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Birding Sarajevo or the sentimental journey home

10,000 Birds

Having said that, my sentimental journey started without a plan, more by accident, on an AGM of BirdLife Slovenia in Ljubljana in 2005. Deafened by the best rock Yugoslavia ever produced and blinded by the freedoms we enjoyed – paradoxically, without democracy, I couldn’t see it.

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There’s a bear! There’s a bear!

10,000 Birds

And I am inside the southern tip of the western Balkan Dinara-Pindos population range, stretching from Slovenia in the north to Greece in the south, with 2,500 bears. Only the Balkan (700 + 2,500 ind.) and Carpathian populations (8,000 ind.) combined offer a larger range as well as a larger gene pool (source: Euronatur).

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Rwanda Dreaming

10,000 Birds

My mind now wanders off to one of those, to Rwanda – one of the smallest African countries, about the size of Massachusetts or Slovenia (for those familiar with Neotropical birding, it is half the size of Costa Rica), but with 701 bird species. And now you finally know where to travel next.

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