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Why Did The National Audubon Society End Their Contract With Ted Williams?

10,000 Birds

On 14 March, 2013, the Orlando Sentinel published an opinion piece by Ted Williams under the headline “Trap, neuter, return programs make feral-cat problem worse.” He also quoted a biologist pointing out how extreme the TNR people are and gave a few examples. Pretty standard.

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Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer

10,000 Birds

Infected rats, for example, no longer shun cat urine but find it an aphrodiasic. There is evidence that toxoplasma leads, in humans, to an elevated risk of mental illness and depression. The traditional, supposedly humane answer to the glut of feral cats has been institution of “TNR” programs – trap, neuter, return.

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Feral Cats in American Cities

10,000 Birds

. … The ordinance would allow Minneapolis residents to establish cat “colonies” where abandoned and wild cats can be fed but also vaccinated, neutered and identified in an effort to humanely cut their population and control disease. Feeding bans don’t stop cats from “multiplying”; neutering does.