one here uses because the names are shared elsewhere and God knows America isn’t going to take a hit for us.

Iran 132
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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The Joy of One-eyed Birding

10,000 Birds

I confess, this post has a trick title. I actually have two eyes that both function perfectly well, when corrected for near-sightedness. But there is an old quote I always carry with me when I bird: “In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king” (Desiderius Erasmus). I am, you see, only a mediocre birder. I never get up before 6 a.m., and I never bird on an empty stomach.

Mexico 132
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Boobies, Really?

10,000 Birds

It is my sincere intent to have a short discussion about small group of birds, the Boobies, without any form of sophomoric humor. Those of you that know me, will find this extremely hard to believe, but I am going to give it my best shot, because really that’s what this is all about isn’t it? First of all, how about a little bit of history about our beloved Boobies.

Iceland 125
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Blue, Gray, or Grey?

10,000 Birds

Does anybody know which part of the Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias is referred to that entitles it to use the colour blue in its name? Perhaps Occasionally White Heron Ardea cinerinoncaeruleumalbanuncenimfiunc might be more appropriate?* Little Blue Heron, Egretta Caerulea I can live with, but the Little becomes redundant in the circumstances. I have often been struck by the similarities of the Great Blue Heron and the Gray Heron, Ardea cineria but therein lies another anomaly.

Family 121
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Red-bellied Woodpecker

10,000 Birds

Joshua Malbin has been birding in Brooklyn, NY for more than 10 of his 15-plus years doing it so far. He’s been working as a writer and editor for almost 20, and has contributed fiction and nonfiction to more than a dozen online and print journals. He cohosts the independent comics review podcast Comics for Grownups and has self-published a novel about water wars in the western U.S.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Birding Singapore Sports Hub

10,000 Birds

One of the best features about Singapore is the fact that wherever you go there are birds. Admittedly we did not go into the downtown area once during our three week stay, but wherever there are trees there are birds and Singapore is a green city. Another really good feature of Singapore is the excellent public transport system. It is very easy to get around the island and it is also very cheap.

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Mrs Pankhurst’s Purple Feather–A Book Review

10,000 Birds

A feather is a magical thing. There is a wonder to its construction and color, a mystery that goes beyond what we know anatomically about how feathers function. And, like many body parts that are separated from the whole, a feather sometimes become an artifact, a thing apart from a living creature, invested with values beyond the original, biological function.

Industry 120
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Aslin Beer Company/Two Roads Brewing Company: Under the Wire

10,000 Birds

To birders, the search for raptors perched at the very tops of telephone poles, or for neatly arranged rows of sparrows or buntings sitting on the low-slung lines draped between them is one of the chief joys of any drive through the country. The tendency of birds to alight onto the wooden posts, steel towers, and metal wires that constitute our power and communications infrastructure turns any car ride into exciting and endless game of drive-by identification.

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of June 2019?

10,000 Birds

You have to love June, when birding stops well before the month itself. Is anyone willing to struggle out this weekend to look at birds? A nagging sense of duty may impel me to seek out Yellow-billed Cuckoo at some local haunts this weekend. Corey may or may not drag himself from the comfort of his air-conditioned lair to scan Queens birds. How about you?

2019 116
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Who cares for your ducks in the winter?

10,000 Birds

I confess: I am a lister. I like seeing as many species as possible on my life list, year list, state list, patch list, any kind of list. So when each year begins, the first place I think of visiting is Lago de Cuitzeo (Cuitzeo Lake). For my state of Michoacán in central Mexico, Lago de Cuitzeo is an unusually poor site for our specialty, which is west-Mexico-only endemics.

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Château de Colombe: Bordeaux Rosé (2017)

10,000 Birds

If you haven’t noticed, there’s no shortage of articles about rosé wine this time of year. Whether their authors are scrutinizing this pink wine’s recent rise as a millennial obsession in clickbait lifestyle pieces, lamenting its fate as the perennial victim of wine snob invective, or endeavoring to discredit the many myths that surround this underappreciated style, come June, it’s rosés, rosés, all the way.

2017 115
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Pasir Ris Park-Singapore

10,000 Birds

Our first destination for observing birds in Singapore during our three week visit in March was Pasir Ris Park. We chose this location due to it being a large area that offered parks and views across the sea towards the island of Pulau Ubin. It was also easily accessible on the MRT and was the end of the East West line. It would be a great location to visit if you only had a few hours in Singapore and wanted to go beyond the airport to go bird watching.

Singapore 115
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Air Show at Nanhui, Shanghai, China

10,000 Birds

These days, quite a few species are breeding at Nanhui, Shanghai. This involves a lot of flying around, finding food and bringing it back to the chicks. But not all species do this in such a spectacular fashion as the Barn Swallow. I recently came across 5 chicks sitting on the ground on a fortunately barely-used gravel road. All were sitting within one meter or so from each other.

China 115
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of June 2019)

10,000 Birds

Mid-June may be the most perfect time of year, offering maximum nice weather with minimal catastrophic natural events. Even the birding is decent. With a foundation this firm, you can’t help but have a great weekend, right? My daughter was in the mood to see Indigo Buntings , so she accompanied me on my annual visit to Rush Oak Openings. The Blue-winged Warblers I always look forward to seeing were heard-only, but those beauteous blue buntings made the trip a success.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of June 2019)

10,000 Birds

Mid-June means many things to many people, but much of its allure involves perfect weather. Unfortunately, without sunshine and high temps, this time of year becomes a bit of a bore. Hopefully, you enjoyed a gorgeous weekend or found a way to enjoy an ungorgeous one. I fell into the latter camp, with cold rain dashing my family’s Father’s Day hike and any interest I had in leaving the house.

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Where Are You Birding This Second Weekend of June 2019?

10,000 Birds

Migration may be officially/unofficially over ( who’s in charge of calling these things anyway? ) but we can still hope for a few slowpokes and stragglers left to find. Get out there and shake the bushes–metaphorically, of course–to see what unexpected delights June may yet offer. I still have some warblers to add to my year list, so I’ll be hunting down some birds on their breeding grounds this weekend.

2019 114
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Wood Warbler Names Done Right

10,000 Birds

For many North American birders, wood warblers represent everything exciting, compelling, and immediate about birding. The desire to better understand these avian jewels impelled me and surely many others to take up bins, and their spring arrival in my part of the world represents one of the most joyous–but far too brief–spans on our birding calendar.

Rights 113
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I’m not seeing spots: Towhee issues

10,000 Birds

When you bird in Latin America, you quickly realize how America-centric English-language bird names are. Consider, for example, the Summer Tanager. This is an easy species for me to see in my region — any time BUT in summer. (Mexicans sometimes call it the Tangara Roja Migratoria, migratory red tanager.) The winter-only nature of migratory species can cause other name problems, such as with the Indigo Bunting.

Mexico 113
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Cory’s Shearwater is Misspelled

10,000 Birds

Cory’s Shearwater is missing a letter. One little “e” is absent from the name and it has been driving me crazy ever since I learned there was a shearwater that almost shares a name with me. Adding one little “e” won’t hurt at all. It doesn’t change the pronunciation, the four-letter banding code, or much else at all.

Boston 113
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of June 2019)

10,000 Birds

If you’re not finding mid-June birding all that exciting, you’re definitely not alone. Worry not, though, because you’ll find plenty of avian-themed excitement in our Bird Renaming Week extravaganza, which you’ll be pleased to know has already begun. If, on the other hand, you managed to eke out a bird of interest this weekend, tell us all about it… I brought the family to Chimney Bluffs State Park, a magnificent slice of New York currently suffering from extremely

2019 113
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Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park and Lower Peirce Reservoir-Singapore

10,000 Birds

During our three week visit to Singapore in March we spent a good part of each day walking and birding. By 17th March we were not expecting to find too many more new birds to add to our list. We decided it was time to visit Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park and see what we could observe there. We also decided to combine the walk there with the trail at Lower Peirce Reservoir Park and make a “day of it” By combining these two parks we could take the MRT to Bishan on either the Circle Line or Nor

Singapore 113
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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