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Photos from the Auto Loop at Brigantine

10,000 Birds

Without further ado here are some of my recent shots from Brigantine… Seaside Sparrow Ammodramus maritimus Osprey Pandion haliaetus Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Common Tern Sterna hirundo Diamondback Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin Double-crested Cormorant (..)

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A River Runs Through It

10,000 Birds

European Pond Terrapins resting on a floating log. The next bird was a White-tailed Eagle mobbed by a Common Buzzard that must have had its nest nearby. The flutes of Golden Orioles could be heard from every other tree crown, but keeping to the very tops, they are hard to spot.

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Turtles of the World: A Guide To Every Family–A Book Review by a Turtle Lover

10,000 Birds

Still, I had no idea that there are more than 350 species of turtles, tortoises, and terrapins currently existing around the world, or that there is a record of extinction of over 700 species. Or that tortoises and terrapins are considered part of the turtle family. Lovich and Whit Gibbons.

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Turtles of Brigantine

10,000 Birds

Finally, the turtle species that I saw more than any other, the one that is in the “Turtle Crossing&# picture above, the Northern Diamondback Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin terrapin. They are known for living in saltmarshes and other brackish habitat and are highly variable in appearance, in addition to being dimorphic.

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Homage to Catalonia

10,000 Birds

On the opposite bank, European pond terrapins are basking in the sun and, behind them, a herd of horses is grazing, preventing the scrub from taking over the grasslands. First stop is the nearby Llobregat Delta reserve, a network of canals and pine forests squeezed in between the airport and industrial plants.

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Catalonian Spring

10,000 Birds

On the opposite bank, European pond terrapins are basking in the sun and, behind them, a herd of horses is grazing, preventing the scrub from taking over the grasslands. First stop is the nearby Llobregat Delta reserve, a network of canals and pine forests squeezed in between the airport and industrial plants.

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24 Hours in Bangkok; Bang Pra

10,000 Birds

One interesting experience here was finding a baby terrapin on the road and picking it up to move it only for peter to call out a Common Iora , one of my two lifer families of the day. So the poor turtle got a bit of a shake around before I released him safely into a ditch.