On the Land Grant University Meat Problem
Animal Person
AUGUST 26, 2009
Tags: Activism Current Affairs Economics Ethics.
Animal Person
AUGUST 26, 2009
Tags: Activism Current Affairs Economics Ethics.
Animal Ethics
JANUARY 20, 2008
Ethical vegetarianism is the thesis that killing and eating animals is morally wrong whenever equally nutritious plant-based alternatives are available. The case for ethical vegetarianism starts with several uncontroversial premises. No one disputes that these actions cause the animals an enormous amount of pain and distress.
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Animal Person
JULY 1, 2009
It's off to a promising start and includes a promising end: The HSUS opposes rodeos as they are commonly organized, since they typically cause torment and stress to animals; expose them to pain, injury, or even death; and encourage an insensitivity to and acceptance of the inhumane treatment of animals in the name of sport.
Animal Person
MARCH 17, 2009
The meat industry is inherently destructive and inhumane, there is no way to make it otherwise, and much of the harm it does to ecosystems is by inflicting suffering and death on billions of nonhuman animals, farmed and free-living, each year. Tags: Activism Current Affairs Ethics. Below is a press release about the mailing.
Animal Ethics
FEBRUARY 6, 2007
The dark secret behind factory farm profits—cruel and inhumane animal husbandry—is getting out. Factory farmers treat animals inhumanely for no good reason. Since morally decent individuals oppose treating animals inhumanely for no good reason, factory farming is becoming an increasingly hard sell.
Animal Ethics
JULY 17, 2007
citizens have been struggling to bring an end to the inhumane practice of slaughtering horses for human consumption. For previous posts on the ethical issues surrounding the slaughtering of horses for human consumption, see here , here , and here. For several years, conscientious U.S. Happily, that struggle is finally over.
Animal Ethics
MARCH 30, 2007
Horses destined for inhumane slaughter in the U.S. A detailed exchange concerning the ethics of eating horses, including several posts by me, can be read here. can now breathe a sigh of relief, thanks to a recent ruling in a federal appeals court. A previous post on the "Horse Slaughter Bill" (H.R. is available here.
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