UK Science Minister Says Public More Accepting of Animal Testing
Critter News
MARCH 23, 2010
According to this interview, he credits animal rights extremists for fueling the public backlash against animal protection. Discouraging article.
Critter News
MARCH 23, 2010
According to this interview, he credits animal rights extremists for fueling the public backlash against animal protection. Discouraging article.
Critter News
JULY 12, 2009
Less than one year ago, Puerto Rico enacted a landmark animal protection law, based in part on a set of model laws drafted by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. states and jurisdictions with regards to the strength of their laws protecting animals. The sweeping set of reforms provided for in Act 154 (P S.
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Critter News
NOVEMBER 7, 2009
In Bergman's study, according to Discovery News, 18 to 28 squirrel monkeys would be subjected to radiation and periodically tested to gauge how exposure affects performance in a variety of learned tasks. To be honest, I like science fiction and find the universe fascinating, but I do not support NASA funding. We are nowhere near that.
10,000 Birds
MARCH 18, 2011
The long-term objectives of the project are varied but include the monitoring and observation of macaw nest sites, developing and testing nest boxes, recording the varied patterns of clay lick use by large macaws and parrots and better understanding the impact of tourism to this world famous clay lick.
10,000 Birds
JANUARY 7, 2020
The authors’ detailed delineation of problems with the accuracy of NYC breeding bird surveys or with the limits of historical writings may test a reader’s patience. The recommendations will sound familiar to any birder or naturalist who wants to protect and improve her local patch: Immediately shut down cat feeding stations.
Animal Ethics
NOVEMBER 24, 2009
How far do we go in protecting them? Cows, domestic sheep, chickens and many others would not survive if they were not raised for human consumption, protected from malnutrition, disease and predators. It is hard to imagine where a line can be drawn. Lawrence S. Lerner Woodside, Calif.,
Animal Ethics
OCTOBER 6, 2009
It also offers an equally harsh negative judgment of the federal authorities whose mandate is to protect the integrity of the public’s food supply chain but who have chosen to interpret this responsibility so lightly as to let such claims stand while ignoring repeated offenses by the industry. 4): Your article about E.
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