July, 2013

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Back from the Second Birding Rally Challenge in Northern Peru

10,000 Birds

'I am back home and recovered from the Birding Rally Challenge in Northern Peru (Rally). How do I describe the Rally? Well, I will start by saying I am not new to non-stop birding; some friends and I tried to break the 24-hour record number of birds in Florida (Big day). Think of the Rally as eight consecutive big-day attempts…it was grueling and exciting.

Peru 258
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Beneful Healthy Smile Dog Food Giveaway

4 The Love Of Animals

'We were excited to hear about the new line of dog food and treats from Beneful, and even more excited when they offered to let us try them out ourselves and hold a giveaway for you too. Did you know that dental problems are the most common health issue for US pets? Dental problems affect at least 70 to 80 percent of dogs and cats. That’s a lot!

Dogs 181

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Animal Ethics

'This blog had 1,406 visits during June, which is an average of 46.8 visits per day. A year ago, the average was 62.6.

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Is It So Hard To Understand Why Birders and Wildlife Conservationists Don’t Buy the Duck Stamp?

10,000 Birds

'Ring-necked Duck ( Aythya collaris ) photo by Larry Jordan. The Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act , which went into effect seventy-nine years ago on July 1, 1934, authorized the annual issuance of what is popularly known as the Duck Stamp. In 1976, Congress changed the official name to the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp , presumably to broaden its appeal to non-hunters.

Ducks 252
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Speaker: Gabriel Wagner


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The 300 survivors

10,000 Birds

'There are some seven birds among the 100 most endangered species on the planet on the list of fauna and flora listed as the rarest by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Zoological Society of London – and this morning, I am after one of those! Located in the Kutch District of Gujarat, the Naliya Grassland is the smallest reserve of India, covering only 2 square kilometers (yes – 0.77 sq mi), which contradict the conservation significance of the bird it was founde

India 248
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Lightning Storms and Eagles

10,000 Birds

'This blog was written by Marge Gibson, founder of the Raptor Education Group, Inc. in Antigo, WI. She is a lifelong champion of all birds, and a hero and inspiration to me. Here is one of her stories: It was a dismal, rainy June day when my summer interns started. The previous three nights severe thunderstorms had pounded the region. The phone rang early.

Eagles 246

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Birds In Movies

10,000 Birds

'I don’t think this is anything new but I’ll say it: Birds are rarely depicted accurately in movies. Gasp. I’m not even talking about the usual, “oh that eagle/vulture/every hawk sounds like a Red-tailed Hawk ,” I’m talking about watching a film set in Minnesota and hearing a Tawny Owl , watching something set in Africa or South American and hearing a Kookaburra or watching a bunch of cowboys around a fire in the desert and hearing the lonely wail of a Common

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I and the Bird: What is an Ibis?

10,000 Birds

'You may not realize it when you look at those bizarre looking waders with the massive bills and the vacant expression, but you’re looking at a group of birds that has inspired humankind for literal centuries. There are only a few birds for whom their names have changed little since the dawn of the written alphabet itself, but ibis, named by the Greeks a few thousand years before, is one of them.

Birds 224
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Birding the Gilpin Trace, Main Ridge Forest Reserve, Tobago

10,000 Birds

'When was the last time you birded in the oldest forest preserve in the western hemisphere? If you have never been to the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve on the island paradise that is Tobago, the answer is never. Since 1776 it has been protected land and the biodiversity there speaks volumes to what nearly 250 years of conservation can do. But I think that UNESCO explains things better than I can : The Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve is on record as the oldest legally protected forest reserve

Trinidad 200
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Cory’s Shearwater Uses Mental Map of Pelagic Odor

10,000 Birds

'I teach human evolution, and at some point I use a chart showing reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, which in turn relates to how we date some ancient sites. At some point, perhaps in the middle of class, perhaps after class, perhaps in an email I receive later, this question gets asked: “How do migratory birds not get lost when the Earth’s magnetic field reverses?

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PDF 9.21.23

this is a test

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The Lonely Dodo: A Cautionary Tale

10,000 Birds

'Haranguing people to care about wildlife and conservation is all well and good, but often such preaching falls on deaf ears. It can be hard for the average joe to understand why preserving exotic species in far-flung places is so important. Enter the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust , and The Lonely Dodo. The trust uses education, fieldwork, and a zoo in the Channel Islands to further its goal of saving threatened species from distinction.

Branding 198
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Introducing Bluebird Man

10,000 Birds

'Neil Paprocki is a Raptor Biology Master’s student at Boise State University as well as the Scientific Director for Wild Lens Inc. , a 501(c)3 non-profit video production company focused on addressing wildlife conservation issues. Wild Lens is currently producing a half-hour film about one man’s role in the successful recovery of North America’s bluebirds.

Idaho 197
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The Warbler Duo of Florida’s Mangroves

10,000 Birds

'I always like to see the look of surprise on a visiting birder’s face when I tell them that the Prairie Warblers and Yellow Warblers in southern Florida are restricted to mangrove habitats. Although both species are widespread in North America as breeders in shrubby edge habitats, that is not the case in the southern half of the sunshine state (the more northerly race of Prairie Warbler is an uncommon breeder in the panhandle).

Florida 194
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The Eagle Has Landed

10,000 Birds

'“You’ve gotta help me,” said my rehabber friend Lisa Acton. “There’s a guy in Ossining and he swears he has two baby eagles in his back yard. I told him they’re probably not eagles, but he says they’re definitely eagles. He said they were so hungry they ate ham and fruit off a plate.”. “They what?” I said, alarmed. “He said they were screaming for food and following him around the yard, so he gave them ham and fruit on a plate.”.

Eagles 193
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CST Sample_VideoTour

Navigated 360° tours, like YourVRTours, advance pipelines by engaging clients further along the sales funnel. These immersive experiences provide comprehensive property insights, increasing buyer intent and readiness. By embracing navigated tours, agents can optimize property exposure, better qualify leads, and streamline the sales process. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate landscape with innovative technology that elevates buyer journeys and progresses pipelines more effectively.

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California Peregrines Victims of Their Own Success?

10,000 Birds

'This Peregrine close-up courtesy of Larry Jordan. In a move that’s sure to stir controversy far beyond the borders of California, federal officials have announced that h enceforth, fledgling Peregrine Falcons won’t be relocated from nests built on bridges in the state. The move, which seems limited to just California, is meant to protect endangered shorebirds which have become favorite meals of the raptors.

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Sad End for Vagrant Swift, Happy Ending for Wrong-Way Pigeon

10,000 Birds

'Photo by Steve Duffield/ The Telegraph. Whither the wayward bird? Birders often delight in chasing rarities that suddenly appear hundreds or thousands of miles from where they should be. But sometimes, the bird would have been better off staying home. Take the case of the White-throated Needletail which recently popped up on the Isle of Harris in Scotland.

Stud 186
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Midsummer’s Bird and Some Thoughts on Naming

10,000 Birds

'The Yellow Warbler is the first warbler I ever saw, and the most recent. It’s among a handful of species — American Robin, Black-capped Chickadee , the unholy trinity of House Sparrow – Rock Pigeon – European Starling , a few others — that have been everywhere I’ve ever lived. I’ve seen Yellow Warblers in the low shrubs of Western New York pastures, the river valleys of Missoula, and the trees of abandoned industrial sites in New York City.

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Ringing in the new breeding season

10,000 Birds

'The Scots have left many legacies in the Arctic, from bannock to square dancing to accordians and jigging to a healthy contribution to the region’s DNA thanks to Whalers and Hudson’s Bay Co. men. As it turns out we can add their birds to that list. Conventional thinking for my region of the Arctic, the north end of Baffin Island is that the Red Knots that nest here come from the North (and South) American race of Calidris canutus, the rufa race.

Breeding 183
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Gabriel PDF Webinar

Speaker: Gabriel Wagner Presenter

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The Western Tanager Ranges Farther North Than Any Other Tanager

10,000 Birds

'The male Western Tanager ( Piranga ludoviciana ) is unmistakable. He is the only tanager with strong wing bars, the anterior wing bar (median coverts) being bright yellow. Click on photos for full sized images. The female, this one spotted in my yard last September during fall migration, is a bit tougher to identify. She has kind of an olive-grayish back and scapulars with a greenish-yellow nape and rump.

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The mousebird mystery

10,000 Birds

'Mousebirds (order Coliiformes) are one of the perennial puzzles in bird systematics. They do not look or act much like any other birds (my photo above shows a Speckled Mousebird , Colius striatus , in Nairobi, Kenya). Mousebirds are social fruit-eaters that dangle precariously at odd angles in tight clumps, feet spread wide and long tails often splayed.

Kenya 177
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Black-throated Sparrow at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

10,000 Birds

'On my western sojourn back in June we made a half-day visit to the absolutely gorgeous Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas. Because we had four children with us we chose to do the thirteen-mile loop road, stopping several times to take in the views and once, at the Willow Springs Picnic Area, to take a short hike through the desert.

Las Vegas 177
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Best Bird of the Weekend (Second of July 2013)

10,000 Birds

'Birding and wildlife watching can be, as we all know, a solitary activity. And our practices, though familiar to anyone in our phenologically-attuned culture, can seem strange, sometimes even threatening, to the uninitiated. We receive ample, often poignant reminders of what tragedy can befall those who travel alone among those who don’t recognize their ways or understand their motives.

2013 174
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Webinar 5.9.22

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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The Hummingbird that Answered My Heart’s Calling by Noelle M. Meade-Izzi

10,000 Birds

'From Owls in the Family to Wesley the Owl , the narrative in which a human interacts with another species and learns a bit about life along the way has long been a popular and affecting one. Even many of our clumsy and destructive attitudes towards our fellow creatures — the horrors of early zoos and circuses, the irresponsible feeding of stray cats, the impulse to grab up fledglings who are just trying to get their air-legs under them after leaving the nest and ‘help’ them &#

Stray Cat 172
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Great Bowerbirds bowers

10,000 Birds

'One of the most intriguing birds around Broome is the Great Bowerbird. We often see them flying from place to place collecting items for their bowers and they are rather clever at imitating other birds vocal sounds. When they are not imitating they tend to make a screech sound, which is rather rasping and does not sound particularly birdlike. They visit our garden for water, but we have not noticed them removing anything for their bowers.

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Where Are You Birding This Third Weekend of July 2013?

10,000 Birds

'When the birds of summer grow stale, a birder’s fancy turns to leps and odes. If you don’t know what those terms mean, think about the most colorful and fascinating flying creatures that aren’t birds. Summer is sweet for dragonflies, butterflies, and moths, the last of which deserve your attention over the next seven or so days. After all, this is National Moth Week 2013!

2013 170
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Birding Calchaqui Valleys in Northern Argentina

10,000 Birds

'Continued from Birding Mendoza and Tafi del Valle Argentina. The special attraction in the Calchaqui valleys are the outstanding sceneries created by color contrasting mountains, deserts, and clear blue skies. These beautiful valleys and mountains have their own ancestral rich history, special micro climates that produce rich wines, and recent tourist hotspots hidden in the peaceful mountains along with some special birds.

Argentina 170
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Studying Storm-Petrels (or how I learned to stop worrying and love molt)

10,000 Birds

'Like all birders who would call themselves “experienced”, I have to occasionally pretend like I know what’s going on with molt. And I’m not necessarily talking about the increasing ratty looking birds you see just about everywhere these days that can be difficult to identify in their summer slovenliness, but the sort of intimidating prospect of having to rely on molt to actually identify birds.

Breeding 169
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10,000 Birds

'It has been, by many aspects, a strange summer for me. Especially the bird breeding season, which passes by at the blink of an eye. It hasn’t been a summer to remember. To start off I was away for a couple of weeks. Usually the summers here are so short, so special, that I’m loath to miss any of it. But I took an opportunity to go down to Manitoba with Travis to see my family.

Abandon 169
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The Blackbird that is a Meadowlark – Red-breasted Blackbird in Trinidad

10,000 Birds

'Blackbirds are blackbirds. Meadowlarks are meadowlarks. In the new world all meadowlarks and blackbirds, along with grackles, cowbirds, orioles, oropendulas, and some others, are members of the family Icteridae , the New World Blackbirds. And while the birds that we in the western hemisphere refer to as blackbirds in their common names are from several different genera it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that if a bird is in the same genus as the North American meadowlarks that it would

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Where Are You Birding This Final Weekend of July 2013?

10,000 Birds

'Niagara Falls… where water blends into sky. Summer weekends cry out for adventure. Are you seizing the day or shrinking from the moment? I’m embarking on a new adventure this weekend, one that I approach with equal amounts of trepidation and despair. I’ve willingly chosen to bring three kids to an open air Big Time Rush concert. May the gods have mercy on my soul!

2013 166
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Webinar & PDF Test 2

Speaker: Steve Romanco

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