January, 2007

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Animal Ethics

Here is the story of Celeste.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: An addendum should be made to your editorial ’s point that all horses deserve the “generosity of conscience” that was expended to save Barbaro. Just days before Barbaro was humanely put down, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act was reintroduced in Congress. In an incredible juxtaposition to the fanfare of Barbaro, more than 100,000 horses were slaughtered last year in the United States and shipped to Europe and Japan for human consumption.


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Canis Lupus

Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times editorial opinion about the wolf. When I was in law school, many years ago, I wrote a lengthy term paper entitled "The Legal Status of the Wolf ( Canis Lupus ) in Michigan, 1805-1982" for a graduate history course I was taking. A copy of the paper was deposited with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in East Lansing, where I did much of my research, but it has never been published.

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Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal

Animal Ethics

This journal should be of interest to readers of this blog.

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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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Animal Ethics

Here is a lengthy but interesting New York Times story about food. Pay particular attention to the role played by the beef, pork, poultry, egg, and dairy industries, which have a vested interest in keeping people ignorant not only of what they eat but of how it was produced. This is not to excuse consumers, for they have an obligation to acquire information about the foods they eat.

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Animal Ethics

What do you think of this ? It might be argued that any decrease in suffering for farmed animals is good, morally speaking. But does giving pigs more room change the way they are viewed? Indeed, doesn't it entrench the idea that they are resources for human use? Imagine arguing not that human chattel slavery ought to be abolished, but that it ought to be reformed so as to inflict less suffering on the slaves.

More Trending

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Animal Ethics

Make of this what you will.

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals?

Animal Ethics

As many of you know, I despise PETA. It does a great deal of harm to animals. See here for one example. With friends like PETA, animals don't need enemies.

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High Plains Drifts

Animal Ethics

There's a whole lot o' sufferin' goin' on in Colorado. See here. Concern for the calves is not for their sake, but for the sake of profits.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Keith, I am writing to request a copy of "Simplifying the Case for Vegetarianism." Also I would like to recommend this essay by David DeGrazia to your readers. This is one of the best essays I have read on the subject of animal ethics. It is similar to Mylan Engel's essay "The Immorality of Eating Meat" because it is not dependent on any normative ethical theory or any controversial claim to animal equality, but simply shows that if we take animals seriously at all we should not eat animal pr

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PDF 9.21.23.

this is a test

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Keith, I'll tell you what's "too hard". Working 18 hour days 7 days a week in subzero blizzard conditions to care for our rescued victims of animal agriculture. to bear witness—first hand—to the abject suffering and deaths of individual farmed animals who have been assaulted throughout their entire lives by over 99% of the human population. to find hope and provide reparations for the survivors through round-the-clock care and personal sacrifice. to constantly create, develop, and im

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Health Benefits of Canine Companions

Animal Ethics

According to this BBC news story, people with canine companions have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol and tend "in general to be healthier than the average member of the population." More ethical synergy at work. Sharing our lives with animal companions benefits us as much as the animals. If you haven't already done so, perhaps it's time you rescued a shelter dog.

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Animal Companions

Animal Ethics

Here are three paragraphs from a recent essay by Roger Scruton : As I suggested, science provides authority for this weird morality only when clothed in moral doctrine. The sleight of hand that gave us the “selfish” gene gives us the rights of baboons. By disguising anthropomorphic (in other words, pre-scientific) ways of thinking as science, Wise rediscovers the enchanted world of childhood, in which animals live as Beatrix Potter describes them, in an Eden where “every prospect pleases, and on

Animal 40
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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Thank you for sending me the articles. I enjoy your website a lot. I have been working in the animal movement for several decades on 2 continents, and have been vegetarian for nearly 40 years and vegan for 25 of those years. Alley Cat Rescue serves vegan food at our gatherings, and encourages all groups that work with cats and dogs to do the same. ACR is especially concerned with the way so-called "pest," "alien," and "exotic" animals are treated. thanks again Louise www.saveacat.org Alley Cat R

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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ 100 Years Later, the Food Industry Is Still ‘The Jungle,’ ” by Adam Cohen (Editorial Observer, Jan. 2): Yes, 100 years ago Upton Sinclair wrote a book about the plight of the immigrant and focused in part on the meat industry. But 100 years later, our industry has been transformed and our meat supply is among the safest, most abundant and certainly the most affordable anywhere in the world.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Dear Keith, I'd like to request a copy of the essay "Simplifying the Case for Vegetarianism" that you praised on your webpage (12 Jan 2007). I also want to take the opportunity to say how much I enjoy reading the excellent insights/arguments/links etc that you've included on Animal Ethics over the years. Many thanks—with all good wishes, Richard Dr.

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Monster Bunnies

Animal Ethics

See here.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Uncruel Beauty ” (Thursday Styles, Jan. 11), about vegan-friendly fashion: Not only is it chic to wear fashion that has some conscience and imagination to it, but there also is a marvelous inner feeling of knowing that one is not using one’s clothing to wage a war on nature. Some day it will be the ultimate in chic to be a compassionate consumer.

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Gabriel's PDF Webinar 234

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Keith, I'm writing to request a copy of Andrew Tardiff's essay "Simplifying the Case for Vegetarianism." If you'll indulge me I would like to compliment you on your blog. It is at the top of my list of "daily reads." I'm happy Mylan has become a regular contributor too. I've been an ethical vegan for 12 years; for me it was a straightforward transition.

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Moral Vegetarianism

Animal Ethics

If you'd like to read Andrew Tardiff's 1996 essay "Simplifying the Case for Vegetarianism," write to me (by clicking "Contact" in the sidebar) and I'll send a copy. The essay is fabulous.

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Vegan Chic

Animal Ethics

See here.

Vegan 40
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An American Philosopher

Animal Ethics

Here is a website that is devoted to the career of Tom Regan.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: It’s good to know that Verlyn Klinkenborg is among those of us who stop to help tortoises on their way on a busy road (“ Edges and Order ,” The Rural Life, Jan. 1). I have done that, and afterward felt at least virtuous if not godlike. But not long ago on a lonely road in northern Connecticut, I stopped to administer similar compassion, only to be stoutly rebuffed by a vicious snapping turtle that refused to be helped.

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The Tom Regan Animal Rights Archive

Animal Ethics

Here is a resource for anyone who is doing research on, or is merely interested in, animal rights. Tom Regan is one of the founders of the modern animal-rights movement. I will add the site to the blogroll.

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Empty Cages

Animal Ethics

Here is a website that contains much useful information about animal ethics. I'm not sure what relation it bears to Tom Regan, the philosopher from North Carolina State University. It appears to be organized around Regan's book Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights.

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You Might Be a Terrorist!

Animal Ethics

Here is an excellent article by Gayle Dean on the Bush Administration's excessive use of the rhetoric of terror, especially as it is being selectively applied to animal rights advocates. For more on how the rhetoric of terror is being used to restrict the rights of animal advocates so as to protect the profits of animal abusers, see my earlier post here.

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Why Clone at All?

Animal Ethics

See here.

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Culture and Animals Foundation

Animal Ethics

Here is a website that should be of interest (and use) to readers of this blog. I will add it to the blogroll.

Animal 40
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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Keith, Farm Sanctuary’s Farm Animal Forum will be here before we know it! Would you be interested in helping us promote this event by posting the notice below? Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you so much, Wendy Hankle Farm Sanctuary , Communications Assistant 607-583-2225 x 250 Farm Sanctuary’s Farm Animal Forum April 29, 2007 National Constitution Center 525 Arch St.

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Mylan Makes It Big!

Animal Ethics

My illustrious co-blogger Mylan Engel is moving up in the world. He now has his very own Wikipedia entry! See here.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner
