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The Flight of the Burning Pencils

10,000 Birds

In the good old tradition of Stresemann and Mayr we were an ornithological nation, gathering systematic data on bird numbers and distribution of our regular breeding and wintering birds. Below, you can see a picture of a Greater flamingo in flight, taken at France’s Camargue this January. There was no vetting process whatsoever.

France 171
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Birding Yibin, Sichuan

10,000 Birds

Alphonse Milne-Edwards (1835-1900), a director to the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, whose study of bird fossils led to the discovery of tropical birds such as trogons and parrots from prehistoric France. eBird admits that the black chin of the Black-chinned Yuhina is “not very noticeable” But it is a cute bird.

Italy 220

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Birding Nanhui, Shanghai, in September 2021

10,000 Birds

Breeding in Northern Japan and wintering in the Phillippines, some seem to take a migratory rest stop (and slight deviation) at the Shanghai coast. For example, the main article states that “At Lac de Grand Lieu, W France, birds commute 2–38 km between colony and feeding territories.” ” Hm. (I

LACS 257
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How I dipped the Horned Grebe

10,000 Birds

In the Old World, Horned (Slavonian) Grebe breeds in a wide belt stretching from Scandinavia to Kamchatka and it spends winters along sea coasts, from Japan to China and from Norway to France, plus the Adriatic and the Black Sea (west and east of the Balkans, respectively).

Serbia 186
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Blue Monday turned Black Monday – a picture story

10,000 Birds

The Black Stork ( Ciconia nigra ) has a very wide distribution in the Old World, ranging from Spain (an isolated population) and northern France through central and eastern Europe all across northern and central Asia to the Pacific coast of Russia and China.

Germany 153
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The Greek Strategy

10,000 Birds

Driving from France or Germany to Greece, you are likely to pass through my hometown of Belgrade and continue south following the E75 through the FYRO Macedonia. Other species of interest include the southernmost breeding population of Greylag Goose in Europe, Goosander (at bigger and deeper Megali Prespa), Hazel Grouse (at Mt.

Greece 181
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Birding the Cyclades: My my, how can I resist you?

10,000 Birds

This shearwater is a Mediterranean endemic, breeding from Sardinia and Corsica to the Adriatic and the Aegean. Tha dropping numbers are suspected in Greece and Croatia, and confirmed in Italy, France and Malta. But, the Yelkouan Shearwater is also a lifer for me!

Greece 250