March, 2012

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Drunk Birding

10,000 Birds

Do people go birding while inebriated? There is the blog The Drinking Bird , but what about the drinking birder? Birdchick hosts Birds and Beers but that is held in bars and the birds tend to be discussed, not seen. There is a painfully bad song called “Drunk Bird Watching” on You Tube but the only “bird” seems to be someone saying “hello” like a caged parrot.

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How Animals See the World

4 The Love Of Animals

We thought this infographic about how animals see the world was really neat! We even learned a lot of things we didn’t know before! Via Mezzmer Blog.

Animal 180

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Feds Approve Killing Sea Lions in the Columbia River

Critter News

The Federal government has approved the killing of California Sea Lions in the Columbia River, blaming them for killing and eating endangered salmon. Never mind the main reasons for the problems with the salmon: hatcheries, human harvest, hydropower and the destruction of habitat.

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Read this before your next meeting

Sales and Marketing Management

Meetings as a business tool get a bad rap, and it’s often a manager’s fault. When meetings become routine, participants stop preparing for them and they become lifeless and ineffective. But meetings matter because most relationship building and decision making still gets conducted face to face.

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approved reg

Speaker: dsfn


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A Friend of Animals

Animal Ethics

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Wood Ducks in Central Park

10,000 Birds

In North America there is really only one duck that could even come close to competing with the Wood Duck for the title of most fair, and the Harlequin Duck is just too much of a trollop to really compete. Wood Ducks are essentially in a class of their own and seeing a drake in good plumage is usually the highlight of any birding outing. When I heard that a pair of drakes were wintering in the pond at the south end of New York City’s Central Park and were rather confiding, well, how cou

Ducks 262

More Trending

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Sh*t Birders Say

10,000 Birds

Jason Kessler is back with the funniest birding movie of the year. Sh*t Birders Say delivers more laughs in 3 minutes than… well, actual birding! Even the credits are amusing. Take the test: if you laugh at least twice, you are definitely a birder. a.

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Rare Tanagers, Antpittas and Bearded Helmetcrests

10,000 Birds

Colombia is not only home to nearly 20% of all avian life on the planet but this birding mecca also accommodates an incredibly high percentage of highly sought after species. Nearly 80 species are endemic and found nowhere else in the world. Moreover, Colombia remains the best destination to see many species that are very tough to find elsewhere in South America.

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The Woodpeckers of New York City

10,000 Birds

Disbelief probably seems like the proper response to the idea that there are woodpeckers in New York City. After all, woodpeckers peck on trees, not skyscrapers. But Gotham’s many parks have some very suitable habitat for birds from the family Picidae and a birder in any borough of New York will generally find at least a couple of species during an average morning’s birding.

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Robin Egg Blue

10,000 Birds

I recently took a walk off-trail at Papscanee Island in Rensselaer County, New York, taking advantage of deer trails to find my way through the thick brush. I was startled by an American Robin flushing from directly in front of me, not more than three feet away. A closer look at the location the bird flushed from revealed this: After quickly taking a couple of pictures while the robin cluck-clucked her displeasure I retreated and waited for a few minutes, guarding against cowbirds, until the rob

Eggs 257
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PDF 9.21.23.

this is a test

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Hey, that’s not in my field guide!

10,000 Birds

When you spend a lot of time outdoors you get to see strange things happen. Birds are consumate improvisors and they are always open to the demands of the moment. So while they may have regular habits, weird things do occur and the field guide will only help you to a point… the rest is just watching. Here now, with brief captions, are some oddities.

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White-Cheeked Pintails

10,000 Birds

Like you, I’ve seen a lot of ducks in my life, but it wasn’t until 2006 that I first beheld the the wondrous waterfowl that I’d come to regard as my favorite duck, bar none – the White-cheeked Pintail. The White cheeked Pintail ( Anas bahamensis ), also known as the Bahama Pintail , is a dabbling duck that plies brackish waterways throughout its range.

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Contemplating California Condors

10,000 Birds

Author Sherrida Woodley finds inspiration at the intersection of avians and extinction. The dearly departed Passenger Pigeon plays a pivotal role in her award-winning bio-thriller, Quick Fall of Light. The newest bird on the brink to capture her fertile imagination is the California Condor, on which she graciously shares her research and ruminations: Sometimes as a writer you recognize there’s been something overlooked in your midst—something quietly abiding.

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Florida Red-shouldered Hawk

10,000 Birds

Buteo lineatus , the Red-shouldered Hawk , is a gorgeous bird. Before January I had come across the very red birds of the western United States and the “normal” birds in the eastern part of the country but when I first laid eyes on the pale form of Florida I felt like I was seeing a whole new bird. The pale Red-shouldered Hawks of Florida are, to use just one word, beautiful.

Florida 250
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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Townsend’s Warbler

10,000 Birds

I was thrilled to be seing warblers so early in March, until I remembered that Townsend’s Warblers can be seen along the west coast during the cold months. This didn’t detract from the pleasure of finding one of North America’s most strikingly marked wablers. A quick search in the archives here at 10,000 Birds found no mention of this beauty.

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Marabou Storks

10,000 Birds

Marabou Storks are ugly/lovely. They have character. They are unmistakeable. I won’t expend too much energy trying to describe them… I’ll just let the pictures do the heavy lifting this week. Marabou Storks are gigantic. Twelve feet tall at the shoulder! OK it’s more like five feet from head to toe, but they do have wingspans that approach 10 feet, which is getting into Andean Condor territory.

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Birding Botswana

10,000 Birds

We are currently filming in Botswana. What this land-locked country lacks in endemic birds it more than makes up for in accessibility of tough species, numbers of birds and the overall wildlife experience. I will be writing a series of detailed posts on this magnificent country but wanted to share a few images captured by our trip photographer, Adrian Binns.We have basically focused our filming efforts on three regions of northern Botswana: The Okavango Delta, The Chobe and the Makgadigadi Pans.

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Owls Come Alive!

10,000 Birds

The most mystical birds we all long to see and know well are most often the most difficult to find. It is part of their biology that makes not only plumage, but behavior, cryptic. These adaptations for avoiding predators has allowed most species of owls to flourish in their own habitat albeit, with reclusive habits. Finding an owl excites the unexcitable and even the most seasoned birders.

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Gabriel's PDF Webinar 234

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter 2


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Baby Bird Likes Bluegrass

10,000 Birds

It’s tough to make out what species the baby bird is but it sure likes bluegrass. Lead singer Josh Williams managed to keep the song going and the crowd sure appreciated the unexpected guest star in this video shot almost a year ago at the Doyle Lawson Bluegrass Festival in North Carolina. If bluegrass isn’t your thing the fun starts at the minute-and-a-half mark of the video.

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Spring Spring Spring! First Day of Spring!

10,000 Birds

Whoo-hoo! It is now, on 20 March 2012, spring! Take that, southern hemisphere! Here in New York it has felt like spring for, well, to be honest, most of the winter. Though lately, with temperatures clearing seventy degrees Fahrenheit and the sun beating down it has felt more like mid-May than the vernal equinox. Whatever, regardless, it is definitely my favorite season now and the birds sure seem to know it.

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Fledgling House Sparrow Getting Fed

10,000 Birds

The title of this post pretty much says it all. A couple of weeks ago I watched and photographed a young House Sparrow getting fed by its mother. I also watched, but failed to get pictures of, the same young bird being fed by two different male House Sparrows. These particular birds were in Battery Park at the southern tip of Manhattan, but the same story is taking place all over the world right now, as few species have successfully adapted to as many locations as the House Sparrow.

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Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus

10,000 Birds

Flushing Meadows Corona Park, March 2010 Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus is a much-maligned and persecuted creature. Like cormorants and shags the world over they are hated by fishermen who blame them for decimating fish populations. Their rather unkempt appearance at a distance does not make them a favorite of those who like their birds to be aesthetically pleasing and they look rather goofy when they stand with wings outstretched in the sun to dry.

2010 243
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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We Are Shadows of Tender Fury

10,000 Birds

How can there be peace when the people who cause war still clamor for the perpetuation of our misery? The arrogance that lives in the government palaces and the houses of the lords of land and big business is still screaming for war and death for our race; they won’t tolerate the idea that indigenous blood is equal to white. We seek an entrance into the nation and they refuse us.

2007 242
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Another Effort to Ban Hunting with Lead Bullets

10,000 Birds

You’d think it would be a no-brainer but sadly hunters are resistant to a lead-bullet ban. Over a hundred organizations have again petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to ban lead in hunting – a move opposed by many hunting groups. At issue is that millions of birds each year end up eating the lead and dying. In California, where there is already a ban to protect released California Condors , the Ventana Wildlife Society is giving away non-lead ammunition with the hope that

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White Squirrels of Rochester

10,000 Birds

As a native New Yorker, I’ve seen my share of squirrels. Our standard Sciuridae is the Eastern Gray Squirrel ( Sciuridae carolinensis ) and while most of these rambunctious rodents are indeed gray, they sometimes come in other flavors. The Bronx was beset by hordes of Black Squirrels , melanistic members of this common species. So black squirrels have never been a surprise to me.

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Great Potoo at Pico Bonito

10,000 Birds

Pico Bonito, Honduras, March 2009 On our way to the lovely Lodge at Pico Bonito on the edge of Pico Bonito National Park in northern Honduras, Robert Gallardo, the organizer of the Mesoamerican Birding Festival and the post-festival familiarity trip that I am currently experiencing, let us all know that a Great Potoo ( Nyctibius grandis ) had been roosting along the side of the entrance road.

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The Bird that Runs from Waves

10,000 Birds

If you see shorebirds on a coastal beach in North America they are most likely Sanderlings ( Calidris alba ). If they are running back and forth as the waves ebb and flow they are almost assuredly Sanderlings. They are the “clockwork toy” birds according to Sibley , “The Bird That Plays Tag with the Waves” according to Pete Dunne , and The Shorebird Guide points out that Sanderlings are “probably the most widespread shorebird in the world.” They appear on a

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Owls of Galapagos Islands

10,000 Birds

The most common owls in the world are also in the Galapagos Islands and are considered subspecies that only occur in Galapagos, so one could almost say they are endemic subspecies. The Barn Owl subspecies is the Tyto alba punctatissima and can be found on Isabela, Santa Cruz, Fernandida, Santiago, San Cristobal, Pinta, and maybe also in Floreana. On the main Islands of Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, and Isabela it is found near the garbage dumps where food (rodents) is plentiful.

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Everyday Sunshine

10,000 Birds

Last week Corey wrote about appreciating our local birds before the migrants arrive and it made me reflect on how easily we look past the familiar as we seek out new experiences. I’ve been meaning to start a series addressing the wonders of the common and familiar. Hopefully it can illustrate how the world unfolds before us if we decide to take a little time, look more deeply, more completely.

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Nemesis Draft

10,000 Birds

Ah, nemesis birds. We crave you. We hunt for you. We make up elaborate theories as to why we haven’t seen you. And then, sometimes, we do see you. Take the Golden Eagle. This massive, magnificent raptor is not uncommon ’round these parts, and it is known to frequent roadsides and utility poles. I should have seen it ages ago. But between the fact that I don’t drive and plain cruddy luck, I just hadn’t run into one of these baddest of birds yet.

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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner
