Cute of the Day: Louie
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 29, 2010
Cute little Maltese puppy named Louie! Cute of the Day: Louie originally appeared on 4 The Love of Animals on April 29, 2010. Tags: cute animal photos cute of the day.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 29, 2010
Cute little Maltese puppy named Louie! Cute of the Day: Louie originally appeared on 4 The Love of Animals on April 29, 2010. Tags: cute animal photos cute of the day.
Critter News
APRIL 14, 2010
This post is from the blog Green is the New Red. It briefly discusses some of the tactics used by the FBI against Scott DeMuth, Carrie Feldman and Peter Young. These methods include diary reading, informants, a YouTube video, MySpace, LiveJournal, etc. Interesting. Tags: animal enterprise terrorism act FBI animal rights.
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Animal Person
APRIL 7, 2010
As many of you know, 2009 was chock full of creature-related drama for me. From the feral cats of Project Treadstone to Charles' back surgery to problems with Violet's Vetsulin (insulin for dogs), we had more than our share of issues. If I told you what I spent last year doing work-wise, you probably wouldn't believe me and you'd definitely suggest I write a book about it.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 23, 2010
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay welcomed a new baby reticulated giraffe just days ago. Weighing approximately 147 pounds at birth, the newborn is the calf of mother, Teesa, and father, Sterling. The addition brings Busch Gardens’ giraffe population to 15. Mother and baby are currently in an area out of guest view so they can be closely monitored by zoo staff to ensure the baby is nursing and growing properly.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 28, 2010
We had the chance to try out a great product recently, one, that as pet owners, makes a lot of sense. It’s called Scentsy , and it’s a great way to add a fragrance to your home. We thought the scent was much stronger than a traditional scented candle, and because we didn’t have to worry about the flame, we were able to leave it on longer too, which helped get more fragrance into the air.
Animal Rights Zone brings together the best content for animal advocates and activists from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 26, 2010
We don’t usually post about shows that are about humans (even though we love humans too), so you are probably wondering why we are sharing about an upcoming Explorer! Well, they are studying a very unique animal in hopes of helping humans overcome insomnia. The sloth! EXPLORER: FATAL INSOMNIA airs on Tuesday, April 27 at 10PM ET/PT. You climb into bed, turn off the light, and close your eyes, but you can’t fall asleep.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 19, 2010
Taste of the Wild, is an all-life stages food that is formulated to meet your pet’s nutritional needs from puppy to senior years. Taste of the Wild lets owners satisfy their dog’s instinctual cravings for those foods the dog could find in the wild! It’s made with real roasted meats and supplemented with fruits and vegetables, which means superior taste sensation, highly digestible energy and natural antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and overall health.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 20, 2010
“OCEANS” Motion Picture Opens on Earth Day, April 22, 2010. While the movie, “OCEANS” won’t open till Earth Day, 400,000 moviegoers have already bought tickets to catch the movie in its opening week and protect coral reefs in the process. The “See ‘OCEANS,’ Save Oceans” initiative; Disneynature’s pledge to make a contribution in honor of everyone who sees the motion picture between April 22-28 has already translated to more than 790 acres of marine protected area in The Bahamas—and that n
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 27, 2010
We wanted to share this clip from the TODAY Show, featuring animal expert Jill Rappaport helping revamp dogs desperately in need of a good home. We love stories like this that help homeless pets put their best paw forward! Luckily, the story has a follow up happy ending for at least one dog that we know of… read on. Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 25, 2010
Long before CAT scans, X-rays, blood samples and colonoscopies, physicians used the good sense they were born with: their sense of smell. That’s because bacterias, cancers and infections create unique smells. Sweet, fruity breath could mean diabetes. A foul-smelling wound might spell an infection. Liver disease? Fishy-smelling breath. Kidney disease makes a mouth smell like urine.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 1, 2010
We just had to share this post from one of our favorite animal groups, the ASPCA. April is “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month&# , and the ASPCA urges people to “Go Orange&# to show their support. More than that though, they are inviting people to do more by becoming an Ambassador! Become an ASPCA Ambassador this April! Every April, the ASPCA invites supporters across the country to “Go Orange for Animals” and raise awareness for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.
Critter News
APRIL 15, 2010
According to our government, the animal rights and environmental movements are the number one domestic terrorism threat in the United States. That's BS. What about militias? White supremacists? Was Tim McVeigh who blew up the Oklahoma Federal Building an animal rights/environmental activist? What about the nut who flew his plane into the IRS building in Texas?
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 9, 2010
Disneynature’s next big-screen splash “OCEANS” has launched group ticket sales to boost its efforts to save coral reefs with proceeds generated from the film’s opening week. “ See OCEANS, Save Oceans ” is an initiative developed with The Nature Conservancy where a portion of each ticket sold for the film’s opening week April 22-28 will help establish new marine protected areas in The Bahamas.
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Critter News
APRIL 22, 2010
An animal rights activist has offered $30,000 to anyone who facilitates the freeing of primates, or the end of vivisection, at the University of Kansas, a place cited for numerous animal welfare violations. He does not condone violent or illegal acts. Good luck. Tags: University of Kansas animal research vivisection primates.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 28, 2010
This is a truly amazing animal encounter! Earlier this month, California surfer, Jodie Nelson, decided that she would paddleboard the 40 miles from Catalina Island to mainland California to raise money for breast cancer in honor of her best friend and mother who both survived recent battles. Half way into her journey got some unexpected company, a 30-foot pygmy whale that Jodie nicknamed Larry.
Critter News
APRIL 18, 2010
This article claims that Raul Julia's son is recruiting celebrities to help end the captivity of marine animals. Supposedly these celebrities include actors Johnny Depp and Wesley Snipes, singer Elton John and rapper RZA. I'm sorry, but considering Wesley Snipes' serious tax problems, is he a help for the cause? But I would be thrilled if Johnny Depp signed on.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 11, 2010
First Days After Dog Adoption. Adapting to a new home can be very stressful for a dog. Nervousness (barking, snarling, trembling body), accidents, shedding may all happen at the beginning. Contrary to common belief, demonstrating a lot of tenderness may not be a good idea. At first it is better to give the dog some distance to slowly get familiar with the new situation and let him get to know the house or apartment on his own.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 7, 2010
- National Contest Invites Cat Owners to Create “It” Handbag of the Season -. ST. LOUIS, March 29, 2010 – To celebrate Earth Day and the millions of cat owners across the country who make good green choices for their cats, home and environment all year-round, Yesterday’s News® brand cat litter is announcing the Do-Gooder Design Challenge. The eco-friendly cat litter made with recycled paper is challenging four leading green designers to “Do Good” by transforming yesterday’s news – recycled newsp
Critter News
APRIL 1, 2010
Now this is just juvenile. Missouri is going to vote on allowing horse slaughterhouses back into the State. An activist organized an appeal in which people from around the country and the world could contact the legislators in opposition to the bill. This is very common and occurs to local, state and federal representatives. People will often send communications to representatives for areas in which they don't live.
Critter News
APRIL 25, 2010
A six-year donates his life savings to help sick sea turtles at the Florida Aquarium. It was only $53.50 (the kid's only six!), but I hope it's the first step to a long life of love and compassion for all living things. Tags: nice story florida.
Critter News
APRIL 23, 2010
They received citations for animal welfare infractions, although apparently few of these infractions overlap with PETA claims from an undercover investigation. The Salt Lake Tribune claims the infractions are only minor (interesting how different publications will provide different spins). You decide. From the Deseret News. A kitten died from dehydration as a result of too much medication, individual primates were neglected for days at a time, mice and Guinea pig cages were found to be overcrowd
Critter News
APRIL 22, 2010
It looks like the garbage didn't kill it, but still.just plain gross and unacceptable. From the Seattle Times. A gray whale that died after stranding on a West Seattle beach had a large amount of trash in its stomach, ranging from a pair of sweatpants to a golf ball, said biologists who examined the animal. Scientists with the Cascadia Research Collective said the examination did not immediately determine why the 37-foot near-adult male died, but it was found to be in better nutritional conditio
Critter News
APRIL 18, 2010
This protest against animal research happened last Thursday. Apparently, they were "disrupting university business" and security guards were called in. This link has a video. Tags: Cambridge University UK animal research protests.
4 The Love Of Animals
APRIL 14, 2010
Cute of the Day: Say Cheese! originally appeared on 4 The Love of Animals on April 14, 2010. Tags: cute animals cute of the day.
Critter News
APRIL 13, 2010
He was transporting them across state lines from Ohio to a hunting preserve in South Carolina. The deer were not tested for disease. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison. I hope he serves the whole term. The deer still got screwed because they ended up at the hunting preserve, but any kind of sentence for wildlife trafficking must be enforced. Tags: wildlife crime wildlife trafficking ohio south carolina Lacey Act deer.
Critter News
APRIL 8, 2010
I came across this British article from 2008. Very disturbing and sad hypotheses, especially in light of the unconscionable actions (or lack of) by CITES recently. From the Daily Mail. The steeply declining number of whales in the world's oceans is causing the remaining creatures to suffer loneliness and 'lose the will the live', a leading expert has claimed.
Critter News
APRIL 7, 2010
Another undercover video from the Humane Society. Tags: animal abuse eggs farm animal welfare factory farm chickens.
Critter News
APRIL 3, 2010
If we do not do something to help these creatures, we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice. --Jane Goodall. Tags: quotes.
Animal Person
APRIL 6, 2010
When I started blogging in May of 2006 I was very snarky. Snark defined blogging back then. And of course, as a (pop) culture whose sensibility has been formed by The Onion and The Daily Show , it's no wonder. My snarkiness increased, and turned into ranting, but then ranting for some reason got old. It's very, very easy for me to use language as a weapon; I've done that my whole life.
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