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Staying Out Late

10,000 Birds

Next time you find the light fading and resign yourself to a night sky filled with owls and bats, remember that some diurnal denizens like to stay out late too. Gophers that live near streetlights beware. I’ve often seen Northern Harriers overlap with Short-eared Owls as the night shift swings into action.

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Everyday Sunshine: Get Close

10,000 Birds

An intimate moment at dusk between a Red-tailed Hawk and an expired gopher. For me this counts as getting close to a Great Gray Owl , a bird I’d love to get closer to, but respect enough to leave in peace. Baby Red-shouldered Hawk puts on its game face after falling from the nest. Northern Harrier bristling rictally. Wild Turkey.

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Everyday Sunshine: Great Blue Herons

10,000 Birds

They know the rhythms of gophers. And they cough up pellets just like hawks and owls! They share our world without too much complaint, adapting to our cities and towns when they can. They mimic our styles of dress and mock us through forced perspective. They are good watchers. They know the rhythms of traffic. Goodnight Heron.