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Midwestern proposes new veterinary college on Illinois campus


Kathleen H. Goeppinger, president and CEO of Midwestern University, announced June 11 that her institution would be adding veterinary medicine to the health care degrees offered on its Downers Grove, Illinois, campus.

Illinois 389
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Islands in the Sun

10,000 Birds

As I write these lines, I am excited and preparing for the start of a Calpe Conference here in Gibraltar. We have been organizing these events annually since 1997 and the conference, which starts on Thursday 4th July, carries the title that I have chosen for this article. “Islands in the Sun” is about Macaronesia, the collective term used to define the Atlantic Islands of the Azores, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde.


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How to raise/ ensure that this bird will live ?

Reddit Animals

Found a baby chick in a nest today at work. Unfortunately I had to remove the nest. From what I could tell I couldn’t see a mother so I took the small chick with me. I have it in a cardboard box with some grass and sticks to mimic a nest. Basically, what can I feed it? How often? What kind of bird is it? Is it safe to take care of a bird at home ? Should I take it to the vet instead of trying to care for it at home?

Raised 40
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Birding Shanghai in June 2024

10,000 Birds

Seeing a Black-throated Laughingthrush at Nanhui was a surprise. I listed it on eBird – but my experience (and not only mine) is that the motto of eBird reviewers generally is “If I see it, it’s a vagrant – if you see it, it’s an escapee.” And so it turned out. The Black-winged Cuckooshrike is breeding in several Shanghai locations – I suspect that some trees near the Nanhui hotel might be another one, given the vigorous singing of this bird.

Giraffes 178
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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To fly or to be invisible: a birder’s perspective

10,000 Birds

I have always found the question about which of the two superpowers to choose – to be able to fly, or to be invisible – an intriguing one. For me, it has come down to a choice between extroversion – flying – and introversion – invisibility. How to answer this question from a birder’s perspective? My hunch is that most birders are more on the introversion side of the whole spectrum, though I am sure there are many exceptions to this (hello Peter!).

2020 198
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Red Grouse Restored: a Full Species Again

10,000 Birds

“One sunny morning a few months ago, as I stood on a mountain slope among bracken, ling, and furze, and scattered masses of grey rock, watching a small party of grouse near me, it struck me that I had never looked on a more beautiful creature than this bird: – so finely shaped and richly coloured, and proud and free in carriage, and in such perfect harmony with the rough vegetation and that wild and solitary nature amid which it exists.

Species 148

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Bunting Banter near Bonn

10,000 Birds

Okay, not truly near Bonn, but I made a feeble yet desperate attempt to have the title be an alliteration. Only after I came up with this, I realized that the title an earlier post of mine is also a b-based alliteration, which I guess I should accept is more an indication of my limited creativity than an inevitable result of me living in Bonn. Some time ago I visited the Wagbachniederung (see my last post ) and as I would be traveling more or less along the Rhine to get back, I decided to throw

Europe 130
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A Picnic Guest

10,000 Birds

By Leslie Kinrys Leslie Kinrys has loved birds since her father put a House Sparrow fledgling in her young hands. She lives and birds in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with some trips farther afield. She enjoys seeing all species of birds, but her favorites are hummingbirds. Back in March, in Southwestern Florida, my husband (non-birder and good sport) and I drove to Big Cypress National Preserve.

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Cat eating grass

Reddit Animals

My 7 year old indoor cat, we recently started letting her out. Most the time she is out she eats grass then throws up a lot when she comes back in later. Will she ever learn that this is what is making her sick or should I just not let her out anymore?

Cats 40
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Good informational subreddits about animals?

Reddit Animals

I recently became interested in information about animal life and am looking for more subreddits to subscribe to for latest animal information, already subscribed to a few primate and fish subreddits for example. Not looking for subreddits with just pictures, i ideally want subreddits with information AND some cute picture posts too maybe Would be thankful for more pointers to cool subreddits about animal information thanks!

Animal 40
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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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Weird distress sound at night in Ontario. Help identify!

Reddit Animals

[link] Here is a link to the sound. There is a tree moving, it’s been going on for over a half an hour, and at one point there was a growl of some sorts similar to a hog. Best guess is a bear cub in distress? Not going to look!! Any ideas? Thanks!

Bears 40
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Cat found in my backyard, no mother.

Reddit Animals

I found this cat in my backyard when my dog wouldn’t stop barking at it. So I put the dogs away, and brought the cat inside. It’s been drinking water that I gave it. What can I feed the cat?

Cats 52
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Can anyone let me know what bird this is?

Reddit Animals

Me and my mum found this injured bird that fell from it's nest at night so we have taken it indoors to help keep it warm and safe. We are also feeding it some food. I would just like to know what bird it is just to learn more about them if possible.

Birds 52
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Desky the cat - Animal abuse?

Reddit Animals

[link] This dude seems like he is harassing his cat for content. They're normally in a dim room and he has his flash on like less than 1 foot away from it's face. A ton of the clips start with the cat falling down from the ceiling. No away it's doing that on purpose, right? Cats have really sensitive eyes if I'm not mistaken. Shining a light in it's face can't be good for it.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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How to kill these bugs, just in case

Reddit Animals

So I'll share a list of bugs that I don't really know how to kill (in the least suffering way) in case I find them, and I ask you to explain me how.

Killing 40
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I need help regarding my dog

Reddit Animals

My dog ludo is 1 and a half years old, he's the best. He's always happy and pretty tough. But he hurt himself and I don't know how. This morning I had to go to work, and he was happy. I came home from work and he was happy but reluctant to jump on me (which is how he usually greets me). He was also yelping randomly. So got a treat and I asked him to jump up to get the treat, and he tried and yelped hard.

Dogs 40
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What is this? (TN)

Reddit Animals

I never saw it move, so it might be dead. It was found in Tennessee. I thought that the structures where its wings should be might be remnants of a cocoon, but they don’t look like that. Does anyone know what this is? It looks like a moth. I’m curious if it really is a moth, and if so, what type it is and what’s going on with the structure on its back.

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What will happen to an injured bird I saw earlier?

Reddit Animals

It was a baby seagull, it seemed to have fallen out of its nest and was lying in the street with a mangled leg and wing. Poor thing was terrified and in pain. I phoned help and was told to take it to a vet, which someone else did. People were saying that it'll be put down though, I hope it can be helped but I suppose at least it won't be suffering.

Vet 40
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Gabriel PDF Webinar 2

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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My dog’s skin allergy

Reddit Animals

I need help regarding my Labrador Retriever. The vet has told me has skin allergies. He is always itching and scratching. I even tried Petco Lab products but that made it worse and didn’t help. Apoquel or an antihistamine works, but I don’t want to always medicate him. Any suggestions?

Vet 40
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Mouse bite me and I don't know if it has rabies or not, what do I do!!! :(

Reddit Animals

My cat was chasing it around. He isn't good at it tho so this guy was being chased for like 20 minutes. Anyway I wanted to see if I could catch it and I did. It uhhhhh. It bit me. But I pulled out his mouth and he stopped biting. He just stood there in my hands. He seemed very scared. I let him go and my cat continued to chase him, he's probably still chasing rn.

Cats 40
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Does the yellow bellied sea snake live in California? Have you seen it?

Reddit Animals

I traveled to California a year ago. I live in the eastern US. Sea snakes fascinate me and I want to know where I can go to see them in person. I heard there is a species that lives along the west coast of North America. Have you ever seen it?

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Crows, can they carry anything?

Reddit Animals

Probably sounds like a silly question to you all but I genuinely don't know. After I get back from the gym, I like to go up to my roof to sun for a while. A few months ago I started to feed the crows that would always land on something, squawk, then fly away. These days, I can't even chill when I am up there. A couple of them won't leave me alone, they will eat from my hand, snatch more like.

Animal 40
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Need some help with the Bird

Reddit Animals

Ok so I have few hanging pots in my Garden since the day I have placed them I have been seeing birds coming laying eggs in the pots , hatching of eggs birds going up a bit and than one day the place is empty they are not there , this has happened twice since I have hung the pots in January this year , this time a bird comes sits lays eggs , the eggs hatched the chick came out and after a couple of days the mother left so I thought the pot would be empty but it's not , the chick was still the

Eggs 52
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Can you help me identify this animal?

Reddit Animals

Its shape was like this it was really flat and its length was like 8 cm. its skin is like a snails skin. it has no legs. Unfortunately I have no pictures of it.

Animal 52
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Please don’t judge this situation

Reddit Animals

To clarify, this is truly a friend of mine, not me. He has a sick cat. He got laid off from work and cannot afford to get the cat put down. The cheapest he could find was $300. He tried animal shelters, everything. He can’t find s**t cheaper. What is the best way to do this? Is there a cheaper option? Is there something we aren’t thinking of. “Just loan him the $300”.

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Not sure where all to post this

Reddit Animals

Hey guys. I'm in such a weird specific life predicament that's making it so hard to be happy. I'm reaching out for IRL help, mainly a housing situation or just advice. When I was 16 years old I adopted a baby black mini pig. His name is Moo. Pigs rank as the 5th most intelligent animal in the world and are extremely emotional. In fact, they're more trainable than dogs.

Pigs 40
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Sperm whales and Cuvier's beaked whales

Reddit Animals

After reading this conversation I just had to look up both whales. The Cuvier's beaked whales were completely new to me, but they look so cute I had to share.

Whales 52
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The Male Barbary Lion and his 18 lioness are hunting you in Open Savanna, you got $8000 on your card. which animal would you spend to protect you?

Reddit Animals

Spotted Hyena: $180 Leopard: $205 Giraffe: $1400 Baboon: $80 Ostrich: $160 Cape Buffalo: $1500 Silverback Gorilla: $550 Black Rhino: $2000 Hippopotamus: $2000 Nile Crocodile: $800 Black Mamba: $250 Mozambique Spitting Cobra: $300 Honey Badger: $180 Chimpanzee: $120 Crowned Eagle: $140 Siberian Tiger: $500 Grizzly Bear: $740 which of these species would you purchase to protect you?

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What Type of Squirrel?

Reddit Animals

Any idea what type of squirrel this was? At my parents' previous house, this past winter and a year or two before, we had a few squirrels that looked like this show up. Had never seen squirrels like this, only red or gray.

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Phone reactive

Reddit Animals

I work with aggressive adoption rejects semi professionally and am not turned off to odd or negative behaviors, I enjoy them, actually. So when it comes to my dogs (including my two), I'm pretty chill. I have a Great Pyrenees who got dumped on me. I love the dog, I don't love his presence, but I'm committed to giving him the best life because that's just what I believe in.

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Webinar 8/18/23

Speaker: Steve Romanco

Webinar fields