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Research Animals Rescued from North Carolina Lab

Critter News

An enormous victory was achieved for animals this week when nearly 200 dogs and 54 cats were rescued from a North Carolina animal testing facility that closed its doors after an undercover investigation revealed apparent abuse of the animals by workers at the facility. Their investigations produce results.

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Animal Researchers Promote Sob Stories

Critter News

I don't support animal research and I have no sympathy for animal researchers. I don't believe they want an honest dialogue about what they are doing to animals. I don't believe they are "brave" for "standing up" to animal rights activists. She is a data tech for a clinical testing company (for profit by the way.)

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Are We Much Better than Michael Vick?

Critter News

Hunters shoot down animals in cold blood for mere sport. In university labs nationwide, scientists inflict spinal-cord injuries on dogs and cats, inject rats with carcinogens, test dangerous drugs on monkeys, and do all kinds of evil things to guinea pigs in the name of scientific research. Sorry, hurting any living thing is wrong.