July, 2024

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Revised CPR guidelines in dogs, cats emphasize speed, standard techniques


On June 26, the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER) Initiative unveiled the first major revisions to its global veterinary CPR guidelines since 2012, setting new life-saving standards based on scientific advancements and extensive community feedback.

Campaign 498
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Cooling off on the coast

10,000 Birds

Last week I wrote about the hot and dry conditions that now affect much of the Iberian Peninsula. My own solution when it comes to birding at this time of the year is to concentrate on the coast. At Gibraltar, where I live, I spend many hours at its southernmost tip, Europa Point. If the winds are blowing from the west, the afternoons can be spectacular.

Falcons 289

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Animal Alerts: Dogs Will Aid AI in Predicting Earthquakes

Reddit Animals

The American company PetPace , which specializes in AI-powered gadgets for pets, has launched the Animal Alerts project. The centerpiece of this initiative is a biometric dog collar that helps AI predict earthquakes. This device uses non-invasive, electrode-free sensors to monitor various biological indicators in animals, such as stress levels, pulse, heart rate, temperature, and breathing.

Dogs 52
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WSAVA guidelines address methods, risks, ethics of pet reproduction


New guidelines developed by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association cover a wide range of issues relating to feline and canine sterilization, including surgical and hormonal options, as well the health risks and benefits of each.

Ethics 440
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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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CDC announces changes to US canine import requirements


In a change of course, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says for dogs that have only been in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries in the past six months before U.S. entry, the CDC Dog Import Form is the only form that is needed, starting August 1.

Dogs 432
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FDA guidance seeks to assure effectiveness of canine heartworm products


Guidance for Industry (GFI) #276, Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Products Proposed for the Prevention of Heartworm Disease in Dogs, clarifies how drug sponsors can evaluate the effectiveness of heartworm disease prevention products for dogs.

Industry 416

More Trending

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APHIS seeks equine professionals for inspector roles


Updates to the Horse Protection Act remove the ability for horse industry organizations to train and license inspectors. Instead, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will screen and train applicants, preferably veterinarians, to be horse protection inspectors.

Horses 411
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Midwestern proposes new veterinary college on Illinois campus


Kathleen H. Goeppinger, president and CEO of Midwestern University, announced June 11 that her institution would be adding veterinary medicine to the health care degrees offered on its Downers Grove, Illinois, campus.

Illinois 406
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AVMA updates antimicrobial policies


In June, the AVMA Board of Directors revised its policies on the judicious use of antimicrobials and their use in aquatic animal medicine while also endorsing a joint statement by the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and Academy of Veterinary Consultants.

Animal 390
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Envigo pleads guilty to neglecting dogs, faces $35M fine


A company that bred Beagles for research will pay more than $35 million after pleading guilty last month to violating the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) by neglecting thousands of dogs at its Cumberland, Virginia, breeding facility. The payment includes the largest ever fine in an animal welfare case.

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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AAVSB, VMG surveys find lack of support for midlevel practitioner


Two veterinary organizations say they have not found overwhelming support for the creation of a midlevel practitioner position among their members right now and, instead, will focus on better utilization and an expanded role for veterinary technicians.

Rights 392
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A practice manager’s tips for recruiting veterinary team members


A quick hiring process maintains staff morale, reduces financial losses, and ensures the quality of services, explained Theresa Cosper-Roberts, who is a registered veterinary technician and manager of the Surgical Training Center at LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. She presented the session “There Is No Secret Ingredient: Recruitment and Retention of Veterinary Support Staff” on June 23 at AVMA Convention 2024 in Austin, Texas.

Austin 371
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Association of Avian Veterinarians – June 28-July 1, 2024


The Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) held its annual meeting from June 28-July 1 in Kansas City, Missouri. The association presented awards and seated new officials.

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Featuring felines: Intentionally marketing to cat owners


Dr. Caitlin DeWilde, founder of the Social DVM, presented the session “Cat vs. Dog Owner Marketing: Two Different Species” on June 24 at AVMA Convention 2024 in Austin, Texas.

Cats 340
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Alabama VMA – May 29-June 2, 2024


The Alabama VMA (ALVMA) held its Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference from May 29-June 2 in Miramar Beach, Florida. The ALVMA presented awards and seated new officials.

Alabama 356
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American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture – April 19-21, 2024


The American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture (AAVA) held its annual meeting from April 19-21 in Seattle. The AAVA presented an award and seated new officials.

Seattle 339
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Emergency aid available for HPAI-related milk losses


Starting this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for financial aid from dairy producers who have suffered milk losses because of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Suffering 305
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American Veterinary One Health Society – June 24, 2024


The American Veterinary One Health Society (AVOHS) presented awards and conducted business at its annual awards breakfast on June 24 in Austin, Texas.

Austin 324
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Gabriel PDF Webinar 2

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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Federal Reserve Board data show higher prices, inflation guide consumer decisions


Data from the Federal Reserve Board’s Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2023 report show U.S. consumers’ financial situation has been made worse by higher prices and they are actively looking at ways to save money. These financial data points give insight into the reasons behind spending trends in veterinary medicine.

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In Memory – July 4, 2024


Veterinarian obituaries in the “In Memory” section of the Journal of the AVMA, July 4, 2024

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House elects committee, council members and names liaison


At its regular annual session in June, the AVMA House of Delegates elected individuals to AVMA committees and councils, including the AVMA Council on Education, and named a liaison representative.

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The Shorebirds of North America: A Natural History and Photographic Celebration–A Book Review

10,000 Birds

“You don’t like shorebirds?” my birding friend asked me in a tone of surprise, shock, and a tiny bit of horror. We had been talking about summer and I imagine that when she exclaimed happily, “Soon it will be time to go to the East Pond for shorebirds!” my face betrayed me. “I love shorebirds,” I replied, “I just don’t always like them.” My feelings about shorebirds came back to me a few days later, as I observed a mixed group of peeps and Dowitchers at Mecox Inlet, eastern Long Island, not far

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Pelagics off SW Iberia

10,000 Birds

We’re fast approaching a preferred time of mine for going out on boats in search of seabirds. The Gulf of Cadiz, from Cadiz itself, right along the coasts of Huelva and the Algarve to Cape St Vincent in Portugal, is a favourite hunting ground of mine and the operators willing to take you out have been on the increase in recent years. The aim is usually to head off to the continental shelf, which can be up to 20 or more nautical miles out depending on your starting point.

Portugal 240
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Education council schedules site visits – July 2024


The AVMA Council on Education has scheduled site visits to 11 schools and colleges of veterinary medicine for the remainder of 2024.

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When the sun beats down with anger

10,000 Birds

The outside temperature in the shade reads 47 degrees Celsius and I’m about to enter a hide to photograph birds. At times like these, I question my sanity. But I keep coming back for more. It was only two weeks ago that I was on a bleak moor on Shetland and now I wish that I had the cool temperatures, the cloud and the rain that I had moaned about then.

Africa 230
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Birding the Datang area, Yunnan

10,000 Birds

The Datang area stretches North from Tengchong, with basically just one road (G219) having less and less traffic before it eventually peters out in a series of curves about 10 kilometers before reaching the border to Myanmar. Unfortunately, this makes it sound a bit more interesting for birding than it turned out for me – though admittedly, I spent less than a day there.

Eggs 216
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Terror on the moors

10,000 Birds

I’ve just returned from the Shetland Islands. You might be expecting me to start writing about the amazing colonies of Northern Gannets Morus bassanus or Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica , among others. But no, my story today is about the birds that come in to breed on the heather moorland which dominates the high ground. This is prime habitat for many birds and Shetland is a great place to see them in relatively pristine conditions.

Puffins 215
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Bird Guides of the World: Rene Rossouw, South Africa

10,000 Birds

What is your favorite bird species? Gorgeous Bushshrike What is your name, and where do you live? René Rossouw, I live in Nelspruit, South Africa. What are the main regions or locations you cover as a bird guide? North-eastern South Africa including the Kruger National Park and the Western Cape How long have you been a bird guide? 5 years How did you get into bird guiding?

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Watching a Red-tailed Hawk nest

10,000 Birds

Sometimes, patience and determination are rewarded. This is what happened to the hapless pair of Red-tailed Hawks who were nesting on the nearby hospital’s chimney’s catwalk. On 28 April, looking through my spotting scope, I saw a fuzzy, white head rising above the edge of their nest. I call them hapless because it took them four years to have a viable nesting season.

Eggs 206
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A Nice Walk in the Woods

10,000 Birds

As I have written before on this site, I consider even a bad day birding to still be a great walk in the woods. And this Monday was not a spectacular birding day. I had stayed up too late on Sunday night doing church accounting, so I got a late start on Monday morning. (The fact that Mexico recently abandoned daylight saving time has made this problem more serious.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner
