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Analogue vs. digital birding

10,000 Birds

Born in a different era, when bird photography was difficult, I gave many advice how to write the basic info, but the strangest thing to novices today turned out to be the advice on sketching the unknown species. Still, besides documenting rare species, forms, or odd individuals (e.g. Why should I sketch it, I am lousy at that.

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The Future of Birding Field Guides is Digital

10,000 Birds

Download the relevant images and info into a location specific guide. No need to page through dozens of plates of similar looking species anymore. Where do you charge your batteries in Namibia’s Kaokoveld during a longer trip away from lodges and hotels? Off to the Amazon? On a day trip to Oregon for business?

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Review of iBird Ultimate 7.2

10,000 Birds

You can easily scroll through the 940 species of bird included, which covers the United States (including Hawaii) and Canada. A nice touch is the option to view the app with black print on a white background or, if you want to save battery life and not illuminate the entire area, you can use it with white print on a black background.

New York 190