Horrible Animal Abuse at Iowa Pig Farm
Critter News
OCTOBER 9, 2008
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty pigs farm animal welfare.
Critter News
OCTOBER 9, 2008
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty pigs farm animal welfare.
Critter News
APRIL 13, 2009
How many people know this about the Animal Welfare Act? No wonder there is so much "farm" animal abuse out there. Humane treatment runs counter to the entire industry when the point is to make money by processing these animals as fast as possible. This is really interesting. I certainly didn't.
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Critter News
APRIL 7, 2010
Tags: animal abuse eggs farm animal welfare factory farm chickens. Another undercover video from the Humane Society.
Critter News
FEBRUARY 24, 2009
Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty puppy mills animal welfare us. This is definitely a situation that could have been stopped early on. How much suffering and death resulted from this family's practices? The article is particularly thorough and damning.
Critter News
MAY 12, 2009
there are probably several factors that go into how a person develops into an animal hoarder, but “we think it may be related to obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.” Unfortunately, “just one hoarder can cause tremendous suffering to animals,” notes LaFarge.
Critter News
SEPTEMBER 19, 2010
An enormous victory was achieved for animals this week when nearly 200 dogs and 54 cats were rescued from a North Carolina animal testing facility that closed its doors after an undercover investigation revealed apparent abuse of the animals by workers at the facility.
Critter News
OCTOBER 12, 2009
I don't support animal research and I have no sympathy for animal researchers. I don't believe they are working for human welfare. I don't believe they want an honest dialogue about what they are doing to animals. I don't believe they are "brave" for "standing up" to animal rights activists.
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