March, 2008

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A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes

Animal Ethics

In 1792, Englishman Thomas Taylor (1758-1835), a prominent translator of Plato and other Greek philosophers, published a satirical pamphlet entitled A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes. His aim in this anonymous work was to mock Mary Wollstonecraft's books A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) and Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), as well as Thomas Paine's Rights of Man (1791).

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Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times story about animal-based drugs.


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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ With More News of Abuse, a Harder Search for Homes for Pit Bulls ” (Westchester and the Region, March 16): As a member of the League of Humane Voters of Westchester, I thank you for covering the efforts by the police and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to stop the dog fighting and animal cruelty in Westchester County.

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Recipe Idea!

Animal Ethics

For those of you who think that vegetarian cuisine must be bland and boring, think again. You'll find the recipe for Spaghetti con Rucola e Ricotta here. There's even an alleged aphrodisiac effect associated with arugula. That should inspire all but the most hardened meat-eaters to give it a try! Bon Appetit! Note: This dish will be much more healthful and just as tasty if you omit the ricotta cheese or replace it with crumbled firm tofu.

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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

I wanted to let you know about a website called where animal lovers come together to meet and oftentimes find love. We have many great stories from all over the country where folks had given up on having any romance in their life until they met at AnimalAttraction—everyone says it is much easier to get to know someone with your dog on the date too!

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi there :) I was hoping that we could do a link swap! I run a store called CutiePaws. I make animal plushies and donate 60% from each sale to AnimalsAsia 's China Bear Rescue. :) My goal is to raise at least $1,000 this year, and you would be really helping me out by swapping links with me. :) Let me know if you're interested! Thank you very much, Jenn Hartnoll CutiePaws 60% of each sale is donated to AnimalsAsia's China Bear Rescue!

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More Trending

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Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times story about bullfighting.

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Bison Bison

Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times story about Yellowstone National Park's bison herd.

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Animal Ethics

Somebody explain to me how this helps animals.

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Between the Species

Animal Ethics

Here is an online journal that should be of interest to readers of this blog. I will add a link to the blogroll.

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PDF 9.21.23.

this is a test

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi Keith, Below is a calendar listing for Farm Sanctuary's annual Country Hoe Down at our Orland, California Shelter. We would be very appreciative if you would please list and help us raise awareness about this inspirational and educational event for farm animal advocates. Please let me know if you would like more information. Warm Regards, Natalie Bowman Communications Coordinator Farm Sanctuary P.O.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Hi! I am a long time vegetarian, now vegan for 10 years, and animal lover.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Thank you for publicizing the plight of satos—street dogs—in Puerto Rico in “ Scrutiny for Puerto Rico Over Animal Treatment ” (news article, March 9). Sadly, the situation in Puerto Rico is replicated in countries around the world where hundreds of millions of dogs live as strays, abandoned by the humans they have come to depend on for food, shelter and companionship.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ Oceans at Risk ” (editorial, March 9): We are in danger of ruining the world’s oceans and endangering marine ecosystems. You are right that what is needed is “a sustained effort by world governments and other institutions to do something about it” and that “the problems are global and so, in the end, are the solutions.” One key solution, as you note, rests with the United States Senate: the Law of the Sea Convention.

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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ A Case of Abuse, Heightened ,” by Joe Nocera (Talking Business column, March 8): Mr. Nocera tells us that most slaughterhouses don’t mistreat animals or funnel sick downer cows into the food chain. Oh, really? If Mr. Nocera actually had such clairvoyant powers over the meat-packing industry, why didn’t he put them to use last autumn and blow the whistle on the Westland/Hallmark slaughter plant?

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Global Warmism

Animal Ethics

Bad news for animals: The globe is cooling.

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Thwarting Progress

Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times story about the short-eared owl.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

Dear Keith, Mylan, and Jonathan, My name is Miry and I’m from Potomac, Maryland. First of all, I want to tell you how much I enjoy Animal Ethics. It is beautifully written with wonderful perspective. I read it all the time. I especially liked your posting from Gardner Williams’ “The Moral Insignificance of the Total of All Value.” I found this very inspiring, and would have never have seen it if not for your blog, so thank you for that.

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Gabriel's PDF Webinar 234

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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Animal Ethics

As unbelievable as it may sound, I still get comments without full names. Can you people read? Here is what it says on the editorial page of my local newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram : LETTERS POLICY Verification: Letters must have a printed full name, address and daytime phone number. Frequency: Writers are limited to one letter a month. Content: Be concise, to the point and original.

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From Today's New York Times

Animal Ethics

To the Editor: Re “ To Revive Hunting, States Turn to the Classroom ” (front page, March 8): Shame on West Virginia if it approves a bill that allows hunting education classes in public schools to become law. We should not use public schools to try to reverse the inexorable decline in the “sport” of hunting. The killing and maiming of animals for sport is a cruel and violent activity that is the antithesis of what schools should be teaching.

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Animal Ethics

Here is a New York Times story about animal-rights activists.

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From the Mailbag

Animal Ethics

I just wanted to pass on a link to a recent national geographic article on Animal Minds. Some of the material may be of interest.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Water Worries—How We're Drugging Other Species

Animal Ethics

People used to worry that water fluoridation programs were part of a Communist plot. Today, people have to worry about much more than fluoride in their water. Traces of analgesics, antidepressants, antibiotics, antihistamines, anti-hypertension drugs, anti-seizure medications, and birth control hormones are turning up in the Nation's municipally-delivered drinking water and also in our rivers, lakes, and streams.

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Global Warming Is Good for Animals (Including Humans)

Animal Ethics

See here. (Sorry, Mylan.

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Latest Dot Earth Post on Current Whaling Wars

Animal Ethics

Here is Andrew Revkin's latest post on the current whaling controversy near Antarctica.

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Animal Ethics

People are still trying to post comments on this blog without using their full names. I reject those comments. Once again, you know who Mylan and I are. We want to know who you are. If you don't like this policy, go elsewhere.

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Golf with Malicious Intent

Animal Ethics

Thanks to Adrian Seeley for calling to my attention this story about PGA Tour golfer Tripp Isenhour, who allegedly intentionally killed a red-shouldered hawk with a golf shot. According to the report, Isenhour repeatedly hit balls directly in the hawk's direction until he hit the hawk. After impact, the hawk, a protected migratory bird, fell to the ground bleeding from the nostrils.

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Ends and Means

Animal Ethics

How do actions such as this promote the cause of those who performed them? I can't think of anything more self-defeating. There are, in general, four ways to achieve an end. The first is to use force. The second is to use coercion (i.e., the threat of harm). The third is to use manipulation (e.g., deception). The fourth is to use rational persuasion.

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Gardner Williams (1895-1972) on Wronging Animals

Animal Ethics

Love demands, as every interest demands, that it should dominate life completely. And, in a world where there is too much hate, the judgment of many earnest moralists is overwhelmed by the charms of love; and there are those who come to accept it at its own valuation and are thus led to assert that people have an obligation to increase the collective total of all value in the universe.

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Shooting Oneself in the Foot

Animal Ethics

Somebody explain how this helps animals.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner
