Sat.May 18, 2019 - Fri.May 24, 2019

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Checklist of the Birds of Westeros

10,000 Birds

Now that the Mad Queen is dead, Brandon the Broken, First of His Name, is the King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm; and peace is restored in all the kingdoms, would you want to bird Westeros? I am not talking the filming locations, but the imaginary kingdoms themselves. How many birds have you spotted in 8 seasons?

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Brown-eared Bulbuls in blossom

10,000 Birds

The 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan. Do birders and canoeists/kayakists/kayakers/kakies make good bedfellows I wonder? The new canoeing centre is still under construction at Kasairinkaikoen, so to hide my disappointment, I went birding instead. Oriental Turtle Dove. My first job was to reconnect with the common birds that one might reasonably expect to see on a flash visit to Tokyo.

Japan 117

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Twenty-Four Hours of Awesome Part Two: Mr. Wilson the Plover

10,000 Birds

After seeing the Burrowing Owl on Thursday night last week and talking to some other birders I realized that Friday was shaping up to be a good migration day, at least so far as we could divine from the weather forecast. I decided to take Friday off from work and devote my day to birding. I was up and out of the house before dawn on Friday morning to get in a couple hours of birding in Forest Park before I had to drive Desi to school.

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Birds of Tierra Caliente

10,000 Birds

I am originally from California, so it is easy for me to deal with a geography defined by a low coastal mountain range, a central valley, and a much higher inland range (in California, the Sierra Nevada). But for the past 25 years, I have lived in Mexico’s state of Michoacán. Here, the coastal range is the Sierra Madre del Sur, the central valley is known as la Tierra Caliente, or the Hot Country, and I live in the much higher Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of May 2019?

10,000 Birds

Is May ending already? Some birders wait eleven months for just this moment, keenly feeling loss after its passing. How can you prevent the post-migration blues? Make hay while the sun shines: if birds are still passing through your corner of the world, get out and greet every one. Maybe they’ll come back in the fall! I have to work this weekend, but you’ll still find me catching the last of this season’s raptor migration and any songbirds I can find.

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Mexican visitors in Box Canyon

10,000 Birds

One of the great things about living in southern Arizona is our proximity to Mexico. This allows for some really fun birds to come across the border, not that they know it is a border, and giving us some interesting birds each year. Without question, the most famous of these “immigrants” was last year’s White-throated Thrush that took up residence in Madera Canyon.

Arizona 113

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Twenty-Four Hours of Awesome Part Three: Sweet, Sweet Sage

10,000 Birds

This past Friday, after leaving Cupsogue where my twitch for the Wilson’s Plover had ended in success I decided to head back over to Big Egg Marsh in my home borough of Queens to see if I could rediscover the Burrowing Owl I had seen the previous evening could be rediscovered. A bunch of birders had looked unsuccessfully for the owl in the morning but I was hoping I might get lucky.

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Welcome Our Newest Beat Writer, Paul Lewis

10,000 Birds

When Paul Lewis reached out to us asking if we were interested in some blog posts about birding in Mexico we were psyched! After all, the beat writer who had been posting about Mexican birds, the amazing Tom, has moved from Mexico and we didn’t have anyone writing about the birds there. His first guest post was so good we decided to make him a regular writer!

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Twenty-Four Hours of Awesome Part One: A Burrowing Owl?!?!?!

10,000 Birds

I was home on Thursday evening hanging out with Desi. Daisy was working late and my mother-in-law had kindly started to make me some spicy ramen for dinner. Then my phone buzzed with a text message from my good birding buddy Mary and, well, it let me know that a Burrowing Owl had been found in Queens and the photo posted to twitter. My first thought was that it was probably a hoax but I found the link and shared it to the New York Birders Facebook page, hoping to find out if anyone knew if it wa

Owls 113
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Third of May 2019)

10,000 Birds

If you’re devoting as many free hours to birding as we are this month, you have no time for preamble. Let’s share sightings! i saw plenty of new birds this weekend, some of them in the process of making future new birds. Though I spied quite a few warblers, my best looks were of Scarlet Tanager , a bell-ringer of a bird any day. Corey had no problem picking out his Best Bird of the Weekend.

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Birding the Changi Business Park-Singapore

10,000 Birds

It is often useful to look at satellite images on Google Earth to see where there is suitable habitat for different bird species. Sometimes it can be disappointing when the area has changed due to development and other times you can find some unlikely birds. When we decided to go to see what bird species there were in the undeveloped areas at Changi Business Park we encountered several species of bird that we did not observe anywhere else in Singapore.

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