Horrible Animal Abuse at Iowa Pig Farm
Critter News
OCTOBER 9, 2008
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty pigs farm animal welfare.
Critter News
OCTOBER 9, 2008
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty pigs farm animal welfare.
Critter News
JUNE 9, 2009
Tags: animal abuse. Apparently she was running out of money so she left the puppy in a crate in her laundry room to slowly starve to death. Oh, and when they shut the electricity off, she moved into a hotel room without the dog.
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Critter News
DECEMBER 18, 2008
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty china monkeys. If only they could have escaped to a better life.
Critter News
FEBRUARY 21, 2009
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty kenny glenn internet. Good article in the Irish Times analyzing the role of the Internet in the the crime and capture of Kenny Glenn, cat torturer.
Critter News
FEBRUARY 17, 2009
It claims that his brother was in on the abuse as well.maybe he was the camera guy? Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty kenny glenn. I came across this story about it in Russia Today, an English language Russian newsite. By the way, here's a petition to have him tried as an adult. Lovely kids.
Critter News
FEBRUARY 24, 2009
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty puppy mills animal welfare us. This is definitely a situation that could have been stopped early on. How much suffering and death resulted from this family's practices? The article is particularly thorough and damning.
Critter News
FEBRUARY 16, 2009
Why should we care so much about a cat and not about the abuse of a child? Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty kenny glenn Michael Vick. Are cats more important than people? What kind of world is this? We saw it with Michael Vick and we'll see it with this kid.
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