A Microchip Miracle: The Gift of Reunion
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 13, 2017
Like so many of us who share our lives with a beloved dog, we had our dog Teddy microchipped when he became a permanent family member after a short foster period.
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 13, 2017
Like so many of us who share our lives with a beloved dog, we had our dog Teddy microchipped when he became a permanent family member after a short foster period.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 1, 2017
Birds of Kruger National Park by Keith Barnes and Ken Behrens and Wildlife of Ecuador by Andrés Vásquez Noboa, photography by Pablo Cervantes Daza are the latest titles in Princeton University Press’s WildGuides Wildlife Explorer Series, a series focused on the “general reader,” the layperson, the traveler who is not a “birder” but who wants to know what bird or animal or amphibian or reptile she’s observing.
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Sales and Marketing Management
AUGUST 14, 2017
Author: Frank Visgatis, President and Chief Operating Officer, CustomerCentric Selling. Whether making cold or warm calls in trying to find new opportunities, it can be a humbling experience for salespeople. My definition of prospecting is trying to take prospects from latent to active need. Another way to phrase that is to say that: Prospecting is looking for people that aren’t looking.
Animal Ethics
AUGUST 8, 2017
This blog had 697 visits during July, which is an average of 22.4 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 20.4.
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 29, 2017
Cats, along with dogs, are the most popular pet in the world. And it’s no wonder – these adorable, cuddly creatures are great at winning over our hearts.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 29, 2017
I first met Robert Gallardo in 2009, when I made my first visit to the Neotropics for the Mesoamerican Bird Festival in Honduras. Robert arrived in Honduras with Peace Corps in 1993 and has been a resident ever since. He has recorded over 20 new bird records for Honduras, dozens of new butterflies, new orchid records and even new species for science.
Animal Rights Zone brings together the best content for animal advocates and activists from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 31, 2017
Ah, late summer mornings, fresh, yet warm and sunny, when fields are rich-yellow and the river Danube so tranquil (so much so that even a Buddhist temple was recently opened at the Danube riverbank). It’s the migration season. Cover photo: Eurasian Sparrowhawk by Magnus Manske (Wikimedia Commons). This morning I drove to the Kapela (“a chapel”) research area of mine, a small geological reserve 15 km / 9 mi upriver from Belgrade, whose management is interested to know whether there is more than j
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 16, 2017
We had the chance to read a fun new book called Cats I’ve Known: On Love, Loss, and Being Graciously Ignored.
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 29, 2017
Petplan pet insurance staff veterinarian Kim Smyth shares important tips about the hazards that those in the area affected by Hurricane Harvey (and flood prone regions) should beware of when it comes to the health of their pets in the … Continue reading →
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 5, 2017
Some birds are so familiar, even non-birders can’t help but know what they are, or at least what family they belong to. In upstate New York, sparrows, doves, woodpeckers, and cardinals fall into this category and are probably why we see more of those backyard birds (and their semi-psychedelic stylized versions) on Christmas cards, napkins, and other random types of stationary.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 8, 2017
It is not always obvious which side of a bird-related conservation lawsuit is the right side. As many birders know, the last wild California Condors were captured by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) in the 1980s to be part of a captive breeding program. FWS began releasing captive-bred condors from the program into the wild in the early 1990s, with considerable success: once down to 22 birds, there are now approximately 275 wild condors in California, Arizona, Utah, and Baja California
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 31, 2017
It doesn’t take much time for a car to get hot enough to cause serious harm, or even death, to a pet.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 30, 2017
It was early when my husband and I pulled into Paul M. Grist State Park in central Alabama. Not early for a birder – it was after 8:30 a.m. – but early for normal people on a cloudy Saturday morning. Newly re-opened after budget cuts, the park sported one staff member in the office who generously gave us a map, one woman and her dog, and one family in the set of RV camping spots at the edge of the lake.
4 The Love Of Animals
AUGUST 20, 2017
When it comes to cooking, you love to whip up an incredible meal for your family; from yummy casseroles, to delicious crock pot apple crisps. Your family appreciates your cooking, so why not create something special for your pet too?
Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 13, 2017
We birders share common cause with farmers in our obsession with seasons, always wondering what new crop of avifauna is coming in. But any time of year is the right time to pay attention to uncommon avian behavior, even from common birds. For example, I saw all kinds of special species this weekend, but nothing impressed me more than displays of the tyranny of tiny birds.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 26, 2017
So, Floyd Mayweather might be the overwhelming favourite in a fight where Conor McGregor crosses disciplines to challenge him, but where would you put your money on the outcome of a confrontation between a Willet and an American Coot ? I had not previously considered a situation where the two species might come into conflict, but I bet it would be a real money-spinner on pay-per-view.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 21, 2017
While in Belize for my family vacation one of the birds I most wanted to see was a Jabiru. The massive, shoe-billed stork is an amazing bird to see even in the pages of a field guide; to see one in the field, for real, would be unbelievably awesome. My best chance to see one would be during the three days we planned to spend in Hopkins, on the Caribbean coast of Belize.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 20, 2017
Following on from last week where I introduced you to the Sarus Crane , which is one of the largest bird species that we observed on our recent trip across the north of Australia , I will now introduce you to one of the smallest bird species that we encountered. There were three species of Fairy-wrens encountered on our trip and they were the Red-backed Fairy-wren , Variegated Fairy-wren and the Purple-crowned Fairy-wren.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 14, 2017
I’ve been back from Belize for several days now and have fully recovered from the chiggers, the sunburn, the sand flies, the rum, and the exhaustion of international travel. (I know, I know, poor me, right?) Thinking back on the time we – the family and I – spent enjoying a new country for all of us I realized that my favorite birding of the whole trip was while we were at Sleeping Giant Rainforest Lodge, along the Hummingbird Highway near Blue Hole National Park.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 2, 2017
Survival in the wild, has conjured up quite a few clichés, like it truly is a “Dog Eat Dog World”, with “Survival of the fittest” winning the day, and yes “The early bird does get the worm!” For those of you that have spent any amount of time, out wandering the countryside, you have undoubtedly encountered a struggle to survive of some form.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 30, 2017
It seems like it was just a few weeks ago that I was writing about the Surfbirds, and the long trip to their Alaska breeding grounds. Well, they are back. This last week we took a trip over to the Pacific side of the Baja to see who had arrived back from their summer up north. Given the large amounts of birds that have arrived in the La Paz area, I felt is would be a worth while trip.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 27, 2017
Some of us had a hot weekend. Some of us had a cold weekend. Some of us have been suffering through the wettest weekend of our lives. No matter how inclement your weekend was, just remember… it still beats Monday! Ivy and I went up to Braddock Bay, where some raptors lurk even in fall. However, the bird I was most surprised by was a Warbling Vireo that perched out in the open long enough for my young daughter to get a decent look.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 27, 2017
Whenever you come across a Great Bowerbirds bower it is interesting to see what has been placed in the bower to attract a female bird and the variety of bones, stones and other items never ceases to amuse and amaze. Several male Great Bowerbirds will contribute to the construction of the bower and work together to attract a female and the addition and arrangement of the items is constantly evolving.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 12, 2017
I still use the term “bird watching” rather than “birding” This is the term that I grew up with and it more accurately describes the way that I derive my simple pleasures. Come summer, while the listers wallow in the doldrums, you might see me sitting in the shade just watching. This is not behaviour that I would advocate to the 10,000 Birds beat community who should be sparing no effort to pad out the collaborative list, but the summer is cruel to my western palearctic c
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 9, 2017
In reading a recent story by our esteemed writer, Mr. Redgannet , I was brought to mind some recent photos of a Double-crested Cormorant , which had also made a ridiculous attempt at over eating. Here in the Sea of Cortez, we have a fairly decent population of a family of a fish called Tetratdontidae , or more commonly known as Pufferfish. I am sure most of you are fully aware of these real life, self inflating balloons.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 11, 2017
Tragically, McSweeney’s doesn’t have quite enough hard-core birders in the audience to appreciate this. But I thought you guys would! Look, you guys, I know it’s been a rough start to the year for everyone. Some of you have been counting on federal funding or habitat protection that now looks shaky; some of you have mates who never made it back from migration; some of you just can’t catch enough fish.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 25, 2017
On my latest trip home my mom and I spent a bit of time talking about Bald Eagles. I’d seen quite a few along the Hudson River on my way home – three adults and eight brown-headed subadults between Poughkeepsie and Albany. Mom, who grew up in Cold Spring, was impressed as always by the tally – when she moved away in 1972 eagles were unheard-of.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 25, 2017
Remember those lazy days of summer, the doldrums during which you could catch up on family time, work, or less birdy hobbies? Don’t look now, but the season we are in is rapidly giving way to the next. The summer stall, if that ever really settled in where you live, is lifting. Time to get back to business… I’ll be kicking around Rochester this weekend, scanning for the shorebirds that seem to be popping up everywhere wet.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 23, 2017
Despite the still sweltering heat of the Southern Baja Desert, that beautiful time of year has arrived! Lots of the migrant birds are starting to return to Mexico. Some in great numbers, some, just a single bird or two. I counted over 600 Western Sandpipers out on the tidal flats last Sunday, and on the same day, got a visit to my hide from a very cute little Orange-crowned Warbler.
10,000 Birds
AUGUST 20, 2017
North America is aflame with eclipse fever right now, which provides yet another opportunity to wonder what life would be like if the average citizen felt a fraction as much passion for birding as is devoted to countless sports, media, celebrities, fashion, or even the rare astronomical phenomenon. Perhaps we should be glad that so many miss out on the pleasures of birding.The alacrity with which tens of thousands (or more) eclipse glasses sold out across the nation suggests that whiling away th
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