This Week in Bird(ing) News: Science, Citizen Science, and Citizen Savagery
10,000 Birds
JUNE 23, 2014
Birding in Israel? Report your sightings to help build an eBird-like database of the country’s avifauna.
10,000 Birds
JUNE 23, 2014
Birding in Israel? Report your sightings to help build an eBird-like database of the country’s avifauna.
10,000 Birds
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
Doug Futuyma believes in science and in the scientific basis of evolution. How Birds Evolve: What Science Reveals about Their Origin, Lives, and Diversity by Douglas J. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a very different kind of book than popular books about bird behavior, which rely on story as much as science.
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10,000 Birds
FEBRUARY 17, 2015
The potpourri covers some interesting bird related science of the last few weeks, and the promise is this: I’ll get to that other stuff soon, I promise! If this was America, we might not be concerned because starlings are an invasive species, at least in North America. . You see, it is all connected.
10,000 Birds
MARCH 15, 2017
It is apparently uncommon across most of its wide range in the shrublands of South America, little noticed and little noted, and sources are pretty thin, as they are for many birds in places like South America. From a three line stub it now has a full article. One mystery was its movements.
10,000 Birds
JULY 3, 2014
The wood stork occurs and breeds in Central and South America. Wood storks primarily breed in Central and South Florida. The wood stork was listed as endangered in 1984, because the Florida population was dropping at an approximate rate of 5 percent per year. However, birds in the U.S.
10,000 Birds
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
By checking my Facebook feed on a daily basis, I had a broad idea about birds arriving into different countries in Central and South America. This is by no means an exact science. I have Facebook friends and belong to multiple bird related Facebook groups throughout South America. Black-throated Blue Warbler.
10,000 Birds
OCTOBER 8, 2020
Guiding aside, Howell is a research associate at the California Academy of Sciences and the author of many books, including Petrels, Albatrosses, and Storm-Petrels of North America (Princeton). Birds of Chile – A Photo Guide has 240 pages and more than 1,000 photos accompanied by a brief text to make bird ID easy.
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