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Julian H. Franklin on Animal Rights

Animal Ethics

I don't expect that many readers will be converted to the cause of animal rights by reading this book. Indeed, the ability of intelligent and educated people to avoid confronting the issue, or to offer endless evasions and rationalizations of delay on a question as straightforward as vegetarianism, even when they have heard and (reluctantly) accepted the argument in favor, is astonishing as well as depressing.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Locavore, Get Your Gun ,” by Steven Rinella (Op-Ed, Dec. 14): To the animals being slaughtered, it does not matter whether their killers are local or whether they will be eaten or displayed on a wall. Their suffering is the same. Hunting is cruel and cowardly, and any attempt to rationalize or gain acceptance for it as a sport does not eradicate this fact.


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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ An 8-Second Ride Lures Sponsors Beyond the Rodeo ” (Advertising column, Dec. 11): So bull riding could represent the next big thing in corporate sports sponsorship. Even private equity is getting in on the action, with one manager believing this could be the next Nascar. This is music to the ears of advertisers. But bulls are not cars, but rather living beings that experience pain and suffering.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

The horrific practice in China of skinning cats and dogs alive for their fur must go down as one of the worst cases of sustained mass cruelty to animals in human history. Every year, more than 2,000,000 cats and dogs are skinned alive in China for their fur. They are left to die slowly in shock and excruciating agony and their bodies fed to the other animals being reared for the slaughter.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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Twenty Years Ago

Animal Ethics

12-8-87. There was a senseless killing last night. Someone entered the premises of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum , cut the lock on the bighorn sheep exhibit, and shot the male bighorn to death. Then—and here's the grisly part—the assailant cut the sheep's head off. It has not been found. Police officers speculate that the killing was cult related.

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Animal Ethics

To post comments on this blog from now on, you must use your full name. No pseudonyms, nicknames, noms de plume, or online personae. Don't be a coward. If you have something to contribute to public discourse, take responsibility for it. You know who Mylan and I are; why should we and the other readers not know who you are? Think about it.


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Twenty Years Ago

Animal Ethics

11-27-87. Today—the day after Thanksgiving—is traditionally the busiest retail sales day of the year. Needless to say, I stayed away from the stores. But I saw on television that certain animal-rights activists demonstrated against the wearing of furs. It was obviously orchestrated; and it succeeded in getting television, radio, and newspaper attention.

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Fourth Anniversary

Animal Ethics

I started this blog four years ago today. Where did the time go? There have been 74,220 visitors to the blog. That's an average of 50.8 per day (counting the leap-year day of 2004). The blog's readership has increased each year. Here are the figures: First year: 12,007 visitors Second year: 14,655 visitors Third year: 16,158 visitors Fourth year: 31,400 visitors Thank you for visiting.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: It is disappointing that our government plans to keep approximately 550 chimpanzees in the laboratories where they reside, rather than provide them a sanctuary they deserve (“ After Hard Labor, a Soft Landing ,” special Giving section, Nov. 12). Many chimpanzees in American labs are simply being warehoused—some for more than 50 years—wasting taxpayer money that could be spent better to help alleviate and cure human diseases.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Child Matadors Draw Olés in Mexico’s Bullrings ” (front page, Nov. 19): It is so sad to see children being taught to torture and kill calves. For what? The tradition and glory of bullfighting? Please! Bullfighting is simply prolonged animal torture. Most children start life with a love and reverence of animals. Cruelty and disregard for them are taught.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ The Bluefin Slaughter ” (editorial, Nov. 17): As a young man I was privileged to work for and to know Capt. Charles A. Mayo II of Provincetown, Mass. He was the legendary sport fishing captain of the Chantey I, II and III, the inventor of skip baits and a lover of the oceans. On a late summer day in the 1960s, we stood on McMillan wharf in Provincetown harbor watching as the Silver Fox came steaming into port after setting the first purse seine around a school of giant bluefi

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Mylan, We just posted an article " Top 50 Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants in the World." I thought I'd bring it to your attention just in case you think your readers would find it interesting. Either way, thanks for your time!

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Keith— In case you want to put a link on Animal Ethics— here 's a post about traditional Eskimo whaling and the perennial question, what to eat for Thanksgiving dinner. Complete with recipe!

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Animal Ethics

This past October was the best month ever for this blog, in terms of number of visitors. There were 3,404 visitors during October, which is an average of 109.8 visitors per day. The previous record for monthly visitors was 2,825. If you're the author or publisher of a book on animal ethics, please send me a copy so that I can add it to the bibliography.

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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Two Pigs ” (The Rural Life, Oct. 25): Thank you for another thoughtful piece by Verlyn Klinkenborg, who admirably makes the point that taking an animal’s life should not be a cavalier endeavor. As a longtime vegan with three vegan-from-birth children, I would like to suggest that since vegetarians are generally healthier than meat eaters, there is no excuse for compassionate people to eat animals.

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Twenty Years Ago

Animal Ethics

10-27-87 Tuesday. I’m troubled by certain advertisements that have recently appeared on television. They’re apparently produced by the beef industry. The slogan is “Beef: Real Food for Real People”. I’ve seen two actors so far: James Garner and Cybill Shepherd. In the Garner ads, he talks about eating “real food” rather than vegetables and other fare, then sits back with a large, juicy steak.

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Animal Ethics

Vegetarianism is overdetermined. If all you care about is animals, you should be a vegetarian. If all you care about is the natural environment, you should be a vegetarian. If all you care about is yourself , you should be a vegetarian. If all you care about is human beings, you should be a vegetarian. If all you care about is your children, you should be a vegetarian.

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Twenty Years Ago

Animal Ethics

10-21-87 Wednesday. I had a nice discussion with Clark Wolf this afternoon. It ranged over music, politics, and philosophy, but the most interesting subject was how each of us came to discover and fall in love with philosophy. As I explained to Clark, I came at philosophy in an odd way. My original interest was narrow: animal rights. The book that started everything was Barry Holstun Lopez’s Of Wolves and Men [(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978); I finished reading this book on 28 December

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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Dog Update

Animal Ethics

This past Monday, I wrote about my attempt to help an overheated dog. Two days later, during my next run, I noticed that both dogs, instead of just one, were moving about freely in the fenced yard. It made my day. Today, things were the same. It would be a post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy to infer that my talking to the owner caused him to untie his dog, but it's possible that my intervention made a difference.

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Animal Ethics

It's still hot in North Texas. Today, while running in 84º heat (and excessive humidity), I noticed a dog lying on a slab of concrete in someone's back yard. It looked as though the dog was lying in the shadow of a basketball backboard. When I got done with my 3.1-mile run, I was drenched in sweat. I walked a quarter of a mile to the house to inspect.

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Animal Ethics

Here is a profile of my friend and co-blogger Mylan Engel Jr. We went to graduate school together at the University of Arizona. I didn't like Mylan at the time, and I'm sure he didn't like me. Mylan worked in epistemology. I worked in ethics. Years later, after he had gone off to teach at Northern Illinois University and I had gone off to teach at the University of Texas at Arlington, we discovered that we had a shared interest in animal rights.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Greetings, We need your help. As you know, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is committed to protecting the lives of animals everywhere. But you may not know that we have filed a lawsuit against Mendes Calf Ranch for its violation of California animal cruelty laws. The ranch is a facility that dairy producers use to house and raise newborn calves while their mothers are milked.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Let the East Bloom Again ,” by Richard T. McNider and John R. Christy (Op-Ed, Sept. 22): The solution to scarcity of water in the United States could be solved rather quickly if more people became vegetarians. Just think of the savings in water use if we didn’t have the need to raise millions of animals for human consumption! On top of that, think of the growth of a healthier and slimmer population that wasn’t burdened by the costs of poor health brought on by animal consumpt

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Antibiotic Runoff ” (editorial, Sept. 18): As a microbiologist, I know that study after study has highlighted the human health threat from using antibiotics as feed additives for hogs, chickens and cattle, creating super-bugs—bacteria that no longer can be treated with antibiotics. While some chicken producers and poultry purchasers have taken steps to reduce antibiotic use, the hog industry remains largely resistant to change.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: I applaud “ Antibiotic Runoff ,” your Sept. 18 editorial about the abuse of antibiotics in industrial hog farms. It not only brings light to a serious issue, but also begins to make the connection between factory farm practices and consumer choices. Farmers of hogs and all other types of food employ such indefensible methods not because they are cruel or irresponsible, but because for decades their consumers have demanded that the food they produce be cheap and abundant.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Drummer Denies He Intentionally Spooked Horse That Died ” (news article, Sept. 16): As a New Yorker who cringes with disgust and shame every time I pass an overloaded horse-drawn carriage dragging tourists around the streets of this horribly congested city, I was shocked and appalled by yet another incident leading to the death of an innocent animal.

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Industrial Agriculture

Animal Ethics

The wrongness of factory farming is overdetermined. See here for one sufficient ground. By the way, the editorial board of the New York Times is progressive (as opposed to conservative). Why does it not call for the abolition of factory farming? Instead, it seeks to reform it. Animal rights is neither progressive nor conservative. Think of all the progressives— Michael Moore , for example—who either eat meat or go out of their way to ridicule vegetarians.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Audit Criticizes City on Care of Carriage Horses ” (news article, Sept. 6): While it’s commendable to finally see an official acknowledgment of the hideous conditions in which the carriage horses are forced to exist, the suggested remedies would just be a Band-Aid for an inherently inhumane situation. No amount of regulation, advisory panel oversight or coordination by city agencies will change the fact that those horses are tired and broken, and their needs are not being met

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ The School Cafeteria, on a Diet ” (Business Day, Sept. 5): While we need to ensure that healthier foods are sold in vending machines and served during school celebrations, parents should also know that the “strict nutrition standards” that govern federally subsidized school lunch programs still fall short of being truly healthy for children.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hello! The volume „Tierrechte – eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung“ (literally „Animal Rights – an interdisciplinary challenge“ has just been released from Harald Fischer Verlag (publisher), Germany. Basis of this collection are the interdisciplinary lectures on Animal Rights which took place from April to October 2006 at Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg (Germany).

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Test Webinar 6/19/20 03

This is a webinar to test the attendee data event.