Animal Legal Defense Fund Ranks States on Animal Protection
Critter News
DECEMBER 26, 2008
The ALDF has released a report on how different states' animal protection laws stack up. Among the best: California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Oregon.
Critter News
DECEMBER 26, 2008
The ALDF has released a report on how different states' animal protection laws stack up. Among the best: California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Oregon.
Critter News
SEPTEMBER 23, 2009
The Animal Legal Defense Fund provided $3500.00 to investigate the abuse of over 100 dogs by an animal hoarder in Michigan. From the ALDF site: Dearborn, Mich.–
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Critter News
MAY 11, 2010
Sounds like it's hell for these animals in Kentucky shelters. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, things are not going well. Tags: animal shelter management animal shelters Kentucky strays. The State used to provide oversight, but in 2004, they abrogated responsibility to the counties.
Critter News
JULY 12, 2009
I'm behind on my email and only just read this action alert from the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Less than one year ago, Puerto Rico enacted a landmark animal protection law, based in part on a set of model laws drafted by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. From the ALDF action alert page.
Critter News
MAY 21, 2010
It looks like they have some great workshops with people like Gene Bauer from Farm Sanctuary and Nicole Pollata from the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF.). Someday, I hope to attend one of these conferences.
Critter News
JANUARY 3, 2011
New Jersey Illinois Massachusetts Colorado Maine WORST STATES Ohio Hawaii Alabama North Dakota Mississippi Idaho South Dakota (worst) According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the states fell this way. BEST STATES California (best-yay!)
Animal Person
JULY 11, 2009
I don't usually do this, but you have got to go to the blog of Nicole, who has a PhD in Sociology with an emphasis on animal studies, and who works in the Animal Law Program at the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
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