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Great Horned Owl Attacks Great Blue Heron

10,000 Birds

The Great Blue Heron nest camera at Cornell’s Sapsucker Woods had essentially been the typical nest camera. Bird lays eggs, sits on eggs, etc. That changed in the early morning hours when a Great Horned Owl decided that, well, watch for yourself! Wow! a.

Owls 277
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Do dogs get colds?

4 The Love Of Animals

It’s that time of the year again when the humans start sniffling and sneezing! If you have ever wondered if your dog can get a cold, the answer is yes ! Not just dogs though, pet birds, ferrets, and even pet rats are all able to catch a cold from a person. If you have a cold, it’s best to keep your distance from your beloved pet so you don’t spread it.

Dogs 217

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Tom Regan on the Animal-Rights Movement

Animal Ethics

In issuing its condemnation of established cultural practices, the rights view is not antibusiness, not antifreedom of the individual, not antiscience, not antihuman. It is simply projustice, insisting only that the scope of justice be seen to include respect for the rights of animals. To protest against the rights view that justice applies only to moral agents, or only to human beings, and that we are within our rights when we treat animals as renewable resources, or replaceable receptacles, or

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National Geographic launches Birding TV Show

10,000 Birds

Ok, so I’m unashamedly promoting my new show on National Geographic WILD in this post. It offers a fantastic insight into the lives of Harris’s Hawks , the Sonoran Desert and its creatures. Please see below for more details. The National Geographic WILD TV network is debuting Aeria l Assassins , hosted by James Currie on Friday, January 20, 2012.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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How do Birds get their Color?

10,000 Birds

Birds have captivated us for time eternal, not only because of their ability to fly, but also because of the color they add to our lives. Ok, let me be clear that I’m not suggesting that ALL birds are colorful. Birds like Plain Chachalacas and Grey Catbirds hardly evoke images of stunning beauty. But a vast number of species DO exhibit dazzling displays of color.

Birds 275
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Frozen Planet

4 The Love Of Animals

We were glued to the TV when Discovery Chanel was airing Frozen Planet, and we have been even more enthralled now that we have the entire collection on DVD (they also have it in Blu-Ray). We have loved seeing places that few people ever get to see, and learning about the interesting wildlife that lives there. We watched in amazement as a furry caterpillar froze and thawed each year until finally becoming a moth at age 14!

More Trending

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Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds

10,000 Birds

The family Picathartidae consists of two very unusual birds; White-necked or Yellow-headed Picathartes , endemic to the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa; and Gray-necked or Red-headed , restricted to Lower Guinea forests of Central Africa. Their strange appearance and habit of communally nesting in rock overhangs and caves has given them their alternative name of rockfowl , and before that the rather charming ‘ Bald-headed Crow ‘ Further illustrating their unusual long-tailed, yet

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Photo Essay: Green-rumped Parrotlets from Egg to Adult

10,000 Birds

Nick Sly, a friend of 10,000 Birds who writes intermittently at the thoroughly-recommended Biological Ramblings , is an ornithologist who graduated not so long ago from Cornell only to be cast out into the real world where he keeps a wry eye on all things biological! Back in October 2008, in his first field job out of school, he helped a Cornell PhD student, Karl, with his dissertation on vocal communication in Green-rumped Parrotlets Forpus passerinus.

Eggs 269
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SeaWorld Orlando returns two turtles to the sea!

4 The Love Of Animals

We are excited about this update to a story we brought to you in April. If you remember, SeaWorld Orlando had been caring for two baby hawksbill turtles that were rescued. They have now been returned to the sea off the coast of Florida! What great news! Watch the video below for more information and to see the adorable juvenile turtles in action!

Turtles 212
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What is a Titmouse?

10,000 Birds

Few American birds have the publicity problems of the titmouse. Even though they are numerous, if not downright gregarious throughout most of their range, despite the fact that the Tufted Titmouse is consistently one of the top ten most frequently reported species in the Great Backyard Bird Count , titmice lack the popularity of other common birds like cardinals, jays, doves, crows, or even their close cousins, chickadees.

Arizona 266
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Sh*t Birders Say

10,000 Birds

Jason Kessler is back with the funniest birding movie of the year. Sh*t Birders Say delivers more laughs in 3 minutes than… well, actual birding! Even the credits are amusing. Take the test: if you laugh at least twice, you are definitely a birder. www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaX7i1Q7-Rw a.

Birds 262
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Aussan Natural Cleaners Giveaway

4 The Love Of Animals

Our pets spend most of their lives on the floor. They sleep there, play there, and even eat there. Is it any wonder we should be concerned with the products we use to clean the floors in our home? Not to mention all the other surfaces and places we share with our pets! It has been very important to us to find products that both work well, but that are safe for use around our pets.

Pets 207
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The Tar Side of Green Products

10,000 Birds

This unhappy-looking tar baby is covered with a green, environmentally-friendly product called Tanglefoot. It is a non-drying, sticky compound that is used to protect trees by forming a barrier against climbing insects. Normally it might not be a problem, but last October a farmer in upstate New York spread it on an apple tree so thickly that the product slid down the branches and pooled in the tree’s crotch.

Vet 259
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Namibia’s 15 key birds

10,000 Birds

Gaining independence in 1990, Namibia is one of Africa’s “newer” nations, although not quite as newborn as South Sudan which has yet to celebrate its first anniversary! Before self-rule it was administered by South Africa and known as South-West Africa. However, Namibia’s colonial history began earlier, in 1884 when it was annexed by the Germans. After a brutal colonization that included genocidal campaigns against the Herero (80% killed) and Nama (50% killed) tribes, the Germans lost control wh

Namibia 258
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Review of The Bluebird Effect by Julie Zickefoose

10,000 Birds

This is going to be a rave review. I like Julie Zickefoose’s art , her writing , her blog , her blog posts here on 10,000 Birds , and, of course, I like birds. So a book about birds by Julie Zickefoose, featuring her writing and art, some of which has been featured in different forms on her blog, is guaranteed to be a hit with me. How could it not be?

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What happens to a dog left in a hot car.

4 The Love Of Animals

Please, please, please, spread the word about this to everyone you know. Too many times I have seen dogs (and even children), left alone in a car on a hot day. It’s dangerous. It’s deadly. It’s just plain stupid. And here is what happens to your beloved dog when you leave them in a car on a hot day. via AskAVetQuestion.com. And if you see one left in a car, go in and notify someone at the store to page the owner, call the non-emergency police phone number and have them come ope

Dogs 203
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Where Are The Hummingbirds?

10,000 Birds

A common question that I get from the eastern region of the US in midsummer is, “Where have my hummingbirds gone?” or “I only have one, did they all die in that recent storm?” My first question is, “How old is your nectar? Hummingbird nectar goes bad after two days if it’s in direct sun and five days if it’s in the shade.

Raised 255
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A Birder’s Guide To Everything

10,000 Birds

Hot on the heels of recent mainstream birding movie The Big Year comes another new ‘birding’ movie A Birder’s Guide to Everything (ABGE). ABGE is currently in pre-production and is being produced by Rob Meyer. It would appear to be a ‘coming of age’ movie aimed at the teen market, more background is available at Rob Meyer Films here or from the teaser video below.

Birds 253
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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Pel’s Fishing Owls, Phantoms of the Okavango

10,000 Birds

Birding’s Holy Grails. They lurk ever-present in our sub-concious as sacred items on an unobtainable, yet highly desirable, list. We pour over photographs, read with envy the eye-witness accounts of the “lucky ones” and fabricate secret plans to abandon our loved ones and embark on expensive trips to track them down. For many birders, the Pel’s Fishing Owl roosts in a lofty position on just such a list.

Owls 253
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Can dogs eat apples?

4 The Love Of Animals

Yes, apples are a wonderful treat for your dog! Just be aware that apple cores and seeds should not be eaten by dogs. Apple seeds contain a compound similar to cyanide (it’s called amygdlin) which can prevent oxygen from being carried through the blood. Cores can be hard to digest as well, and could cause a blockage. Be aware that too many apples can cause loose stools.

Dogs 201
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Rare Tanagers, Antpittas and Bearded Helmetcrests

10,000 Birds

Colombia is not only home to nearly 20% of all avian life on the planet but this birding mecca also accommodates an incredibly high percentage of highly sought after species. Nearly 80 species are endemic and found nowhere else in the world. Moreover, Colombia remains the best destination to see many species that are very tough to find elsewhere in South America.

Colombia 252
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7 Tips for Creating a Dog-Friendly Yard

4 The Love Of Animals

Having a pet does not mean you have to give up hopes of having a lush, well-manicured yard. Although dog ownership may pose some challenges in the quest to achieve garden greatness, it’s definitely not a hopeless cause. The key is balance. You may need to make adjustments to your landscaping design in order to create a safe, welcoming environment for your canine companion, and the dog should make certain compromises as well.

Dogs 200
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Pets do the funniest things!

4 The Love Of Animals

One of the many reasons why we appreciate out pets is because they always keep us laughing. From the adorable sounds our bird makes when she is happy, to watching our dog do “zoomies” around the couch again and again, and many other funny things in between, our pets have always had a way of brightening our days. Even our fish bring us a lot of amusement as we watch them swim.

Pets 199
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Okay, okay, wood warblers are the bomb.

10,000 Birds

Last year 10,000 Birds celebrated Wood Warbler Week , which gave me an opportunity to describe exactly what a Wood Warbler (aka Phylloscopus sibilatrix ) really was. And to inform North Americans that their so-called wood warblers would be more aptly named Silly-Canaries. Despite fairly convincing arguments, it seems the entire North American ornithological community has completely ignored all logic and we have yet to see any major changes in naming logic.

Wildlife 250
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Indigo Boys

10,000 Birds

One of the most exciting aspects of bird migration in a coastal location is the potential for large numbers of birds to find themselves over the ocean when dawn breaks. They get to land as quickly as they can and sometimes can be found concentrated in large numbers. This isn’t fallout in the strictest sense, which generally is taken to mean when birds are driven down out of the sky by storms, but simply a migration phenomenon that, despite what it means for the birds that don’t reach

Nevada 249
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Using The Meopta MeoPix iScoping Adapter – Digiscoping With Your iPhone

10,000 Birds

Do you grow tired of lugging a camera into the field on the off chance you’ll see something you need to document? Have you messed around with your iPhone, holding it up to your binoculars or scope, hoping to get a decent image but constantly being frustrated by vignetting and the sheer difficulty of getting your iPhone in the exact right spot?

Eggs 249
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Don’t Feed The Birds!

10,000 Birds

Let’s say you’re at a fast food restaurant and you have a few french fries left over and a gull is eagerly staring at you and the fries. Do you toss the bird your leftovers? What if you are eating a sandwich on a park bench and a pigeon walks over and waits for your crumbs? And if you have a small kid and are in the vicinity of some ducks and geese?

Birds 249
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The Rose-ringed Parakeets of Heidelberg

10,000 Birds

A Birdy New Year! This article is about the parrots we have, not the ones we wish we had. Here in Germany, we don’t wish we had. Because we never have had. But now that we do have, and while we may or rather should wish we had not, we might as well roll with the punches and accept that we have. Yes, Germany has parrots, or parakeets to be more precise.

Germany 249
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Asa Wright? Absolutely!

10,000 Birds

A cherished handful of Central and South American locations enjoy international renown as absolutely mandatory destinations for adventurous bird watchers and nature lovers. Asa Wright Nature Centre in Trinidad holds a prominent position on that list of luminaries. As a card-carrying member of this famed ecolodge’s target audience, I’ve always knownI would eventually visit.

Trinidad 248
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Tremendous Torrent Ducks

10,000 Birds

Torrent Ducks are the thrill-seekers of the avian world. Very few birds – or animals for that matter – would plunge head-first into the churning cauldrons of some of South America’s most treacherous rivers. But Torrent Ducks are fearless and to witness some of their daredevil feats ranks pretty high in the book “1000 Avian Spectacles to See Before You Die” A book that I have not yet written.

Ducks 248
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Test Webinar 6/19/20 03

This is a webinar to test the attendee data event.