May, 2016

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Memorialize your pet with Pet Perennials

4 The Love Of Animals

When our sweet bird passed away we buried her in a pretty place in our garden. Sadly, our dog passed away just a few months later from cancer. We decided to create a garden around her burial spot as well. … Continue reading → The post Memorialize your pet with Pet Perennials appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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A Rehabber’s List of Worst Bird Myths

10,000 Birds

One might think that thanks to the Internet, all those ridiculous old wild animal myths handed down for generations would finally die a deserved death. But noooo. Thanks to the Internet not only don’t they die, they’re joined by more. I asked a group of wildlife rehabilitators: “What are some of the Worst Bird Myths? Feel free to vent!”. Rehabbers are very responsive, although constantly living under the gun makes us sometimes vent about species that aren’t necessarily the ones in question.


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Animal Ethics

This blog had 1,725 visits during April, which is an average of 57.5 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 52.4.

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Sibley Birds East & Sibley Birds West: A Review

10,000 Birds

I purchased my first Sibley— The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America —in 2003. It was my second field guide, and I quickly gave it that worn look I imagined all “real” birder’s field guides had by dropping it into the creek at Allaire State Park in New Jersey (by accident!). My Eastern Sibley served me well, replacing the Peterson’s with which I learned my ducks and waders.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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50 Amazing Animal Facts infographic

4 The Love Of Animals

Here’s a fun way to learn some new things about your favorite animals! Which facts did you already know? Were there any that were new to you? I thought it was very sweet about elephants sucking their trunks for comfort … Continue reading → The post 50 Amazing Animal Facts infographic appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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Pound For Pound: A Story of One Woman’s Recovery and the Shelter Dogs Who Loved Her Back to Life

4 The Love Of Animals

We always love it when we get a chance to read about how dogs help people, and the book Pound For Pound: A Story of One Woman’s Recovery and the Shelter Dogs Who Loved Her Back to Life certainly fits … Continue reading → The post Pound For Pound: A Story of One Woman’s Recovery and the Shelter Dogs Who Loved Her Back to Life appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

Shelters 157

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Urban birding in La Paz, Mexico

10,000 Birds

There is little doubt in my mind, that the topic of urban birding has been well covered on this and every other birding site. Despite that, I have it in my head to jot down a few of the interesting things about birding here in La Paz, Mexico. What is it that makes this area different from any other urban setting, which might play host to a nice selection of migrant and non-migrant species?

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The truely Magnificent Frigatebird

10,000 Birds

One of the most common questions I get from first time, non-birding visitors to the Baja, is “What is the ominous looking black bird, soaring along the waters edge?” With its large swept back, black wings, deeply forked tail, and long hooked bill, the Magnificent Frigatebird , Fregata magnifciens appears to be quite forbidding. For the most part, this largest of the five frigatebird species actually is, but only to the other costal birds out looking for a meal.

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How to create an IBA and get a permanent headache in five easy steps

10,000 Birds

First: Dream about it. As a teenager in Yugoslavia, I used to buy National Geographic in secondhand bookshops. Fascinated with New York’s Jamaica Bay, I started dreaming about creating a similar wetland reserve on the Danube inside Belgrade, the area I explored by kayak. Before I had a clue what I was doing, I encompassed the Danube backwaters into the reserve borders that I draw on transparent paper pressed against a street map of the city.

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Climate Change And Birds: Europe vs. North America

10,000 Birds

I want to alert you to a recent study (from April) that looks at the plight of bird populations under conditions of climate change in Europe and North America. The study looked at common birds, and used data divided by either state (in the US) or country (in Europe). Data were collected from the North American Breeding Bird Survey and the Pan-European Common Birds Monitoring Scheme.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Birding: Time and Effort

10,000 Birds

How much time do you devote to birding? Are you happy with an occasional morning here and there or do you need more? How high is birding on your list of activities – is it the very first or merely one of? These are the types I recognise: Coffee Break Birding – 10-15 minutes, usually not planned ahead but squeezed out of your schedule. E.g. you have a meeting next to a park or a lake, so you come a bit earlier to see whatever may be there.

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Skoshbox; Japanese Snacks (for humans)

4 The Love Of Animals

We have shared a few treat boxes with you before, but they have always been for pets! Well today I am happy to share the Japan Box from Skoshbox. Why? Because it’s just for humans! We have tried a few … Continue reading → The post Skoshbox; Japanese Snacks (for humans) appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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Free Microchip Clinic to Commemorate Five-Year Anniversary of Joplin Tornad

4 The Love Of Animals

Joplin Humane Society, ASPCA Host Adoption Event and Free Microchip Clinic to Commemorate Five-Year Anniversary of Joplin Tornado “Paws in the Park” adoption event held at Parr Hill Park as part of Joplin Proud events This Saturday, the Joplin Humane … Continue reading → The post Free Microchip Clinic to Commemorate Five-Year Anniversary of Joplin Tornad appeared first on 4 The Love of Animals.

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Greater Spotted Woodpecker

10,000 Birds

My bird feeding array has been set up outside the window of my study. I can gaze from here and contemplate the important things in life such as, “ is my trellis crooked, or is my neighbour’s fence slightly off horizontal?”. You know, the kind of things that keep pedants awake at night. As I flick through eBay looking for a laser-sighted spirit level, a flash of black and white passes the window and lands on the peanut-drilled log.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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It’s just a Verdin

10,000 Birds

The Verdin , Auriparus flaviceps is a small often over looked little resident of the dry desert scrub brush. For myself, this rather common bird gets the proverbial “No Respect” and very little acclaim. Many times in the past, I will be out in the desert, on a shoot, specifically looking for a bird or two, when along comes this dainty little yellow headed bird.

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What’s in a Name: Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet

10,000 Birds

Once you eliminate the risque jokes (I know, I know, but it’s a family blog) the Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet might have the most comical name in American birding. How did this itty-bitty bird come to be saddled with a moniker that sounds exactly like a punchline about bird names? For once, the answer doesn’t lie in the ego of its discoverer or a folk interpretation of its call.

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What is Mexico’s National Bird?

10,000 Birds

One of the most impressive birds in North America is the Golden Eagle. It is found as far north as Alaska and as far south as Mexico, taking its place as one of Mexico’s official symbols. In fact, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology , “The Golden Eagle is the most common official national animal in the world – it’s the emblem of Albania, Germany, Austria, Mexico, and Kazakhstan.” The bird is massive.

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of February 2016)

10,000 Birds

As migration advances, most birders have enjoyed the frenzy of new first-of-year sightings. But evolving patterns of both weather and species distribution still promise wonder in the weeks and months ahead. There’s more to see, so keep at it! I’ve added plenty of new species to my year list, but the bird I appreciated most this weekend was the one closest to home.

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Bird Lovers: This Scam’s For You

10,000 Birds

This is about the lengths to which people will go to scam you. The other day I came home and found a blinking red light on my answering machine. I listened to two messages from friends, then heard a stern, unfamiliar female voice. “This is Officer Judy Smith, from the Department of the United (crackle crackle), and this is a final notice from the United States Federate (crackle crackle).

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Twitching a Gray Kingbird in New York

10,000 Birds

Gray Kingbirds are rarely seen in New York State and when they are they usually are only seen by the person or people who find them or those in the immediate vicinity. They don’t tend to stick to a spot and allow themselves to be seen by the hordes of birders who like chasing state-level rarities. That made the Gray Kingbird that was found way up in Livingston County on Monday, 2 May, such an intriguing bird.

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Where Are You Birding This First Weekend of May 2016?

10,000 Birds

Our celebration of mothers during the first Sunday of May finds symmetry in the natural world, where so many maternal-minded birds are building nests or protecting eggs. Those of us enjoying a glorious spring can see signs of rebirth all around. None of this happens without moms, so find one to celebrate (or accept celebration yourself) this weekend.

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An Osprey Nest and The Migratory Bird Treaty Act

10,000 Birds

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it unlawful at any time, by any means or in any manner, to pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture, or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to barter, barter, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, export, import, cause to be shipped, exported, or imported, deliver for transportation, transport or cause to be transported, carry or cause to be carried, or receive for shipment, transportation, carriage, or export, any

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of May 2016?

10,000 Birds

Here in the States, we’ve looking at a long, lovely weekend, serving as the unofficial start to summer. Fortunately, a bit of spring still lingers. Get out there and enjoy; some of you have three days to do it! Now that the weather is reaching those heights of heat and humidity that I prefer, you’ll find me out and about just about everywhere.

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A Big Day, Some Bad News, and a Brazilian Surprise

10,000 Birds

This past week in birding news was nothing if not exciting. Almost 16,000 birders, participating in the second annual Global Big Day on May 14th, ticked some 6,284 species worldwide. (Let’s see Noah Strycker do that!). Unfortunately, those numbers may dip in the future, if the North American Bird Conservation Initiative is right and one-third of the continent’s birds are threatened.

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Red-necked Stint beyond the coast

10,000 Birds

Along Broome’s coastline we encounter literally hundreds of Red-necked Stint among all the flocks of migratory shorebirds that make Australia their home during the non-breeding season. They are the smallest shorebird among the flock and are usually at the back of the flock furthest from the sea at high tide. They either roost high up on the beach or frantically feed along the edge taking every opportunity to get ready for the long migration they make each year.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of May 2016?

10,000 Birds

Have a magnificent weekend! Our world’s temperate skies teem with waves of weary passerines, migrating in their resplendent millions. Do yourself a favor: step away from the computer and get out to see them! Corey and I and every other birder you know will spend the weekend’s spare hours chasing down the newest arrivals before they move on.

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This Week in Pop Culture: Bird Edition

10,000 Birds

It seems like lately, every time I glance at a screen or opened a newspaper (okay, let’s be realistic, the newspapers were on screens too), there’s some kind of interesting bird-related content. Maybe migration has seeped into the cultural zeitgeist and turned everyone a little bird-crazy. To wit: Thousands of pigeons (or Rock Doves , if you’re ticking them on a list) with tiny lights attached to their legs swarmed the skies over Brooklyn, NY , as part of an art project that is now getting

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South Island Robins

10,000 Birds

It’s that time of year where I complain about the Austral winter, which arrived suddenly yesterday and has been inflicting gales, thunderstorms and tornadoes on New Zealand. To celebrate I’m off to Melbourne on Friday, were the weather promises to be more pleasant, for a long weekend. While the purpose of the trip is mostly to see family and friends and perhaps mark the occasion of another mostly successful passage around the sun, I will be getting a few hours of birding in here and

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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of May 2016)

10,000 Birds

What a weekend, right? All my favorite birders were out at festivals, doing Big Days, or just racking up scores of awesome birds in the field. We can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories! I hit Firehouse Woods, one of Rochester’s finest spots to scope Neotropical migrants fueling for the last leg of their long journeys to the boreal. Even though I only had an hour before work, I racked up just about all the warblers I wanted; any weekend I see a Blackburnian Warbler , I know which

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White-breasted Woodswallows

10,000 Birds

A few weeks ago I mentioned the Dollarbirds around Broome that love to use our power lines for roosting and then swooping down chasing insects. They like to take a whole power line section to themselves around Broome and now they are in the countries to the north of us they are no doubt using the same method for chasing insects. Our local White-breasted Woodswallows are the exact opposite in that they love to huddle together!

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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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