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Some Hokkaido Winter Passerines

10,000 Birds

” A group of nine researchers published a paper titled “Exploring the fecal microbiome of the Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)” Makes you wonder what they talked about during their lunch breaks. This is particularly interesting as newish research indicates that Common and Hoary Redpolls are actually the same species.

Iran 166
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Birding Tan Phu Forest, Vietnam (Part 2)

10,000 Birds

An abstract of a scientific paper reads as follows (unabridged): “External examination of free range abandoned dead Greater Coucal in a veterinary dispensary, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India revealed presence of a large sized louse in the feathers and was identified as Laemobothrion maximum on the basis of morphology and size of the louse.”

Vietnam 183