December, 2008

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Critter News

Many wishes for a joyful, successful and animal-friendly 2009! From, THE CRITTER NEWS TEAM (aka Anna, Patrick, Charlotte, Sonia, Jennie, Cleo, Chay, Doris, Heidi, and Lou!

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Jonathan Bennett on Revisable Morality

Animal Ethics

There is a difficulty about drawing from all this a moral for ourselves. I imagine that we agree in our rejection of slavery, eternal damnation, genocide, and uncritical patriotic self-abnegation; so we shall agree that Huck Finn , Jonathan Edwards , Heinrich Himmler , and the poet Horace would all have done well to bring certain of their principles under severe pressure from ordinary human sympathies.

Morals 40

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US Fish and Wildlife Offers Ivory Identification Guide

Critter News

Wonder if something is made from illegal ivory? US Fish and Wildlife has a guide for identification. From the web page. This is a web version of the Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes by Edgard O. Espinoza and Mary-Jacque Mann, published in cooperation with the CITES Secretariat, and was developed to give information about a nondestructive and visual means of tentatively distinguishing clearly legal ivory from suspected illegal ivory at ports of entry.

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Weird Things Pets Eat

Critter News

I used to have a dog that ate rocks thrown at him (and he was as fast with the jaws as a cobra). Here is a list of strange items eaten by pets from a British charity.

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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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Video of the Week

Critter News

This is why the internet was invented.

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Attempt to Recover Sumatran Rhino Species

Critter News

A breeding program in Malaysia will attempt to breed a rescued Borneo Sumatran rhino in order to save the endangered species. Tam, whose species is known for its solitary nature, has been resettled in a wildlife reserve in Malaysia's Sabah state, the last preserve of the Borneo Sumatran rhino _ a subspecies of the bristly, snub-nosed Sumatran rhino.

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More Trending

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How To Care for Wild Babies

Critter News

If you find any out there during these cold winter months, or at any time of the year, read this before you act. Tags: animal rescue wild orphans.

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Stray Dog Rescued in Mumbai

Critter News

An old stray dog was wounded in the Mumbai attacks and rescued. He is now recovering and will hopefully find a home. Sadly, he is the lucky one in a city filled with starving strays. But still. Sheru was a stray dog hit by an errant bullet when two gunmen opened fire in a crowded railway station during the first night of the assault. The survival of the aging Sheru, despite a gunshot wound to his left shoulder, has become an uplifting and soothing symbol of Mumbai's recovery to many of the city'

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Pet Love Closes its Doors in Beverly Hills

Critter News

This is awesome. (Pet Love is a business that sells animals from puppy mills.) The Beverly Center, an upscale shopping mall in Beverly Hills, California, has announced it will terminate Pet Love’s lease sometime in the next few months. Best Friends made the announcement at a news conference Tuesday. “Our work here in Los Angeles sends the strongest possible message everywhere that pet shops are supplied by puppy millers,” said Paul Berry, Best Friends chief executive officer.

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UK Animal Rights Activists Profiled

Critter News

Here is n article in the Guardian about several activists involved in SHAC (Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty).

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PDF 9.21.23.

this is a test

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Animal Legal Defense Fund Ranks States on Animal Protection

Critter News

The ALDF has released a report on how different states' animal protection laws stack up. Among the best: California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Oregon. And the worst: Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, South Dakota, Wyoming You can check out the whole report on their web site.

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Efforts Being Made to End Eating Cats in China

Critter News

Disgusting to read about , but there are people in China who are just as outraged at cat eating. Kudos to the many people in China that do care.

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British Student Attacked by Portuguese Fur Shop Owner

Critter News

The post in the ANIMAL blog is in Portuguese , but here's the gist of it. A British student studying in Porto, Portugal, was handing out leaflets in front of "Beigel," a fur shop. She was volunteering for ANIMAL. She had already been threatened by the owner on Wednesday for trespassing on her premises. On Friday, the owner really lost it and attacked her, leaving marks on the student's arms.

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Should the Military Force Protect the Environment?

Critter News

Thought-provoking article in the Boston Globe.some green thinkers are now coming to a surprising conclusion: In exceptional circumstances, they say, the only effective way to protect the environment may be at the barrel of a gun. In some cases, notably in Africa, biodiversity is threatened by military conflict, or by well-armed gangs of poachers. These situations, some say, call for a response in kind - deploying the military to guard natural reserves, or providing rangers with military-style ar

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Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Quote of the Week

Critter News

"Let us not underestimate how hard it is to be compassionate. Compassion is hard because it requires the inner disposition to go with others to the place where they are weak, vulnerable, lonely, and broken. But this is not our spontaneous response to suffering. What we desire most is to do away with suffering by fleeing from it or finding a quick cure for it." ~ Henri Nouwen.

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Critters in our yard

Critter News

Our yard is pretty animal friendly. We get cats, mice, birds, squirrels and raccoons. Here is a picture of some mice feeding on bird seed we threw out for the birds.

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Critter News

So, I belong to this book group of 5 to 7 women. I've been with the group for a while and it's not bad. I do enjoy reading books and discussing them, but I have a quandary that I'm going to post about. There is one member of this group who works for a pharmaceutical company. She is the "science" one and likes to call herself an "independent" on the political landscape.

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Are Thai Temple Tigers Drugged?

Critter News

Some conservationists worry that the tigers living at a Buddhist Temple in Thailand are drugged, but the monks deny it. There's a big article at the ABC News site. Read it and tell us what you think. Tourists visiting the Tiger Temple pay big money: anything from $15 just for entry, up to $50 for the very special photograph of a tiger with its head in your lap.

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Gabriel's PDF Webinar 234

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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Bush Proposes Penguin Protection, Hell Freezes Over

Critter News

Not perfect, but still, wow. The Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list six species of penguin as threatened species and one _ the African penguin _ as an endangered species. But it has denied protection under the 1973 Endangered Species Act for three others _ including the emperor and northern rockhopper penguins, the stars of such popular movies as "March of the Penguins" and "Happy Feet.".Environmentalists hailed the Bush administration's proposal to fully list six penguin species, bu

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Humane Society Likes Obama's Animal Welfare Picks

Critter News

I bet you didn't realize that Obama had any animal welfare picks, but he did. And, in general, the Humane Society and its Legislative Fund likes them. They are very enthusiastic about Tom Vilsack, the proposed Secretary of Agriculture. In fact, he was their top choice. They're not so sure about Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior, but they see some promise.

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Compassionate Cooks Worth Visiting

Critter News

I really like this website for vegan cooking. Compassionate Cooks also has a podcast I used to subscribe to, but it was a bit overwrought for me. Still, they have a great website and they do important work. Tags: vegan recipes.

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Arctic Ice Melting at Stunning Rate

Critter News

Bad news for those Arctic species. Tags: global warming arctic.

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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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Activists Allegedly Use Computer Virus Against UC Berkeley Researchers

Critter News

This according to a communique received at the ALF Press office. UC Berkeley vivisector Ralph Freeman and all of the current lab members in Freeman's Visual Neuroscience Lab were sent a trojan horse virus embedded into email. This virus is designed to completely wreck their computers while leeching all vital personal information they've ever entered into their systems.

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Monkeys Beat Cruel Trainer in China

Critter News

If only they could have escaped to a better life. Tags: animal abuse animal cruelty china monkeys.

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Retailer Pulls Vick Jerseys After Complaint.Wait, What?

Critter News

Who would be dumb enough to still be selling Vick jerseys? Why that would be Bealls Outlet Stores. No doubt going after the coveted football loving animal abuser fan base. Hannah Tostensen, director of the Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia, and Lisa Norton, president of Citizens for Humane Animal Treatment in Brunswick, complained to Bealls' corporate office in Bradenton, Fla., earlier this month after finding replicas of Vick's No. 7 jersey being sold at stores in Darien and Waycross in s

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Alleged Police Spy Found in NZ

Critter News

According to this post , a police spy in New Zealand who infiltrated animal rights groups as well as other activist organizations.

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Quote of the Week

Critter News

We now have scientific evidence that vegetarianism is good for the body. The greatest spiritual teachers have always know that it is good for the soul. Reverend Alvin Van Pelt Hart Episcopal Priest Chaplin St. Luke's Hospital. Tags: quotes.

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Save the Planet - Eat a Camel!

Critter News

First, Aussies were told they should start eating kangaroos to save the environment. Now, they are are being encouraged to eat camel because there are just too many of them. Camel-eating advocates should talk to British chef Gordon Ramsey. That clown will eat anything. Tags: camels australia gordon ramsey.

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Don't Eat Camel - Eat Schmeat!

Critter News

I'd rather not any meat at all, thank you, but for those meat addicts like my husband, this could help. This article on Gristmill (excerpt below) goes into detail on pros and cons of "schmeat." Earlier this year, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals announced that it will offer a $1 million X Prize for the creation of affordable, humane, and "commercially viable" test-tube meat by 2012.

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So Far, Mountain Gorilla Deaths Only from Natural Causes

Critter News

Pretty amazing that the 7 mountain gorilla deaths recorded thus far in Virunga have all been due to natural causes. Remember that Virunga National Park has been under Congolese rebel control since 2007 and the park rangers have only just been allowed back in. Two of the deaths were newborns killed by a silverback. The rest were adults that died from illness or age.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner
