Nepal is "Poachers Paradise"
Critter News
NOVEMBER 9, 2009
Ugly stuff happening in Nepal. Tags: wildlife crime Nepal poaching rhino endangered species.
Critter News
NOVEMBER 9, 2009
Ugly stuff happening in Nepal. Tags: wildlife crime Nepal poaching rhino endangered species.
10,000 Birds
OCTOBER 22, 2020
Beside India, Lynx Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of South Asia covers Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Despite depicting 540 species/56 families, it is a lightweight book of 173 pages, easy to pack and carry. Larger species, that is, excluding dolphins and whales.
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10,000 Birds
APRIL 22, 2024
The proximity to the Myanmar border is reflected in the presence of Burmese Shrikes here – on the wrong side of the border, but it is well known that this species has never been particularly good at geography. This photo explains the scientific species name haemacephalus (bloodheaded).
10,000 Birds
FEBRUARY 26, 2024
Sadly, the HBW states that the species is “almost extinct in some areas in China owing to hunting and trapping for the cagebird trade and taxidermy” The Maroon Oriole looks much more interesting, though my photos do not really do it full justice. ” Contribution to the vibrant bird community. when living in suburbia.
Critter News
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
Of the 11, India, China and Nepal ranked highest in the number of tiger part seizures, the report states, with India by far the highest number of Tiger part seizures at 276, representing between 469 and 533 Tigers. Tags: India wildlife trafficking poaching tigers china endangered species.
Critter News
SEPTEMBER 21, 2009
Anyway, India is appealing to its other neighbors which would include Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Tags: India poaching tigers china endangered species.
Critter News
OCTOBER 9, 2010
A coordinated international law enforcement operation has led to the arrest of 25 individuals suspected of taking part in the illicit trade of tigers, one of the world's most endangered species. Tags: wildlife smuggling tigers interpol asia endangered species.
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