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Manky Muscovy Ducks

10,000 Birds

home about advertise archives birds conservation contact galleries links reviews subscribe Browse: Home / Birds / Manky Muscovy Ducks Manky Muscovy Ducks By Mike • March 2, 2011 • 6 comments Tweet Share The Muscovy Duck ( Cairina moschata ) attracts more attention than most ducks, at least in North America.

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Licking Clay: the Macaws of Tambopata, Peru

10,000 Birds

Found throughout South America in ever-dwindling numbers these extremely beautiful birds – threatened by habitat destruction and collection for the wild bird trade – are often difficult to see and hard to find. These threats are further exacerbated by the naturally low reproductive rates of these cavity-nesting birds.

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Birding in Honduras, Part II: Pico Bonito Lodge

10,000 Birds

Cuery y Salado Preserve protects a coastal mangrove system full of wildlife from monkeys to trogons. Originally founded in 1925 to test the adaptability and marketability of the plantain, it also protects 1,281 hectacres of tropical lowland forest rich in birds such as Rufous-tailed Jacamar and Pale-billed Woodpecker.

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