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Prop 2 Passes in California

Critter News

From the campaign website : (Nov. on Prop 2 campaign. It applies to breeding pigs, egg laying hens and veal calves. Proposition 2 has been passed in California. 4, 2008) – Voters in California approved an historic ballot measure to halt the inhumane confinement of animals on factory farms by an overwhelming margin.

Prop 2 100
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Note to Those Wanting Promotion: Pay Attention

Animal Person

And that's fine, as we all want to spread the news of fantastic work that needs support. By encouraging people to bake with higher welfare eggs (as well as organic milk, butter and chocolate) vital funds will be raised to campaign against battery cages. Eat More Veal? Case in point: AnimalEquality. But that was back in 2006.

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On What the Animal Ag Alliance Thinks of Us

Animal Person

Bea directed me to an interview with Dr. Elizabeth Parker , the "chair man " (my emphasis) of the Animal Agriculture Alliance at CattleNetwork, which apparently is "The Source for Cattle News." Parker uses the term "anti-modern farming activists," which is new to me. Besides, is the "modern" veal crate something to be proud of?